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Celtic Football Facts


Season 2001

Celtic Songs

Hun Jokes

Henrik Larsson

Neil Lennon

First Team


Celtic Football Club

Celtic Football Club was founded in 1888.

The Biggest attendance at Parkhead was 92,000 when they played Rangers in 1983, Celtics biggest Victory was against Dundee scoring a whopping 11 goals in 1895. Their biggest defeat was in 1937 against Motherwell when they were beaten 8 nil. Paul McStay had the most league appearances sitting at 499 games.

Previous Managers Willie Maley 1897-1940 Jimmy McStay 1940-45 Jimmy McGrory 1945-65 Jock Stein CBE 1965-78 Billy McNeill MBE 1978-83 David Hay 1983-87 Billy McNeill MBE 1987-91 Liam Brady 1991-93 Lou Macari 1993-94 Tommy Burns 1994-97 Jock Brown (General Manager) 1997-98; Wim Jansen 1997-98 Jozef Venglos 1998-99 John Barnes 1999-2000 Martin O'Neill 2000-Present

TELEPHONE NUMBERS CELTIC SHOPS: Celtic Superstore Dundas Street High Street OTHER Mail Order Hotline Commercial Dept. General Ticket Office Credit Card Hotline PR Dept. 0141 554 4231 0141 332 2727 0141 552 7630 0141 550 1888 0141 551 4263 0141 551 8653 0141 551 8653/8654 0141 551 4276