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The Infamous Glasgow Rangers If the Glasgow Rangers ever win the Coronation Cup - they will be the 2nd Scottish club ever to do so. If they ever beat their deadliest rivals 7-1 in a major domestic cup final - they will be the 2nd Scottish club ever to do so. If they ever reach the European Cup Semi-Final 4 times - they will be the 2nd Scottish club ever to do so. If they ever win every competition they enter in one season - they will be the 2nd Scottish club ever to do so. If they ever reach the European Cup Final - - they will be the 2nd Scottish club ever to do so. If they ever reach the European Cup Final with eleven home bred Scots - they will be the 2nd Scottish club ever to do so. If they ever reach the European Cup Final twice - they will be the 2nd Scottish club ever to do so. If they ever WIN the European Cup - they will be the 2nd Scottish club ever to do so. Having won 9-in-a-row - it must be a great feeling to know that for the NINTH TIME IN A ROW - you are And always will be 2nd

A van driver used to amuse himself by scaring the shit out of every Glasgow Rangers fan he saw strutting down the road in his blue and white uniform. He would swerve as if to hit them, and at the last minute, swerve back onto the road. One day as he was driving along the road, he saw a priest hitch-hiking. He thought he would do his good deed for the day and offer the priest a lift. "Where are you going, Father?" he asked. "I'm going to say Mass at St Joseph's church, about 2 miles down the road," came the reply. "No problem," said the driver, "Jump in and I'll give you a lift." The happy priest climbed into the van and they set off down the road. Suddenly the driver caught site of a Hun on the pavement, and instinctively swerved as if to hit him, but just in time, remembering the priest in his van, swerved back to the road again, narrowly missing the cunt. Although he was certain that he didn't hit him, however, he still heard a loud "Thud". Not understanding where the noise came from, he glanced in his mirrors, and, seeing nothing, said to the priest, "Sorry Father, I almost hit that Rangers Supporter walking down the road there." "That's okay," replied the priest, "I got the fucker with the door!"

A Celtic fan, Rangers fan and a Falkirk fan are lost in the woods together and spot a farm . The three of them approach the farm and knock on the door. A man answers. " Do you have a room for the night? ", asks the Falkirk fan . " Yes, I do but one of you will have to sleep with the pigs". "Fine I will sleep with pigs", replies the Celtic fan. At 2:00 o'clock in the morning the Celtic fan appears at the door, "It is too smelly down there", says the Celtic fan. "Fine then I will sleep with the pigs ", says the Falkirk fan. At 3:00 o'clock in the morning the Falkirk fan says " It's too smelly down there". "Fine then I will go sleep with the pigs" says the Rangers fan . At 4:00 o'clock in the morning the pig appears at the door and says "It's too smelly down there ".