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Girly Bits!!!





Miss Sixty

Girly Sites on the Net


These are afew more girly clothes shops on the Internet that I have found. W1GIRL always features in More and Bliss Magazine.

Good tip for you is to log on to shampoo websites/make up/ toiletery sites and get some free sachets, for just adding your details you get free stuff of that product and continuously get sent trial samples.

Let me know if you come across any other fashion sites, afew other small time designers I quite like are Lipsy, Jane Norman, Hooch, Miss Sixty and Passion.... All these designers arent that successful yet and their range si still small but DIFFERENT.

I am at present trying to find a website/information on the designer called Paul (dunno his last name) he is best friends with Helen from Big Bro 2 and designed her eviction dress. If any1 knows of his website pls let me know!!