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T in the Park 2001
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The Proclaimers

Yes it was 2pm and we were off to see the Proclaimers - One of the bands I really wanted to see. Me and Lindsey pushed our way to the front and it was probably the best atmosphere in that tent out of the whole weekend! I took loads of pics (my dumbass camera never rewound so none of the pics came out) but I cant tell you how squashed I was when "Letter from America" or "500 Miles" came on! Honestly I had prints of the railings on my body! The security gaurds get throwing water in our faces and the heat was unbearable but it was totally worth it! Their performance was excellent I hope they are there next year!

Wheatus -We Never Saw Em (But seen them on TV Highlights)

This is all I am going to say about Wheatus!!! - "T in the Park............. Lets Hear it for Wheatus!!!!" Yes if anyone saw the highlights of T in the Park they were greated by this screaming drunken weegie who managed to get on stage and grab the microphone and in a typical Weegie mannor shouted "TinthePark". This is very common at T in the Park, the whole weekend you see Weegies going about shouting this - Its like hello we are here we know where we are! Anyway this girl really bugs me but I do a Great Impression of me. - "Next year pal, find a shit band to grab the microphone off of, you spoiled the performance"