4 T in the Park
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Unclear Pictures - T in the Park Tips
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Kevin Ross and Stephen McDonald

Sorry these pictures arent scanned properly/aren't clear enough. Blame McNamee as she was the one who scanned them and she is so thick she doesnt know what the sharpness tool does!!! Anyway we were T in the Park Virgins, so we packed just about EVERYTHING, here is a list of things you MUST take:- BIN LINERS (And A whole roll of them - I took a lousy 2 and used them on the first day!and was wet all weekend), Plenty of Socks (The Ground gets wet nothing more worse than wet feet), Sleeping Bag, Tent (and if u can take a cheepo tiny tent to store ur bags/dirty shoes in i reccomend it), Alcohol (They dont sell any in campsite), Bog Roll (Plenty of it), Empty Water Bottle, Juice/Food, Though there is plenty of burger Vans etc. Hairbrush/Baseball Cap to hide any greasy hair, afew changes of clothing! (JEANS are BAD when its raining takes too long to DRY) Waterproof Jacket! (it can rain), 2 pairs of Trainers, 1 pair to keep clean the other to get dirty, Shorts/Sun Cream (It can be hot)

Me and Karen

Wet Wipes are an ESSENTIAL, there is no showers in the Campsite, but wet wipes make you feel clean and refreshed, Deodrant/Body Spray is a MUST, toothpaste too, Other than that if you are a female remember HAIRBRUSH, HAIR BOBBLES, MIRROR AND MAKE UP (Only wear make up if you intend on washing it off though each day)! Afew things I reccomend doing is if you come via Coach make sure you know where the coach will be on the Sunday Night/Morning. Also Bring a Fair Amount of Spending Money they charge £2 for a pint (and it tastes of bollocks), £2 a can of irn bru/coke etc (it can vary tho), £2 for about 10 chips - NO JOKE, £2-£3 For burgers/hot dogs! (Also take a light bag to carry toilet paper/wet wipes/camera into the event, and dont pay £12 quid for a blow up chair (I did and 2min later a weegie thought it would be funny to go along the whole line of blow up chairs and put her fag to them - how funny she was - not)