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Name: Equino

Species: Anthro-Horse

Role: Stable defender, and stable Artist

Member: Mystic Stables.

Muck: Tapestries

Contact Info:

    Aim name = oxCaptAmericaxo

                                ICQ # = 216793863

                                Name on Muck: Equino


                               State: Ky

                               Age 18

hey guys, if you like what you see, give me an email (whoa did i just sound like a call girl or what?) ok, i mean if you like the artwork and would like to make a request please let me know. I first picked up my Pencil to draw Furry artwork in late Aug. of 2002, and have been improving since then. my very first furry picture was that of Equino. (the one you see up there...)  welp drop me a line if you wish or a page #mail if your on taps. Remember guys im super-fun =) later!