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Attention writers of both VCA fanfiction
and VCAish fiction:
We are all familiar with what can only be called
the Foxworth Curse and it's repercussions.

But where....

and why...

and how...

and by whom did this curse originate?

Was it with Olivia?


His mother Corinne?


Or could it be...

might it have been...

could it possibly be...

maybe you must travel farther back in the Foxworth legacy to see...?

Was the bearer of antique scribbles on attic desks the first of the...


Was it farther back still?

Maybe with the erection of Foxworth Hall?

Or could it...


it couldn't have...

originated with the ancestry found in the Lost Colony ...

....could it?

Is it possible the need...

or want...

of love...

or the enchantment of beauty...

could ignite such contamination?

Was it born of lust?

...or greed?

Did it spawn out of negligence?

Betrayal of innocence?

Or was it simply cruelty?

You decide. Bart Jr is researching his family ancestry and needs to discover the origins of this curse that led his family into the hands of temptation time and again.




Please direct questions, comments, submissions and the like to Mutt at

MUCH thanks to Terri for her aid in the contest plot :)

As well as Jita for his offer to provide the prizes ;)

days 'til the deadline!

Winner will be announced on November 7, 2002

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