Monday, June 2, 2003

Ok. I was at my dad's all weekend so I couldn't update at all. I could've but I was playing the Sims or Emily was or we weren't home. Anyways, Friday I went to Jonathon's graduation. Matthew and Michael were there. They sat four or five rows behind us. We were at the very front...well, like three rows from the very front. And my sister saw my yearbook. She saw Michael's picture but didn't see the name and she goes "Oh, he's cute." Then she flattened the book so she could see the people that were in the crease (the part of the book were the pages connect or whatever)(Matthew's picture was in the crease). Then she goes "Ooooh." Cuz my mom told her about them. And I went through my yearbook and found out that out of the 11 pictures of Michael there are 9 without any facial expression. Then, in 5 of the 10 pictures of Matthew, he looks evil or satanic and in one of the 5 good pictures he looks too happy and the rest he has either no facial expression or very little. But it's ok... They look cute like that (with out facial expression or satanic looking). Lol. Anyways, Michael walked up to the front of the room so he could get a picture of John (their older brother who graduated). And Angel was sitting right on the end and they were standing right in front of her and then I asked her if she saw them and she's like "No" and I told her what they were wearing and everything and she goes "Oh. Yea, I saw them." And Emily, Kathy (Emily's mom), and I got out of the place before everyone else from my family (except my dad, he left before it was over so he could get a picture of Jonathon as he was exiting the building). And me and Emily waited by the door and Matthew and Michael were standing right in front of us. So they look at me and I go "We got lost." and Matt said "I'm not surprised." "Yea. We lost our family." then he said "Oh, I see." and turned around and pointed to my dad and goes "Your dad's over there" and I look through the glass door and see his dad walking our and go "Yea. And your family's right there. Well, part of your family... Just your dad." and he goes "I know". Then he went with his dad and Emily and I went to go find my dad. It was funny. This is the first time Emily's seen them close and the first time she's heard them talk. Lol. She must feel special. Lol. But I'm gonna be working on a few minor things for the site over the week. So I'll talk more later.

Thursday, May 29, 2003

I just got home from my brother Jonathon's Baccalaureate Mass. My friend, Amanda, got to go with me. I had to sit by my dad and her. And Matthew and Micheal were there, they sat on the pew across from us. We were on opposite ends so they were way away from us. But, during the mass, they kept staring at me and after the homily, they started waving to me. So I waved back and then I told Amanda to wave, but she didn't. And all throughout mass, they kept trying to figure out who was sitting next to me, because they couldn't see her face. Then they told me I had to make my brother go to Farell Hall... but Jonathon already made plans to go places with his friends. And they made fun of me and Amanda cuz we still have school and they graduated so they don't have school... until next year.

This year has been the best year, yet, at the same time, the worst. I had the most fun and did more more things with my friends. Amanda and I became closer friends. I had the best times with Matthew and Michael, despite the fact I barely even talked to them. I will miss them more than ever next year. And, Matthew was right, I will miss Jonathon. I will miss him and I will miss every moment I've spent with all my friends. Every wrestling meet, every little joke, everything. I will miss my friends a whole lot over summer. I don't know how I'll make it through next year if I don't have Amanda right by my side. She has stayed with me throughtout the whole year. This year I have discovered true friendship and to always be TRUE to myself. I know all this might sound very corny, but I needed to get it all out. I can't wait until tomorrow. I can't wait until I'm outta school. I can't wait until I graduate. I can't wait to see all my friends again. I now know how hard it is to say goodbye to someone. I know I'll see them again. But I never wanna forget them. I never wanna forget all those times we've shared together. I just want to say this last thing real quick. I trully will miss each and everyone of you guys. You know who you are, and never let me forget this year.

Monday, May 26, 2003

Ok. I'm back. Last night, I stayed up til 2:30 AM making a new layout.... Now you guys better like your layout. Lol. Anyways, I need to update some things. I'm gonna work on a celebrity page, and fix up the pics that aren't working for the top ten hottest women. Jon was suppose to work on that, but he's been putting it off.

Sunday, May 25, 2003

Why, hello again. I was gonna make a new layout but I kinda got sidetracked and didn't have time. I should have time to work on the site after this week. I will be out of school for Summer and won't have really anything to do over the summer but swim and go to my softball games. I'll have plenty of free time to work on my site. Anyways, my newest listening material, "Rape Me" by Nirvana. Great song.... makes me laugh like horny man. Lol. Anyways. Nothing real exciting happening to me... Although, last Wednesday, Jenny did tell Michael I thought he was "Hott and Sexxy"... Which I don't think that and that's not even the reason I like them. I'm not saying that they are butt ugly...concidering ten girls I know of like them...I'm just saying that I don't think they are "hott and sexxy", I think they are cute... and I know this sounds really corny, but they are also nice when they aren't pushing me and calling me stupid. (I was gonna say "sweet" but I thought that would be a little too corny.) But on Thursday, Michael called me "Stupid" and he pushed me! So that pretty much got cleared over... I think. And Friday was the eighth grade dinner dance.. didn't go... And the eighth grade homerooms had a kickball game against eachother. The 8-1s won (Matthew's team). And when they were going back to class I heard the first foul language ever from Michael. He said "ass". Lol. He probably cusses all the time but this is the first time I've ever heard him cuss. Anyways, this is what I have planned for this week: Monday, no school, go swimming (hopefully); Tuesday, school.... no clue what's going on; Wednesday, get out at 12 something, first hour or so of school is award ceremony, then the eighth graders leave for graduation practice, then the seventh graders (me) do something unknown to pretty much all of us (meaning me), then I have a softball game that night; Thursday, school without eighth graders, we do stuff then have a cookout for the last half of school, then I have another softball game that night; Friday, have the end of the year mass, then go home for SUMMER! That's my exciting week. I could wait forever for school to get out, just as long as I got to stay with the eighth graders for obvious reasons to most people. Lol. My mom is taking me on Vacation this year. We don't know where we are going. Last year, we went to St. Louis. Last year, I went to St. Louis with both my mom and my dad... at two different times. But with my dad, we only spent like 7 hours there; With my mom, we spent 7 days there. I don't really have anything else to say about my boring life. So, I'll try to update tomorrow. Talk to my public later.

Saturday, May 10, 2003

Yo. I've been busy with posting on this Dixie Chicks message board. This week hasn't been too exciting. Monday nothing really happened, Tuesday nothing really happened. Although Ethan brought his kittens to school. Then Wednesday was pretty boring, too. Thursday was probably the most exciting day this week. I got to switch elective so now I'm in art with Amanda and Matt. It was fun, too. Yesterday we got to go outside and draw on the ground with chalk. It was so much fun, and both Michael and Matt were outside drawing so I got to see/talk to them. Lot's of fun... Friday wasn't all that exciting. The only really funny thing was Mrs. Spindel said something about my baby (meaning my neice) and Jake (he sits next to me) goes "You have a baby?!?!?" So I gave him this dirty look and Mrs. Spindel told him to use his head. That was funny. I'm obsessed with Morris Day and the Motha' Fucking Time. Lol. I've been listening to a bunch of songs by them. My jungle love.

Friday, May 2, 2003

Hi. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Yesterday I went to Springfield with the rest of seventh grade while the eighth grade went toChicago. I only saw Matt and Michael once yesterday. Lara pulled Michael's bookbag as he was walking by her and she blamed it on Jenny and then he said that Jenny was the one who did it. And on Wednesday during mass, Michael was staring at me. Then before lunch, Matt tried to push me down the stairs twice, then I was trying to push him, but Amanda wouldn't let me, she was standing right behind me and Matt was hiding behind her. So Amanda was making me slide down the stairs. Then he kept calling me Little G---. So Amanda goes "She's not little." Then he goes "Yea, she is." Then Amanda says "She's taller than you." Then he goes "No she isn't." And I'm like "Yes, I am." So I stood by him and, well, I think he's grown because now he's either almost as tall as me or as tall as me or slightly taller. But then we went into the gym and I had to go get my milk and Amanda asked me to get hers, so I got in line and then Matt tried cutting me and he was pushing me abd stuff he got his milk before I could get mine and Amanda's, but I got checked off before him. Then, Before Social Studies he pushed as he was coming into my room and as I was walking out. So, naturally, I went to go push him back. So I was chasing him around the class for like three minutes. Then I finally gave up and went to class, but before I got there, Michael L. pointed out how I had the same key ring thingie as Matt. And Matt said that his was better. Lol. And on Tuesday he pushed me in the hall and went running through the computer room. And nothing really happened on Monday. But I'm mad at Emily. I've been mad at her since Saturday and I'm still mad at her. And I have to go to her house this weekend, so its not gonna be pretty.

Friday, April 18, 2003

Hello again. I've added the 'WWW' page. It is quite nifty. I have to go through and edit some things. But otherwise everything is nifty. My brother is almost done with the floor (we are de-carpeting the floor).

Thursday, April 17, 2003

Yo. I'm so bored. My friend Amanda was suppose to keep me company, but her mom wouldn't let her stay the night. This was my last day of school. Now I have Spring Break. Yay!!! But then again not yay. Cuz now I can't see my buddies. Hopefully Amander can spend the night tomorrow. This is the third weekend in a row she hasn't been able to spend the night. I got hit in the head with a softball today. It was quite exhillerating. Last night my mom bought me a new pair of school pants and two new school shirts and a swimsuit. I like my swimsuit. It's cool. I was sexually harassed Monday. Ok, Matt he pushed me so I chased him through the classroom into the library and then back into the hall. And my teacher was standing right outside the door so she yelled at me for running. Then Matt went to turn around and point at me and laugh but as he was turning his finger went too far and touched my boob. It was sorta funny to see his face but then again scurry. Anyways. I'm so bored. Wow. There is nothing to talk about. Everyone was trying to hurt me today. At recess Lindsey and Lara were trying to poke me with these sharp hurty things that fell off some trees. I went to go hide by Mr. Ryan but he didn't help at all. LOL. He's funny. Anyways. I'm listening to Get Busy by Sean Paul. It's the most awesomest song ever. "It's all good, just turn me on to the early morn'. Let's get it on to the early morn'. Girl its all good just Turn Me On. Sexy ladies wan' party with us." Oh, I still don't have the pictures up yet. It's 10:20. Omg. I'm so bored. This week was wierd at school. Anyways, I have nothing better to do then type.

Sunday, April 13, 2003

Wut up, Home Dawg? Yeah... Lol. Inside joke. Anywayz. I'm so bored. I had to buy new school pants today cuz Thursday I ripped my last pair while falling down. I got this huge cut on my knee and so there is this huge hole in the knee of my pants. Lol. Wow. My sister had her baby March 18. It's a girl named Samantha Irene. Emily is my bestest friend ever. I need something to report. Christina Aguilera looks so freaky in her Fighter video. My brother is talking bout me. O well. I've been called many things in my life, but never fiesty until Matt told my brother that I was fiesty at school. It was funny. But anyways, hopefully the pics will be up some time today.

Saturday, April 12, 2003

Yo. This is Stephanie. I just made a new layout. Hope ya like it. Anywayz. I just got a new web cam (actually my dad did), so I have some pics of me. They won't be up for a while (well, they aren't right now, but they might be by the time you read this). I'm sad cuz my friend Jamie has moved to Texas. Now I won't be able to see her (except on the web cam). You might think I'm crazy, but I don't want Spring Break. It starts next Friday. But I won't be able to see any of my friends (two in particular), unless they come over. Oh yea, we had our talent show. It was so funny. My dad recorded it. I have mad camera skills, but he has BAD camera skills. My camera skills obviously aren't inherited. Lol (laugh out loud). My brother is pulling up the carpet in the living room (Thank God). It was this hideous shade of green, like a pea green, now its a wood floor. Omg. We have done so much remodeling. We are stripping the wood trim in the Living Room and we re-arranged the furniture and now we are taking up the carpet. But the house looks nice...except for the fact that we have rolled up carpet on the porch. Lol. Omg. I am so bored. Well, I g2g (gotta go). Bye bye.

Wednesday, March 12, 2003

Ha. Michael got a detention today for a food fight. It was so funny cuz I guess the phone was ringing and he heard it so he got it cuz it was on the stage. Then he left the gym and Mrs. Anderson came in and Caleb told on Ryan. Noah, and Caleb (dif Caleb). Then Michael came in the gym and acted all innocent. But Ryan told on him so now he has cleanup for the rest of the year and a detention. It was so funny. They were throwing apples and oranges and they all exploded it was hilarious. I went to Matt and Michael's Regionals and Sectionals but I don't think I'm going to Michael's State cuz Matt didn't male it and he's the one asking me to go. I had to stay after school to learn a dance.

Wednesday, March 5, 2003

Hi, ya'll. I'm so very bored. Sorry 'bout not posting or updating for a while, but I've been grounded since February 11. And my computer hasn't been letting me upload i probably won't have a new layout for a while but i can live with out. NE wayz.... Last weekend I went to Matthew and Michael's regionals. Matthew got 2nd and Michael got 3rd. Hopefully this weekend I can go to their Sectionals. Jon doesn't know how to get we might not be able to go. But Jon will probably ask somebody cuz it "means so much to me." Lol. I've got the song "Hail Mary" by Tupac stuck in my head. Lol. TTYL.