Your the boy cut. You love to get out and be yourself. Getting down and dirty is a very familiar thing to you. You live an active live style and you simply love it, you go where life takes you.

Which underwear are you?

discover your inner candy heart @

find your inner PIE @

discover what candy you are @


You are a very calm and contemplative person. Others are drawn to your peaceful, nurturing nature.

Find out your color at!

Are you Addicted to the Internet?
46% (41% - 60%)
You seem to have a healthy balance in your life when it comes to the internet and life away from the computer. You know enough to do what you want online without looking like an idiot (most of the time). You even have your own Yahoo club or online journal! But you enjoy seeing your friends and going out to enjoy life away from your computer.

The Are you Addicted to the Internet? Quiz at!

Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!

The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz

Take the What Type of Friend are You? quiz, and visit [Me.]

Take the What High School Stereotype Are You? quiz, by Angel.

Find your Role-Playing Stereotype, and visit [Angel.]

What Type of Villain are You? / <º>

find your element at <º>

what celebrity feature are you?

what's your battle cry?
| | merchandise!

Are you NASTY or NICE?
Quiz made by Angela

My friends call me Meg, or they would if I had any.
Which Disney Princess are you?

Morning, day, or night?
quiz by maikamariel

Take the M&M's Test @ Rasberry Rain

JoLa is my ideal NSYNC sex partner

who's your ideal NSYNC sex partner? find out here
unnecessary quiz by

take the nyu type quiz.
and then browse around because laura is cool.

% where do you LIVE?

I'm Selly!

take the virgin-whore dichotomy quiz.
and go to where we're all studs.

what kind of tard are YOU?
and go to

take the "are you thomas pynchon, goethe, or a brick wall?" test.
and go to weirder and weirder every day.

take the "are you pittsburgh, miami, or hoboken NJ?" test.
and go to NYC represent.

do YOU smell? a wide field of wild daisies.

find YOUR drag persona
and go to where all the men wear skirts.

take the taboo quiz.
and go to nothing is taboo there.

take the nerd test.
and go to a nerd utopia.

take the HIV test.
and go to HEEEEEEEE.

take the jeans quiz. gus made it!
and go to because laura and gus collectively own over 30 pairs of jeans.

take the butt quiz.
and go to why not visit the site of someone who made a quiz about butts?

because i thought this picture was pretty, laura of told me this: "you are an effervescent, happy person, but your friends and coworkers have noticed with dismay that you tend to bark like a dog and lick your knee, elbow, or wrist when left to your own devices. at the age of seven, you took a road trip with your family, and discovered that your favorite state is kentucky. at the age of twelve, you fell in love with the boy {or girl} next door, but were rejected in favor of your little sister. your career path involves animals and/or fashion design, but you will die alone and miserable at the age of 82." whatever will laura tell you??

take the antisocial test.
and go to because laura's feeling social.

take the cher test.
and go to because laura isn't cher.

take the non-offensive quiz.
and go to laura = great.

take the "what's my fault" quiz.
(and then browse around because laura is cool.)

take the death quiz.
and go to laura = great.

what weezer song are you?

click to find out if you are obsessed!
I'm actually the coolest person in the...well on this website.

click to find out who you are from bsb!
I hate BSB. Make them go away. Just kill them. Stab them all to death. OMG. He's after me.

Where do YOU belong?
No I don't. Not with Harry Potter. That guy is the biggest freak. He likes to lick his own hairy balls. *SCREAMS*