NAME: Bobert Jo Bobberson (Bob)
PET(S): Cat, Sweetie
PARENTS: Mother, Deborah Susan; Father, Gregory Lee
SIBLING(S): Brothers, Phillip Jakob(Phillip) an Jonathon Michael(Jon); Sister, Angeline Marie (Angel); Step-Sister, Emily Rose(Em or Bill)
OTHER FAMILY: Nephew(s), Anthony Joseph (Lil' Tone Tone) and Jonathon James (Jon Jon); Step-Mother: Kathleen Marie (Kathy); Brother-In-Law, Anthony Jay (Tony)

My name is Stephanie Lynn... most people call me Stephanie or Steph, on the occasion people will call me Stupid or Little G--- (my last name). These people are Matthew and Michael. They are graduating from eighth grade tomorrow (Wednesday, May 28, 2003) so I guess they are Freshman. Lol. Anyways, they know my family real well... So why not make fun of me. Lol. I'm gonna miss them next year. Lol. Back to the point, I'm 13 and going into eighth grade next year. I go to Jordan Catholic *shudders*. I'll go to Alleman for highschool. I live in Illinios in the USA. I have two brothers, Phillip and Jonathon. Phillip is going to be 19 this year and Jonathon just turned 18 in February. My sister Angeline, we call her Angel although she isn't one, is gonna be 22 this year and she has had three children. I have two nephews from her, Jonathon and Anthony, and I have one neice, Samantha. Anthony is the oldest at three (he was born ten days after my 10th birthday) and Jonny is the middle child at 2. He was born in May and Samantha was born in March of this year. My mom is 42 and so is my dad.My dad was born exactly one month before my mom....scary. Lol. My Evil cat is evil. She is the fattest most vicious cat in the world. She will attack you for no good reason. Ironically, her name is Sweetie...Sweetie the Vicious Cat, that's almost an Oxi-Moron. Lol. My Best Friends are Emily, Jen, Bri, Amanda, Lindsey, and Toria. All of them have nicknames:

JEN-Ryan Ryanson (Ryan)

BRIANNA- Joseph Joerson (Jo)

EMILY- Billiam Billerson (Bill)

MIRANDA- Justin Justinson (Justin)

CASSIE- Patrick Patrickson (Patrick)

TORIA- George Georgerson (George)

AMANDA- Jefrey Jeferson (Jef)

LINDSEY- Lou Louerson (Lou)

Amanda and Linds are from my school. I met Emily because my dad was going out with her mom and she's how I met Jamie (ex-friend), who's how I met Jen. Brianna goes to school with Emily and Toria is Em's cousin.