This is my shout outs page. I'm shouting out to all of my friends. If you aren't in here and wanna be just e-mail me (AmericnBdGrl)

EMILY- Wut up. Lol. I can't wait til we go swimming. I don't know how I'll survive over summer. I need you to comfort me. Hey, you went to graduation and you got to hear them talk... You would've rather heard Joe talk wouldn't you've? Lol. You are a weird person. Shave the monkey. Lol. Anyways, how are you? Lol. I'm glad you could come to the Graduation. As you probably figured out, I get lost all the time. I'm either missing Amanda, lost something else, or just lost in general. Lol. Well, TTYL.

AMANDA- Hey. I'll miss you over summer. I hope we can spend the night at eachother's houses and go swimming and all that kinda stuff. Lol. Matt might be the one who got held back.... he can't even spell his name right and he thought his name was Stephanie for the longest time. Or maybe Michael... he thinks his name is "HI" or this messed up symbol thingie. Lol. That's funny. Aren't you glad you got to go with me to the Baccalaureate Mass. That's long and hard to spell (I had to look off the sheet. I knew it would come in handy sooner or later)... That was funny.... We watched them walk away into the invisible sunset. Lol. I wish they could've signed my yearbook. I'm gonna name my yearbook; it's new name is Mr. Yearbook. Lol. Talk to you later. Pray we are in the same class next year. Bye bye.