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Review by | Di PC Brain  
aTop .apks  
1. GB whats app
2. Black notes
3. Business whats app
4. Moon Reader

5. Notes
6. Photo editor
7. Photo split

8. Toon me
9. QR code scanner

Ubuntu22.04 LTS
"As ususal the latest distro release has linux users ellated here is a list of the best extensions and application available on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS."
  aTop extensions  
  1. Applications menu*
2. Arc menu
3. Auto move windows
4. Big avatar
5. Burn my windows
6. Caffeine
7. Clipboard indicator
8. Compiz alike magic lamp effect
9. Compiz window effect
10. Cover-flow alt-tab
11. Dash to dock
12. !Dash to panel
13. Desktop cube \ Desktop icon
14. Removable drive menu
15. Easy screen cast
16. Emoji selector
17. Extension list
18. Eye and mouse extended
19. Focus
20. Compact top bar
21. Screenshot tool
22. GS Connect
23. Launch new instances
24. Native window placement
25. Notes
26. One thing
27. Open weather
28. Panel corners
29. Place status indicator
30. Printers
31. Screen window sizer
32. Sound input & output device chooser
33. Top icon fix
34. Ubuntu appIndicators
35. Ubuntu dock
36. User themes
37. Vitals
38. Web feed
39. Windows list
40. Windows navigator
41. Just perfection
    aTop applications  
    1. Zoom
2. Whatsapp (walc) (kesty-whatsapp)
3. Messenger (caprine)
4. Anubias
5. inkScape
6. Blender
7. Steam
8. Tweaks
9. Obs studio
10. Guvc view
11. Wine tricks
12. Play on linux
13. Xscreensavers

"Windows has a variety of application released by Microsoft and individual programmers, here are a few top applications"


aTop applications  
1. Adobe
2. Aimp media player
3. AoaoPhoto digital studio watermark
4. Audacity
5. Autocad
6. Bitlord
7. Cursor fX
8. Hyalo-picture show by adni18
9. Icecream recorder
10. iObit
11. iTunes
12. Marine aquarium 3
13. Mavis beacon typing toutor
14. Media player classic
15. Microsoft expression web
16. Microsoft office
17. Mugen
18. Nox player
19. Opera
20. Popcap collection
21. Project64
22. Power iso
23. qBittorrent
24. R.G mechanics
25. Rocket dock w/ stackdocklet
26. Search everything
27. VLC media player
28. Sublime text
29. Swish
30. Logon background changer
31. Virtual Dj
32. Wondershare Filmora
33. Wave editor
34. Win rar
35. Znes
"An operating system No longer supported by Microsoft doesn't mean that this was the most revolutionary feature added to the Windows line of operating systems. Which is still widely used and favored by most Microsoft users. "
aTop gadgets  
1. My to do list
2. Color palettes
3. Feed the snake4. HUD time
5. Lights out!
6. Feed the snake
7. Longer notes!
8. Minimal list notes
9. Main glossy calculator
10. Musty Calendar
11. Notes x
12. Renamon desktop poster
13. Say it
14. Parchment notes
15. Simple date
16. Slide show
17. Snake
18. Tic tac toe
19. Vista Calculator
20. Clipboard viewer
21. Windows 7 wireless
"How to add character and stages to mugen game."
? Adding new character
Use the format:
charname, stagefilename

eg. For a character with filename "pcbrain", and stage filename "thepostoffice"
? Adding new stage
"stages/thepostoffice.def" type (without the semicolon)
char section in select.def
kfm, stages/nameofstage.def


- copy code to select.def file in data folder

Exclusive stage:

Orgy ( Matue Content )



The ultimate 2D fighting game  

Watch Now | How to add characters to M.U.G.E.N (Tutorial)

  The ultimate 2D fighting game character  

Evil Ryu

Dragon Claw

Evil Ken


"raising the standard in online presentations w/ Di PC Brain Designs creative content.."


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Stephen Di Pc Brain Conglomerate

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