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a role has been placed upon me.. and yang is my family name.. 

fascinating as it may seem, i was told about this "yang's family poem for generation ranking" from the 9th generation great grandfather.... 

ke jun de shi xi shi chang

hui bang zuo guo zhan zhong liang

qing huai shan ji cheng ren rang

zhi qing chui yan yi zai fang.


our learned and healthy descendants, strive to be government officials

carrying out the official duties in an effective and loyal manner

leading a clean and honest way of life, though in high position and power

those recorded good deeds are shining, through 100 million years to come.

(';') p/s.. regret to inform you that géñe® is chinese illiterate....nevertheless...géñe® finds tries to learn a few words a day...hoping that one day, géñe® will produce his own Chinese poem.... ('o')

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