
This is the section that I devote to one of my hobbies, and my favorite pastime: Gaming.

For those of you who have no clue what I'm talking about, I mean playing tabletop Roleplaying games, such as Dungeons & Dragons (a.k.a. AD&D [2nd Ed.] and D&D [3rd Ed.]), Shadowrun, GURPs, etc. For more information on roleplaying games, please see my What Are Roleplaying Games? page.

My favorite gaming community: ENworld. Check it out!

My favorite characters, some of them complete with portraits, character histories, and notes of the campaign I am playing them in (usually included in the character histories!

I am working on creating my own gaming world. So far, I have one of the 3 or 4 Gods in my Human pantheon written up, as well as some character classes and world information (all related to religion so far; I haven't had time to jot down anything else). Check out the PDF here (small download).

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