1. The heraldic white ribbons on Hermes' staff were later mistaken for serpents, because he was herald to Hades.
2. In the story of Alcetis and Admentus, it is said that Hades came in person to fetch one Admentus, but Admentus fled and Alcetis volunteered to take his place. The story has two endings, one saying that Hercules appeared out of nowhere to rescue her.
3. Hades once was threatened by the sun God Helius, who out of anger of his cattle being consumed by Odysseus's men threatened to shut himself up in Hades kingdom and shed his light on the dead. He was calmed by Zeus when he said he'd strike the perpetrators dead with a thunderbolt.
4. Hades once sought out the physician, Paean, in order to be cured of a wound inflicted by Hercules, who struck his shoulder with a sharp-pointed arrow.
5. Hades Helmet of Invisibility was also loaned to Perseus in his quest to slay Medusa. His dark helmet was kept in the care of the Stygian Nymphs.
6. It is said that Achilleus remains under the power of Hades and complains bitterly of his lot.
7. Odysseus visited Tartarus seeking out Teiresius, to prophesize his fate. He sacrificed a young ram and a black ewe to Hades and Persephone. He took his advice from the prophet. Odysseus痴 crew were unwilling to enter the dark region. Yep, he was a courageous one. Quote, 葬One death is enough for most men, but to have two!鋳
8. Once Psyche was sent on an errand to the dark world of the dead by Aphrodite to take a box down to the Underworld itself, and hand it to Persephone with a request that the queen should put a little bit of her beauty inside the box and send it back to her. Through an empty road leading to the Underworld, feigning tricks and trappings sent by the Aphrodite, Psyche was welcomed by Persephone. On the way home, though, Psyche was tempted to take some of the beauty from the box for herself and fell into a fatal sleep.