Marti Gras 2005
I have two links to full size pictures, I will be making more. I need to find web space cuz the pictures are big! Links are highlighted in BLUE

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Copper Door.
Stacy and Angie are not beliving what is said?.
Friends are for life


"I got a package people"
Two at a time, the girl has ambition, but to what end?
Click on the image to get the full size picture.
The first thing your eyes see will tell you a lot about yourself....
Men:A) Cleavage, then your a man. B) Booze, then you are an alcoholic. C) Feathers, your a fag.(Not that there is anything wrong with that)
Women:A) Cleavage, you are my kind of woman, feel free to email me at jerryh8391@yahoo.com B) Booze, you are my kind of woman, feel free to email me at jerryh8391@yahoo.com C) Feathers, once again you are my kind of woman, feel free to email me at jerryh8391@yahoo.com
If it is more than a handful....
And then came the gluttony
THREE! At one time! Pat can not believe it!
Yes, it's a freudian thing!
Could there be more food!
Click on the image to get the full size picture.
Steve in the house