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°¨¨Ó¦è¨ÈÀK«¢¹Å·ì¦÷^¤å³q°T ¡@ A CHILD¡¦S EXPERIENCE ¡V THE MOTHER¡¦S TRAUMA ¡@ I was busy organizing the last minute arrangement for my Forum the next day when my hand phone rang in my handbag. My neighbour called to inform me that my younger son had an accident! My heart suddenly started to pound fast, my head racing for thoughts on what next to do. I asked the basic questions - was he badly hurt : Yes, the whole face was bloody and was vomiting blood; where was he : my neighbour¡¦s driver has brought him to a hospital near my house and that I should be there fast!. I gave instructions to my colleague on what to do the next day. She said ¡¥Soo, how can you be so calmed and still know what to do.¡¦ In my mind, I wasn¡¦t calm at all and was struggling to remind ¡¥Be detached. Be detached. Remain calm¡¦. My hand phone rang again. This time, it was my elder son who sounded worried and told me ¡¥Mama, I think you better called Uncle Tan to go to the hospital.¡¦ It became more challenging to remain calm now. It must be very bad and I told him go to Sri Mataji¡¦s altar and pray hard that your brother will be save.¡¦ I packed my things and got caught to have to decide whether to bring my luggage bag meant for my overnight stay at the hotel. On hind sight, it was so silly to spend extra time to ponder. Grabbed everything without much thinking and rushed off amidst my colleagues¡¦ reassurance that everything will be all right for the Forum and to drive carefully. I tried my best to drive carefully but my speed was 140 km/hour for most part of my journey from the Hotel to the hospital. Shortly after exiting the hotel car park, I called Uncle Tan to request him to go straight to the hospital. My heart wasn¡¦t pounding so fast now but my emotions were dwelling up. I prayed and asked Sri Mataji ¡¥Why him again. He already had 2 previous accidents in his young life - a life-threatening hot water scalding accident at 1 ½ years and a cut on his forehead when he ran into the glass panel in a hotel room. Why does he has to suffer so much pain when he was always the innocent one - smiling lovely in your eyes always without worries - a perfect loving, innocent child. I bandhaned many times physically with my hands on the wheel and started to weep from deep inside my heart. So attached was I to my emotions that I refused to acknowledge the cool vibrations coming from on my palms when I did the bandhans. Stubbornly, I rationalized by recalling my neighbour¡¦s remark ¡¥It¡¦s bad, Soo¡¦. Upon reaching the hospital, I bravely swerved my car at the emergency parking lot, ignoring the callings from the attendant and rushed to inquire. They said he is in the X-Ray Department. I ran in and there he was, relieved to see me when I managed a smile and touched his big swollen right cheek My anxieties and worries evaporated and I played the perfect role of a comforting mother, soothing and encouraging him. Uncle Tan and Aunty KT arrived and was relieved that he was all right. As usual Uncle Tan¡¦s standard remark was ¡¥Not need to worry, We are protected¡¦. I am sure all mothers will agreed with me that it is easier said than done. The doctor reported that the results were all right, no broken bone was detected and that he could go home! ¡¥Go home, are you sure doc. Don¡¦t you want to retain him for observation?¡¦ I asked unbelievingly. ¡¥That¡¦s not necessary, mdm¡¦ was the doctor¡¦s reply. I was to bring him back the next day for an examination with the ENT specialist and the surgeon to check on his pelvic bone. Calls from neighbours and colleagues were pouring in, even my big boss called to reassure me that my son¡¦s health was more important than work. And off, we went home. Apparently, my son was cycling home after a football game from the field. He was avoiding a car and swerved his bicycle without looking in front and collided head on with a stationary 16-wheeler lorry. A neighbour who witnessed the mishap described it so vividly that I could imagine it happening - the impact flew him backward away from the lorry and then forward with his head hitting the sharp edge of the underside of the back of the lorry and landed him underneath the lorry. The bicycle was a wreck. He wondered whether that small boy could come out alive. Alive he was because he is a Yogi, protected by Our Divine Mother. Later that night, when my family recalled the whole episode, we reaffirmed that a miracle has happened to my son and we need to thank Sri Mataji for protecting him, As parents in such situations, we must consciously make efforts and time to relate and explain to our children that such miracles are possible because of The Protection we received from Sri Mataji. It would be good to emphasize that we need to continue our daily meditation and clearing so that our children do not take such Blessings for granted and many a time without even recognizing them. Parents play an important role to constantly to relate happenings around the world, around us, our own experiences, to the teachings and concepts in Sahaja Yoga. Such sharing and discussions help them relate Sahaj to their daily life and that Sahaja Yoga is not just about attending collective, foot soaking and raising Kundalini but Sahaja Yoga is Reality in our life. May we continue to ask for Our Divine Mother¡¦s Attention and Blessings for the well-being of all in this world. Jai Sri Mataji Contributed by Choy Soo Ngoh (Malaysia) March 2002 ¡@ |
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¡@ Footnotes:
1. This article was
first published in Malaysia for SY Newsletter Vol3 Mar 02.
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