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Minister for Propaganda: Ciarán Hyland

The vatican has recently been involved in a scandel of imense proportions, thanks to pope john paul the second. In recent popularity contest pope john paul came second when the public was asked which person they like the most. Monica came first with a massive 99.9% of the votes! The pope (who was desperate to make himself popular again) then started a hat campaign. This invloved sporting many hats and trying to appeal to the "younger generation". He also tried to design a website called "I want to be popeular" which failed miserably and only recieved 1 hit. These are all ideas that Monica had previously invented and also used on her campaign trail. The vatican has declined to comment on the state of affairs in the pope palace but the pope has been rumered to be teaming up with failed singer Victoria Beckham to do a duet to try to bring life to thier already dead careers. With such a huge percent of the public vote and enough origanal ideas to make albert einstien hang his head in shame, monica should be wearing that lovley pope hat in a matter of months.

Ciarán would like to point out that none of this is actually true and appolagises for any inconveinance caused, and for his atrocious spelling

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