- 05/09/03
The Re-make is out on 19th September - Unreel magazine reviewed
it here!
- 24/04/03
Watch the Italian Job re-make trailer here!
Media Player)
...or see it at the OFFICIAL
- 19/04/03
First review
of the Italian Job re-make!! This guy saw one of Paramounts test
screenings for the film, apparently it is "Brainless,
entertaining, escapism fun."
- 05/03/03
Jason Stratham (The Transporter, Lock Stock..) has re-assured Empire
Online that the 'rem-ake' will be more than that - "It's a
big, big movie, very grand and very expensive, with some brilliant car
chases. The way we steal the gold is ingenious!" and "There
are a lot of new characters in it – the only characters that remain
the same from the original are Charlie Croker which Mark Whalberg
plays and Bridger played by Donald Sutherland." >More<