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MY REVIEW 05/10/03

Now then, where to start? With an open mind, since this is a new movie i'll treat it as one, even if it is difficult to avoid comparisons with the 1969 film. Ok, we'll get them over with first. This is a more straight-faced affair although it does have some cheekiness to it, and it comes off as a playful tribute to the original rather than a re-make. So it does use the same character names, pilthering of gold from an armoured car, taking advantage of a city's computerised traffic system and escaping with three Mini Coopers, albeit new ones. It does not attempt to surpass or even come close to the original film, it merely pays tribute to it in a slick stylish way, reminiscent of another re-make - "Oceans 11" (2001) - with it's funky, acid jazz, soul and ambient grooves of the soundtrack. So, overall, The Italian Job (2003) is a modern tribute to a classic, but ignore the comparisons, I think this is worth seeing, it is a good film, better than expected. 7/10

Cool Things:

1) The new Miss Beckerman (Charlize Thereone) drives a high performance classic Mini Cooper during the first half of the movie.

2) Cool soundtrack, including an interesting rendition of "Money" by Pink Floyd.

3) New Mini Coopers look really cool.


Bad Things:

1) Jason stratham is the same whatever movie he's in, a whispering cockney wide boy.