~the updates~

hmmm...another secret?  could this be a trend? razors pain you;
rivers are damp;
acids stain you;
and drugs cause cramp.
guns aren't lawful;
nooses give;
gas smells awful;
you might as well live.

Gods! It's been a while since i last updated! Ack! And I always said I hated it when people do this. Well, I guess I have an excuse, though. If you've been a regular here, you'll know that, although the main portion of this site hasn't changed much, I've been uploading my webcomic religiously. I suppose this is why I hadn't thought of the main site in a while; I'd lulled myself into thinking I *had* been updating.
Anyway, nothing new to report aside from the webcomic. Oh, I have new anime on my list and I tried to make it simple for folks by signifying if a title was on cd or tape. Thanks to J-loh for doing that for me! ^_^
I have some new manga as well but since the formatting of the tables on that page is slightly more complicated, I'll wait till I have more time.
Okay, that's the haps, folks. No new fics but I have some books on fic writing I just purchased so perhaps during spring break, something will pop up. (Someone needs to nag me into uploading more of "A Fierce Allegiance". I have 4 more chapters on my hard drive but haven't gotten around to coding it. Such a pain putting in the line breaks!)

The comic is firmly established, I seem to have a solid fanbase going for it, the slapshotmonkey website is up and running...whew! Where do I find the time to work? Heh, heh! Anyhow, I realized how lax I'd been with my ficcies, and considering they were the reason I decided to teach myself website design in the first place, I felt it was a good time to pause my other obsessions and update that. So 3 new chapters of "A Fierce Allegiance" is up for your reading pleasure. And since I've wrestled with Angelfire as long as I can stand, that's all the updating I'm doing for the nonce.

I didn't realize how much I'd done on this site and on the comic until I started to update! Wow! Only 2 days and it's up and ready to go, frames and all! For this, I thank kaiki once again for teaching me all my mad html skillz. Anyhow, that's the update for today. Go click on the "favorites" link and then go to "webcomic" for the full effect. Or you can go to the index page and I've made a link from there as well. (I've killed the link in the update below coz that was just the prototype).

I did it! I did it! Out of sheer mule-headedness and a liberal application of artistic license, I have created my own webcomic. Mwahahahaha! Ph33r my mad skillz! Okay, maybe a little less hubris and a lot more obsequiousness, Keelan? 'Coz we don't want people to be expecting lots and then get all disappointed, do we? Well then, here's the link to it. If I get enough response or if I feel like it's worth continuing, I'll make it a permanent link elsewhere...

Wheee! That date was fun to type. Heh, heh. Simple pleasures. Speaking of simple pleasures, I dunno if this is a good thing or not, but I've been OD-ing on webcomics and Photoshop again. Reading the former and playing with the latter. This ungodly combination is making me yearn for a smidgen of artistic drawing ability so that I, too, can inundate the general masses with my odd brand of humor. I'm driving meself crazy thinking of all these punchline panels; they just keep a-comin' and won't leave me alone. The hell? It's like my brain has been taken over by the muse of slapstick who, btw, has absconded with my muse of fanfic. Argh! Someone wanna help me draw? Pretty please? Render my wacky brain waves into some form of physical manifestation? P.S.: think I can get rid of the snowflakes now?

Because I haven't been posting in my lj in a while but because I feel compelled to address this issue, I've created a new rant page. Go here if you have any interest at all in the ramblings of my mind...

Added some snow on all the main pages coz it's winter and it's christmas and...dammit! I like snow! We don't get much snow here in sunny So. Cal. so this is the closest I'm gonna get to it this year.
Aside from that, nothing new to report. Been busy with the holiday hoopla.

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