Comment Corner

wellcome to Comment Corner.  I'll post verious things
on this portion of my Web site.

8-12-02 -For who cares. Mark is at the MTC. and for who in their right mind cares, I'm still working on the New CD.

8-16-02 Woo!!! so Adam, Jk, and I stayed at the high school over night to get everything ready for this Miss Eagle mountain pagent. Just to keep you up dated, I hate beauty Pagents. I think they're one of the most digrading things any parent could allow their child to be in. They take a wonderfull person and see how much cloathing they won't wear. any way back to my story. so I'm working with these women, who couldn't turn on a light switch, let alone plan an entire beauty pagent. So they like to jump down my throwt and I like to tick them off. Mostly I like to just make them angry.

8-17-02 Alright readers. Here is my list of the last great actors.

  1. Mel Gibson
  2. Jim Carry
  3. Tom Hanks
  4. Bruce Willis
if any one can name another and I agree, I'll post it on my New Link to come, Great Actors, it'll include an actor of the month.

8-23-02 Okay so I finally got my part for shakespare. as if anyone ever reads this anyway. I'm doing a scene from king john, with Josh. I'm also in the ensemble. fun hu?

8-26-02 so I'm typing this in the drama room. that's something to brag about isn't it. I just want to say that I think that there should no longer be beauty padgents put on by self centered psyco's. I had to work with one and I hate her.

9-15-02 okay so I'm sorry I haven't been updateing. so how's life for everone out there. last night instead of going to homecoming, JK's dad threw a party. We got to hit eachother, dive onto spoons, eat with our hands, and murder each other by candel light. I give this party four stars for lack of haveing something blow up. oh wait, the light did. Okay it got five stars.

9-25-02 Hey Everyone who wastes their time reading these. so How's life in the normal world. I'm stuck at school every day for the play, MUSIC MAN, It's horrible. maybe because I've seen it over and over. I'm working on some more songs for my next CD for anyone who cares. The CD is called, THE LIST OF COMPLAINTS, but for a little secret I'm coming out with one call COMPUTER JUNK. It's a teckno. It's really repetitively stupid so don't ask for one.

10-24-02 Hey who on earth actually read's these! but anyway. I'm now 17 as of the 17th. Ya Ya my golden birthday I've heard it way to many times.

11-26-02 Sorry it's been so long. Hey I've got one for all you browsers. PDA, Isn’t a cute thing. Think of the benefits, you can share affection and germs all at the same time. Great hu? And then when it’s all said and done, you can have your beautiful break up. Wow, sign me up right away.No but seriously, we have the Crucible running right now. It’s cool. You should see it. We’ve had a standing ovation every night. The only problem is the last show is tonight! So enjoy if you see it, if not, buy the movie!

12-13-02 Why on earth do I still do this? so did you check out my poet's corner? cool hu? ya I got my banjo and the practicing seems to be going well. I intend on being so good that women all over the planet will in some wierd way find me attractive. so far I need to just take some lessons or practice more. and since I have no money for lessons guess which one I'll do?

12-19-02 Okay so everyone who reads these. Go check out my poetry. They’re kind of funny. Unless you’re Tamara, then they’re depressing. Oh so something funny happened to me yesterday I got chewed out twice by people because I’m not going to prom. First off, I wasn’t even the person who brought them up. Okay, first one, someone was trying to prove how stupid guys are. And the second one my mom came down to my room and asked me when it was. I told her I didn’t know because I didn’t care and I’m not going. Wow, what a lecture. Something like, girls like prom. Cool, then why don’t they go, I hate dances. Why would I want to go somewhere were everyone almost expects PDA and another thing, if I did go, I have to plan all these stupid things to do the day before, and then I have to do something nice. I think I’ll just sit at home and get fat, you know, do something to prepare me for the rest of my life. People say I’ll regret not going to prom because everyone talks about it. Okay, they said that about he 9th grade night dance, you don’t see me missing that now do you.

12-26-02 Merry ex-Christmas. so I got a lot of complaints about my last entry. do you think I care? Honestly, I don’t. Oh well if you want to complain E-mail me at Just so you are aware that’s my junk E-mail. I don’t answer these E-mails. Any way, Christmas was fun. It’s my second favorite holiday. Halloween is my favorite. So does anyone really read this? If so, I’m sorry. Obviously some one reads it if I got that many complaints about my entry. I’m just going to go get my school report done now.

2-26-03 Yo Yo. hey. I'm still alive. so me and my little brotehr are starting our own recording studio in our basement. Octo-studios is what we call it. um well there isn't much more to write so I'll write latter.

3-6-03 Good day all. So recently I have been E-mailing my bride to be. we have not met but we will be married after my retrun from my mission.

5-19-03 wow so update huh? well here you guy's go here is my update. Okay so a little piece of info. eairly this year I was diagnosed with HCV (Hepititis C Virus) it's concidered the worst of all. anyway to make a long story short, I don't have it and it was just a false positive. okay so the coolest part. expect some really cool updates. My little sister won first place in her Karate tournament. so you'll see some picture dedicated to her. so enjoy.

6-25-07 honestly I thought I'd left this site for dead but I guess if I can I might as well write on this. no one comes here anymore so whatever I write won't mean a thing. but hey it's like bloging caveman style. well I'm now 21 and as for the people mentioned in my site, JK Haws has passed away, so has Mal, Karen is married and everyone else I don't really assosiate with. actually I don't assosiate with any of these people. wow, look at all the blessings for serving a mission. your life goes to hell and your friends with it. welp that's all for me.