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1) Let me know that you are interested in something, and I'll get back to you ASAP with the estimated shipping cost and whether or not it's still available. Your item is then put on a TWO-DAY HOLD.
2) Contact me to let me know that you are ready to buy the item, or you aren't interested. If I get no response in 2 days, I have to assume you are not interested and the item goes back on the list.
3) I'll send you my address and payment info. Buyer must pre-pay. I expect payment within 2 weeks, please tell me if this is not enough time!
4) With your payment, please include your EMAIL ADDRESS and tell me what you are buying.
5) I will contact you when I get your payment and tell you when it will be sent out.
6) Please let me know when your order has arrived!

Money orders are preferred; and the item will be sent out the next business day after I receive it.
Checks are fine, but there is a waiting period (about ten days) after I receive a check before the item is sent out. This allows time for the check to clear.
All prices are in US funds, and especially in the case of multiple orders, can be negotiated.
I'm usually pretty good at estimating shipping costs. If it goes over, I will pay it, I will not charge extra.
Please contact me when your package arrives!

Questions? E-mail me!