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Here's a few links I like and links 2 people I know's webpage!! This is fun 4 when u have nothing better to do Another bored kinda place
Kissy Kissy! Aww! Read people's 1st kiss stories! (well thats all I do on
that website... there's more stuff tho)
Animation Factory They have a buncha cute gifs and stuff here!
Web undies! hehee!! These are so cute! no- I don't wear boxers tho. I just think some are adorable this is cute but watch out cuz there are some not so good jokes... don't go 2 those
More wasting of time! This should have been up there @ the top. See slip ups from movies, tv, books, and quotes! this is fun
Google Just a search engine
My sister's page Self explanatory...
Louise's page One of my friend's pages
Brio magazine A girl's christian magazine thing
Twist magazine I like 2 read embarrassing stories on here!

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