Welcome to my motor scooter website. In this site you will learn how to: Build a motor scooter out of a chainsaw, or a weedwacker, how to make your Go-Ped faster, more efficient, and more fun! You will also see pictures of my Go-Ped and hear details on what mod's i have added since i got it.
I got my Go-Ped in May of 2000. I had no idea how to use it, I just wanted it! I withdrew $490 from the bank and bought it. It had a problem when I got it because it kept stalling. The kill switch (little red button in between both handles) kept on killing the engine. I got that replaced under my 90 day warentee. It worked fine untill the weel got warn down. I got that replaced ($20). I had it for a year. No problems. After getting my spindle removed and upgraded to an 800 mm. I could start the Go-Ped but the second I opened the throttle ang hoped on it would run for 15 seconds then stall. I tested everything. I thought the kill switch was sticking and disconnected it. That wasnt the problem. I tried a lot of different things but to my dismay nothing would work. I remembered. This same thing happened to my lawnmower, and in that i have to replace the sparkplug every year. Well it has been a year since i have had this go ped! I replaced the sparkplug (availible at your local lawnmower/weedwacker dealer and parts seller)It still did not work untill i burnt the gas in the engine off (I flooded it). Surprisingly it works! thank God! I come into the house and i hear on the tv "Today the USA bombed Afganistan" I thought "This day can not get any better!" But anyway the Go-Ped runs faster and accelerates faster (thanks to the spindle),looks good, and works better than ever.
I plan on getting a new: Deck,high performance air filter,gas tank cover (cool metalic ones), and a big ol' noisy high performance muffler.
I will be updateing! If you have any questions, comments, complaints, anything to share, pics of your scooters, or things i can add to my sice E-Mail me at Realbigfish964@aol.com