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  This section is constantly under construction It contains info about my Piercings and Tattoos, other piercing info and will also include photos I would also like to include other peoples stuff! So if you have any photos or stories about body piercing and tattoos please email them to Nadezdha
Piercings: Tattoos:

Wish List:


I first had my ears pierced when I was three, pretty young, but there was a reason for it. My mum was fed up of people thinking I was a boy. Ironic really as I still turned out to be a tomboy, and still am, well more of a laddette now. Back then the jewellers or hairdressers were complete butchers and only froze one of my ears, so the other one hurt like hell. My first experience of the pain barrier, and the beginning of my thing for piercing!

I next had my ears done a second time when I was 12, as it was becoming really popular at school. My Mum also had hers done too. Then at 15 I decided 4 earrings was silly and looked odd, so I had them done again. At 17 I must've been getting bored so I had them done for the fourth time (eight earrings), then I starting going out with a guy called Toni, who had his ears done ten on one side and once on the other. He persuaded me to have the top cartilledge of my right one done. Once I realised this didn't hurt I had the top of my right one done.

By now I had realised quite how expensive having all this done was costing, so I decided to do a few myself. I usually use a sterilised needle/safety pin straight from boiling salted water and an Ice block. I freeze the area first then use the hot needle to pierce it. I always have a stud or BCR sterilised ready to put through the hole once it has 'rested' for about a minute, then I clean the area with sterilised salt water. Then bathe the area three times daily with warm filtered salted water. I heal pretty quick so it normally takes about three weeks. I did another three or four like this and also had my tragus (the sticky out bit next to your cheek) and the flat of my ear (three times) and the upper most part of the conch (above the Tragus). I recently pierced my own right rook, but unfortunatley as I lie on my right it began to grow out, so I removed it. I may have it done again just just Christmas 2002.

See my Wishlist.



I had my nose pierced one day in my dinner hour from work, I was bored.
Didn't hurt much, the hairdresser/piercer tried to convince me to keep the unslightly piecing stud in for 6 weeks, he didn't believe me when I said I was a good healer. Well, with careful cleaning and an everyday dose of Zinc (which helps) it healed in a week, so :p (particualry as I don't think hairdressers should be allowed to do piercings).

Belly Button

I had my Belly Button done when I was 21, cos my then B'friend Toni had his done. It was sooo damn sexy a guy having his done (it looked really nice) he convinced me to have mine done. Only difference being Toni had a baaaaad time when he had had his done (he went green, cos the piercer nearly buggered it up) but mine took all of twenty seconds. Basically there are two ways, with of without spray, the spray is a cold slightly local anaesthetic, that doesn't numb anything but it helps. Without is just as good, some say better. Both ways involve a small clamp to hold the flesh of the belly button and the needle is then pushed through. It doesn't hurt but can ache afterwards. The most import thing to remember is to keep it clean and away from tight clothes that can irritate it. Inny belly button people tend to have horizontal piercings and outty BB people have vertical ones. I have a vertical with a Titanium Amethyst Banana bar. (I will explain about jewellery later) If you have a decent BB you can have them done two or three times. I just stick to the one, as I have a plump tummy



After I split up with a b'friend around four years ago, I kinda wanted to punish myself and reinvent myself at the same time. So….I had my Clitoral hood done. Did it hurt? Yep! But like all pierced people I have a good pain barrier and it was all over in less than a minute. Like with all other piercings this needs lots of cleaning and care. Mine healed in a week and I was as pleased as punch! Does it work (ya, know like sex wise?, is what I usually get asked. Yes it does, very well as the BCR can cause some interesting sensations! Obviously women get more out of it than the guys, its certainly convinced some of my Lesbian mates to have it done. I may have my labia done one day, but I don't know as they can sometimes tear if you are not careful with them.


My latest piercings. Again as with the Clit and BB a clamp is used, and to be honest this hurts more than the needle. Well, it did the first time I had them done. I VERY stupidly went to a qualified (WARNING - it doesn't take much to be a qualified piercer, unlike Tattooing) Beautician's clinic as I had lost faith in my old Tattooist (Tattootime, Bristol BTW) and wanted them done while I had the money. I won't go into the full details as it might put you off; but basically it was VERY painful and I had the remove the piercings as they didn't heal properly.

However! I then went to my new Tattooist Lee Gibbs of Inkskin of Bristol, UK. Hes a great bloke and did a very fine job of re-piercing them. I am very happy and can throughly recommend Lee, who is a friendly, clean, and talented Tattooist/piercer (I don't go anywhere else now).

If you have any questions about piercing or are thinking about having something done, you can always leave a message on my message board or email me.




My first Tatt was a bit of a dive into the deep end really. I had it done on my back near my shoulder blade and is about the size of an adverage persons hand (male). It is a female angel (yes I know Angel are androgenous, before anyone points that out) holding a mn in a shroud. It kinda looks alittle religious, but it wasn't meant to be. It is in thick black lines as I wanted it to look kinda like leading. It took about and hour and a half and hurt like hell in some areas.


My second was a bit of a disaster at first. I went for a coloured Eyed Hawk Moth resting on my upper leg, the colours were very good and natural, however this was when I discover I was allergic to red tattoo ink! My leg swelled up like a tree trunk for about a week. Eventually after lots of aftercare, it settled down. My advice is if you think you may get reactions or have sensitive skin, talk to a Tattooist about this first, don't wait till after! I am now thinking of having it redone, and maybe having a black tribal version over the top of it.


The third is an Udjat or Egyptian eye of Horus, which watches over me from my back. It is also quite appropriate as I also enjoy Arabic dancing/Belly dancing.


My fourth and most recent is a tribal Egyptian Ankh on my ankle, again carrying on a tribal/egyptian theme.

I am planning on having three more: see my Wish List



Thinking about having a Tattoo?

My advice is REALLY think about it! This thing is gonna be there forever! Unlike piecing you can't just take it off and let it heal over!

In my opinion there are five steps to getting a Tattoo!

  • Decide whether you really want it
  • Decide whether you really really want it !
  • Decide what you really want (don't just walk in the shop and stick a pin in the nearest picture, you may regret it)
  • Decide where you are gonna have it done (no I don't mean on your bum) Check out several different Tattooists, their prices, designs and talent! Have a look at portfoilios and previous work, get opinions from friends, recommedations are usually the best! Ask before you get Inked! The most important rules of getting Inked?

All tattooists should explain to you before you are inked about their hygiene, sterilisation of equipment and also open the needles in front of you. Although the majority of Tattooists are talented, sensible artists, you should always remember there are a minority of suspect ones. There are many things out there that can kill you, SO DON'T TAKE RISKS!


Wish List

Never let it be said that Body Art is not addictive, it is. Well, it seems to be for most people. Whether it's the great buzz you get from it, the initial pain or something more deep and meaningful; one is never enough. It's up to you as an indivdual how many you have. I think I will probably have several more before I stop. I will stop though, I don't want to over do it and loose what I feel is the essential me.

Piercings: Rook, Diath and Anti-Tragus (will wait till I have a new job before I have them done though).


Left ankle: I have already designed a Tribal winged Scarab to go on my left ankle to balance out the winged ankh on my right.

Lower back: Possibly the constellation of Orion or Aquarius done with black tribal stars.

Left and Right Upper Arms/Shoulders: I REALLY have to think about these and what is going to go there. They will probably be the last thing I have done. They will be something Tribal/Egyptian with Lotus flowers, but I am not sure of the designs yet.
