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Yes, I own a PSX (PlayStation, to those of you who do not know) and yes I am obsessed! However, I only actually own around seven games!!!! Sad, no, I have being drawn into the world of the RPG. Don't get me wrong I'm not one of these people who run around on weekends pretending to be a 5' 4 dwarf (?) or someone who goes into chatrooms as a angry wizard! (No offence to those of you who do - it's just not my bag). I like games that like my movies (see the movies section), really do something for me. So I started to look for the Ultimate game - and one day I found it!

The Final Fantasy series!

So far I have played FFVII, FFIII, FFIX and am currently playing FFVI (remastered version), then I'm gonna buy FFX. "So what?" I hear you say, it's only a game.

*Slap* Thats for the insult buddie, only a game my arse! After around 70 to 80 hours game play each, you kinda do forget it's a game. It's a whole new world inside that little box, and once your in there you don't want to get out. The characters start off as just that, by after a few hours, you know they are something more. You get to love, hate and laugh at them, and at the end you KNOW your'e gonna cry with them too.



Mako' the life force and essence of the planet is being used as a fuel by the money grabbing Shinra Corporation. Our spiky haired hero Cloud, Strife is a rebel with a cause he joins Avalanche a rag tag group of rebels willing to fight against Shinra. They soon discover that there is more to Shinra than meets the eye. 'Mako' extraction is actually damaging the whole Eco life of the planet.Sephiroth, a sexy mysterious figure was killed 5 years ago (or so we think) it seems Clouds history may be tangled with this silver haired fiend. We later learn Sephiroth had a very unusual childhood and it's no wonder he's a tad messed up (I just can't help feeling sorry for the guy). There is more than one woman in poor Clouds life and his attitude makes life with them a little difficult but it all works out in the end. There is his childhood sweetheart Tifa Lockheart, and Aeris Gainsborough. Barret Wallace (who reminds me of my mate Nic, tee hee) who is a tough guy who loves his little girl Marlene. Cid Highwind , a failed Astronaut. The cool Wolf like Red XIII. Cait Sith is a giant moogle! Yuffie a skinny girl Ninja! and last but far from least the vampiric Vincent Valentine a very sexy dead guy!!!

If you've not played with them before, battle gauges and screens can be difficult to use at first but you soon get the hang of it. Random fights can be annoying sometimes but essential to build up your character levels, abilities and action points. Often dangerous fights or differcult quests are a sign that a fantastic cinematic sequence may be on the way. There is a lot to be said for Chocobo racing and breeding in this game. The details are way too complicated but there are loads of cheats on the web that explain it fully. Basically if you race and breed the cute little birdies correctly you can breed a Gold one, which you use to get the most fantastic Materia (Magic) 'The Knights of the Round Table' which wipes out the final boss in one easy move, and believe me it sure is impressive. Final Fantasy VII was advertised as the greatest RPG game on the PSX and at the time it prolly was! I had never played the previous FF's so I cannot compare them, however I know that once I started playing it blew me away. It was just like being in a movie, and the graphics were unreal. I drove my boyfriend and friends nuts ringing them up and telling them what I had killed, saved or experienced that day.The ending exhusted me and I cried all the way through the end sequence, I won't give it away but it was fab.


This game takes on a different style altogether, moving away from spiky Manga style characters, still having an Anime androgynous look the characters look more human and life like. You are Squall Leonhart a youth who has just completed his exams in 'Garden' (a kind of SchoolcollegeUniversity type thing). Garden trains lads and lasses to become mercenries (SeeD) hired out for protection and fighting monsters! They are hired to kill a evil Sorceress Edea who is trying to take over Galbadia. However, it is not Edea who is the true villain of the piece it is Sorceress Ultimecia, who controls Edea from the future (it's all about time compression ya know). Ultimecia is a fruitcake and wants to compress exsistence so that only she can live in it! (Cuckoo!!!) You get to travel to Space, go visit the end of time ('Oh this weekend I think I'll go somewhere different!') Hang out at Dogface's (sorry Ultimecia) scary castle and get swallowed up by bendy time itself (Einstein would be amazed). After a long, long battle you smack the hell out of Ultimecia and ……..(You seriously think I am gonna tell you the ending?).

The characters in FF8 are truly fantastic, they are multi faceted with REAL emotions and fears, you get really tangled up in their relationships and intrigued by their mysterious pasts. Squall seems a bit of a pain in the arse at first, he is bitter and seemingly unemotional, but things are a little different when a girl wins his heart. That lucky girl would be Rinoa Heartilly leader of the Forest Owls, an underground resistance. She is smitten but it takes forever for Squall to be the same. The rest of the crazy gang are Selphie Tilmitt, a skinny but brave SeeD. The gorgeous Irvine Kinneas, a gun toting ccross between Jon Bon Jovi and Brad Pitt! Quistis Trepe the strict teacher with a whip (whoo oo, her erm. Cough). Zell Dincht a punky skatekid (well hoverboard actually).

You switch between the past and present and also become the mysterious, sexy, clumsy, shy daff Soldier Laguna Loire. His friends Kiros Seagill a blade fighter with cool dreads and not a lot of clothes and the big guy Ward Zabac. Of course we cannot leave out Seifer Almasy, Squall's nemesis who becomes Edeas knight., he is a total bully, but you kinda feel a little sorry for him too. The most annoying thing about the game is the secret that you never truly find out; but it hinted at is....(play the game), but I will give you a clue, look at the simialrities between Raine (Lagunas g'friend), Squall and Laguna! There is sooooo much to do in FF8, I throughly enjoyed it. I broke my ankle half way through playing and decided to start again from the beginning it was great (the game that is not the ankle). Even the hardest of hearts will shed a tear at the 30 minute end cinematic sequence, it's really touching.


This section needs updating as I have now finished FFIX - and will write this up soon!

Strange things are a foot!!! Scary blue meany lookelike Queen Brahne of Alexandria is at war with her neighbors. Garnet Til Alexandros XVII her daughter (yeah right!) is unhappy. So she arranges to have herself kidnapped by a bunch of travelling actor-bandits! The main character is her love interest the sparky Zidane, who has a handy tail and no real history. They find out that the deliciously camp, androgenous villian Kuja (who has a taste for the kinda thing you would wear to a fetish club) has been getting Brahne to do his dirty work. He wants the power of the summoners Eidions (GF monsters), but he is not as dangerous as Garland a scary bloke from the planet Terra who wishes to use the planet Gaia to restore the civilisation of Terra. Kuja finds out he is just a pawn and not immortal as he first thought, so he decides to try to destroy the universe (as you do). It is Zidanes party to fight Kuja and win the day. Apparently everyone lives happily ever after but I haven't finished it yet as I have been decorating my house (no excuse I know).Unlike FF8 this one goes back to the look of FF7, the characters are quaint and Lord of the Rings-ish. Dwarves, Sages and half humans are everywhere. Although the cinematics are lovely and the game is interesting the story and style hasn't satisfied me as much as FF8,Zidane Tribal is cheeky and cute, Garnet Til Alexandros XVII is a bit of a girlie-girlie and doesn't kick ass like previous FF female characters. The best character is Vivi Ornitier a cute little black mage with a pointy hat and sensitive feelings. Adelbert Steiner is Garnet's loyal bodyguard and big hearted loaf. Quina Quen, is a slightly scary long tounged greedy bugger, Freya Crescent is a love lorn Dragon killer, Eiko Carol is a summoner who lives with cute furry moogles and lastly there is Amarant Coral who looks like a Red haired Rob Zombie but grumpier!


This section will be updated VERY shortly!

Apparently FFX is going to look very different from FFIX, which I am personally glad about. It is echoing back to FFVIII (my fave) and is going to be in a fully 3D world!!!.This will also allow more cinematic sequences (I can't wait). Also for the first time voice acting may be used, with subtitles that you can switch on and off. The story is set in Spira, a water world which used to be a very technologically advanced, until it's civilisation was destroyed by 'Sin' an unseen force (simialar to 'Mist' in FF9 perhaps?) A century late 'Ebone' is the new religion and everyone lives in fear of 'Sin' striking again.Tidus a 'Blitzball' player and sword swinger (isn't everyone in FF?) is the main hero along with his girlie friend Yuna, a summoner of Aeon's (GFs and Eidions strike again) . She wants to collect these Aeons in the hope to defeat 'Sin'. Tidus becomes her travelling companion. Other characters' include. Wakka, a blitzball-thrower; Lulu, a mage with a Moogle; Kimahri Lonzo a spear-wielding beast; Rikku, a sexy bandit; and Auron, a sword fighter. Limit breaks/Trances are still around but they are now called Overdrives!There is a new magic system which sounds kinda complicated but I'm sure experienced players will get the hang of it. (she hopes). Team members can be switched during battles (Hurrah!) There may be (?) mini games of Blitzball and a Language one. Unfortunatley, for me anyway, FFX will be coming out on PSX2 (I haven't got one yet). Gawd knows how many hours of playing we are gonna get out of it though, 90? 100? Could be more?

The Spirits Within

REVIEW COMING SOON- Please watch, enjoy and marvel at those brainy gits that created it.

Heres the gist of the plot:

It 2065 and on Earth millions of nasty creatures and monsters are decimating the planet, this is the result of a devastating Meteor hit! The survivors strive to protect the last cities from the onslaught, one of these being Dr. Aki Ross, a beautiful scientist. She has been infected by one of these alien creatures and will soon die, but believes she holds the answer to defeating the monsters. She must collect 8 spirit waves to save the planet against many obstacles including the military.


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