Back in October of 1987, while SLEEPAWAY CAMP 3: TEENAGE WASTELAND was in production, A popular Atlanta Television station (11 ALIVE) did a very cool segment on the making of the film. If you have a high-speed internet connection, you can watch that segment below. If not, pictures from the segment follow...

Daryl "RIFF" Wilcher expresses his enthusiasm for working on the movie. Click on Daryl to hear what he has to say.

Jill "Arab" Terashita poses with her freshly severed head while Jared "Peter" Beal shows us why it's never a good idea to play with firecrackers!

Pam "Angela" Springsteen takes a break to discuss her murders. Click on Pam to hear what she has to say about all her victims.

A closer look at the art of decapitation.

Kim "Cindy" Wall poses with her "dead head."

Special FX master, Bill "SPLAT" Johnson mixes some blood and discusses his inspirations. Click on Bill to listen.

Here's one of Bill's frightening charred skeletons that he created for the SLEEPAWAY sequels...and also a look at "Riff's" spiked hand!

"SPLAT" pours some blood onto Lilly's severed neck as Arab hangs around in a cabin!!