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December 2003

Tuesday, December 23


Now that is a mighty case of bedhead.

Our family Christmas was yesterday, and a merry Christmas it was indeed! Keith and I put Owen’s presents under the tree late Saturday night, as well as the dogs’ treats, and laid out his stocking. He was up earlier than usual Sunday morning; it was like he knew he had exciting gifts awaiting him! I changed him into his Christmas pajamas (he didn’t sleep in them, as he tends to overflow his diapers many nights as of late), and he headed directly for the tree, and the new arrivals beneath its branches. The first thing he went for was the box of dog biscuits, because it has a picture of a dog on the front, and who can resist that? Certainly not Owen. So we handed out dog treats to the dogs, and Owen opened his stocking. I think he probably enjoyed the stocking gifts the most, a crazy assortment of little toys and trinkets. His stocking had a wagon tree ornament, a box of jumbo crayons, a Christmas book, a ball (always), a Finding Nemo bath book with soap crayons, a wooden shape sorter, and a chocolate Santa Claus. He then opened his gifts, and he enjoyed those thoroughly, as well. He is good at opening gifts now, so he ripped right into his new telephone, his wooden ring stacker, and a double-breasted navy wool pea coat (which was less of a hit). We took video of the opening of gifts, and no still pictures, but I’ve got pictures of the aftermath here. Keith and I exchanged our stockings, and I was so impressed with my husband. We set a $20 limit for the stockings, and he did so well. I got two games, M&Ms, a new journal, a book of crossword puzzles, an ice cream bowl that freezes, a vegetable peeler, VCR tapes, jewel cases for my pictures CDS, and a picture frame. Wow, look at that, he really does know me!

After gifts, I started to work on the Christmas lunch feast. I did much prep work on Saturday, chopping vegetables, making cranberry sauce, and baking the pies. Let me just say that everything turned out wonderful. Keith was impressed, as was I. It was all so good. I didn’t finish everything before the Titans game, so we had to turn the dinner table to face the TV, which was really festive.

So we had a great day. I loved our little family Christmas, and it seems that we picked the perfect gifts for Owen. We are all aglow with festivity and merriment, and more to be had this week. I don’t think I’ll be posting until we return from our Christmas trip home to Arkansas, so happy holidays to all, and be blessed this Season.

365 Days Ago:

12.12.2002 There were no entries on this date, or for the rest of December 2002!

Friday, December 19


Thankfully, a weekend. I'm looking out my 8th story window here at work, and the world is swirling and white for as far as my eye can see. Today is the first snowfall of the season. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

Wednesday was The Big Day for Owen. We arrived at the hospital at 630AM with one very sleepy little boy and a thermos of coffee for his mother. Keith did a fabulous job at the pre-admission, getting all the paperwork wrapped up and asking just the right questions, so we were able to go directly back to the operating waiting room. The nurses had set out some toys for Owen to play with, since he wasn't going into the operating room until 730AM. There was a car, a few books, and a little swirly-whirly deal that lit up. We dressed him in a tiny little hospital gown that hung open in the back, allowing full view of his rounded little diaper butt. He was given some Tylenol and some other oral medication that made him groggy. His reflexes were off due to the medicine, and he could barely walk. After a particularly nasty stumble and fall, he elected to sit in Daddy's lap and watch Sesame Street on the big TV ("Momo! Momo!" which is Elmo to you and me). The whole hour of waiting consisted of meetings with various nurses and our doctor, and then it was time. They took my boy from me and he disappeared behind the double doors. Very dramatic sounding, yes? I know, it was a simple surgery to put tubes in the boy's ears, but for a mommy, particular a first-time mommy who is known to be over-cautious as it is, the experience was very draining and worrisome.

After about 15 minutes, we were told he was out of the operating room and was starting to wake up. Another 10 minutes of waiting and we were taken back to pick him up. The attendant said, "He's awake, but he's mad." And mad he was. I heard him screaming before I saw him, but when we rounded the corner, there was the poor nurse holding on to him for dear life, and he was swinging his little fists at her, and kicking and screaming. I took him from her and he immediately settled down a bit, but continue to rage until we left the hospital. He took two naps that day totaling 7 hours, and then went to bed a little earlier than usual. The doctor told us that he had to drain quite a bit of fluid out of his ears, and that underlying the fluid was an infection. So Owen gets medicinal eardrops four times a day in each ear, which doesn't go over well at all. All I can think is that finally, he can be well.

This morning he woke up coughing, and I got so angry. Why is it fair that my child is always sick? Why must he have an ear infection, or cough, or cold or sinus infection constantly? I nursed him, we don't smoke, he doesn't attend a large daycare with other sick kids around. He spends most of his time home with his parents. Why is he always sick? It just makes me mad. And I feel so futile raging against the injustice that is life. I can't make him feel better. I don't hardly know what to do for him anymore, but maybe, just maybe these ear tubes will be the thing he needs.

Our company, or rather, Keith's company, departed yesterday. They are safely home now, presumably, and away from the snowstorm. Keith always enjoys their company, and Owen did, as well. It amazes me when I see the three of them together, to think that I've known them all for so long. We were friends in high school, and while so much has changed since then, I like them still yet, and even living states apart, Keith remains close to them. Friends are funny that way. Find a true one, and he's yours for life!

My plans to keep my friend's daughter tonight have changed. She's been home from school sick all week with a cold/cough combo and an ear infection, as well as pink eye in both eyes. So I don't really want her around Owen, and she needs to be home resting. I guess I'll use tonight for laundry! Yay!

Keith is off all weekend. I'm going to the grocery store tonight to buy groceries for our Christmas dinner. We've decided to celebrate on Sunday in lieu of Saturday, which is a long story, but ended up being pointless anyway. So Sunday it is. I don't believe that Keith has done any stocking stuffer shopping for me yet, and I'm slightly concerned. We'll see what he comes up with.

I didn't mention it last week, but one week ago today, Owen turned 14 months old! He is such a character now. He is in a stage of defiance, looks at us and does exactly what he knows he shouldn't do. He is still in a size 3 diaper, although not for much longer I'm afraid. He is wearing 18-month clothes, and has 6 teeth. He's still sleeping relatively well at night, usually from 730PM to around 800AM, except for when he's teething (which he is; curse those 15-month molars!). He has quite a few more words now, and he definitely understands the things we tell him more. His vocabulary includes:

  1. mommy (finally - but only when he is distressed)
  2. daddy/dada/dad
  3. dog or doggie
  4. book
  5. blocks
  6. ball
  7. touchdown
  8. down (like, "Owen get down from there!")
  9. no
  10. socks
  11. diaper (he calls it diapy)
  12. pee
  13. poopy (although he never says it when he actually is poopy)
  14. night-night
  15. bye-bye
  16. hi
  17. cookie
  18. bath
  19. shoes
  20. tree
  21. uh oh
I know there are more, but I can't remember them all. He really likes to help right now. He helps me unload the dishwasher, put clothes in the washer and dryer, carry clothes or shoes or toys to his room, etc. He still loves to dance, and his passion for balls continues to grow. He stops us at Wal-Mart when we pass by the ball section. He's crazy about them. So he is still growing and changing and learning more and more, but his personality is staying consistent, and I love getting to know his little quirks! Happy 14 months, Owen Davis!

And now I'm looking out my window, and there is no snow falling, only sun shining. Freaky December Tennessee weather. I'm glad, though. Snow + Ford Escort = disaster.

365 Days Ago:

12.12.2002 There were no entries on this date, or for the rest of December 2002!

Monday, December 15


How about yesterday's big news? We woke up to Dan Rather telling us all about Saddam's capture. Feels good, like this is what we were waiting for. No need to hash it out again, but good for us. Good for Bush. Good for the Iraqi people!

Good game yesterday, right? A nail-biter! Game day is my favorite day of the week. Yesterday was also cleaning day #2, as the entire house did not get cleaned on Saturday due to Keith being at work and Owen being a handful. So Keith pitched in yesterday and we were done by gametime. Then I went grocery shopping in the afternoon, and had dinner going by the time our company arrived. We stayed in last night, and I made gingerbread men and butterscotch squares, as well as homemade biscotti and hot eggnog. Dinner was good, and although it was probably more low-key and uneventful than Chris and Landon are used to, it was right up my alley.

Owen is having a blast with these two new big friends. Keith, Chris and Landon played basketball with Owen's little set, and he was squealing and laughing his head off, chasing balls around for them. He was so wound up. But then the fun ended when I tried to put him to bed. It was yet another long night of everyone's favorite game, Guess What's Wrong with Owen! It is a horrible feeling to know that your child is hurting and you have no idea where or how badly. He cried from 8PM to after midnight, when Keith finally got him down to sleep. He was up again around 2PM, and fussed just a little before he fell back asleep. But then bright and early at 4AM, he was up for the day. We tried and tried to get him back to sleep, gave him Tylenol and earache medicine. He had juice and a snack in his room around 430AM while he and Daddy played with blocks and I started getting ready for work. By the time I left for work around 6AM, Keith had him asleep again. I don't know if he's teething, or if his ears are hurting, or what! He has no fever, no runny nose or cough, nothing unusual at all. So it's all a guessing game. My poor baby. And my poor company! I guess if Owen can't sleep, nobody sleeps!

Tomorrow starts Owen's tube process. I hope it all goes smoothly. I'm nervous for him. I hope it makes a big difference in the pressure in his little head. The ear doctor who checked him last week said there was fluid just sitting in there all the time, even when he doesn't have an infection, so he probably doesn't even know what his head feels like normal, when it's not under pressure. It makes me sad. I'm glad he's getting the tubes, I really am.

Only one more week until our Christmas vacation! I can make it!

And p.s. - I should print a retraction to my drunk friend statement below. She did puke a lot, but she had a flu bug and spent the entire weekend in bed sick as can be. So I guess she didn't have a hangover after all.

365 Days Ago:

12.12.2002 There were no entries on this date, or for the rest of December 2002!

Friday, December 12


Can I just say that people who throw cigarette butts out windows are indeed litterers and law breakers?! How about a $1,000 fine for the jerk who throws a lit cigarette out his window and it rolls under someone's car? Not only is that littering, but it's stupid. I drive a very old car. It leaks oil. Flammable oil. In a very unfixable sort of way. Wouldn't it surprise Mr. Smoky Fathead McLitterbug if he threw his cigarette out the window, it rolled under my car, and and the Grand Prix exploded with glass and guts all over him! That'd teach him.

Work party last night = fun. We carpooled from work, and my friend's husband was our DD (no, I didn't need a Designated Driver, but it was his car so he drove and didn't drink). The two girls that I rode with (both friends of mine) were so drunk. They were acting ridiculous on the way home, and we had to stop twice for one of them to puke. Puke = not fun. I have yet to understand the thrill of a hangover. They're feeling it this morning, oh yes.

365 Days Ago:

12.12.2002 There were no entries on this date, or for the rest of December 2002!

Thursday, December 11


What a busy time around our house these days! The holidays are topping off our already full plate. Less than 2 weeks left until we head home to Arkansas for our annual Christmas visit. Between now and then, I need to:

  1. Clean house top to bottom for company. Chris and Landon arrive on Sunday.
  2. Finish buying the "big" Christmas gifts
  3. Wrap all gifts
  4. Pick up stocking stuffers for Keith and Owen
  5. Attend work Christmas party at the Preds game
  6. Babysit friend's daughter, do an art project together (Cancelled - she has pink eye in both eyes!
  7. Grocery shop for afore-mentioned company
  8. Finish up the laundry to begin packing for trip home
  9. Pay ahead all December bills
  10. Take Owen to hospital for pre-admission testing (Keith can do this?)
  11. Take Owen to hospital for ear tube surgery
  12. Arrange care for dogs while we're gone
  13. Grocery shop for 3-course Christmas dinner
  14. Cook Christmas dinner! And two pies.

Yikes! I feel overwhelmed with so much to do. There are probably a few things on the list that you are wondering about, starting with Owen's trip to the hospital. He visited the ear doctor on Tuesday, and his immediate recommendation was ear tubes. He told us that hearing loss begins after 5 ear infections, and Owen has had 6 in the last year. So the doctor is going to put them in one week from yesterday on the 17th. Owen has to get a pre-admission physical and we have to fill out loads of paperwork on Tuesday, the day before. They do the physical to make sure he is in okay shape to be put to sleep for the surgery. He will be completely knocked out when the doctor puts the tubes in. I'm nervous, but the doctor did a great job of explaining the procedure and the risks (or virtual lack thereof) to us. I hadn't seen this doctor before, since he was an ear specialist and not Owen's regular pediatrician, but I really liked him. He was so good with Owen. He let Owen shine the little ear light everywhere, and take it apart and put it back together, before he even attempted to look in his ears. Owen did great - he usually screams and cries when we hold him still to let a doctor look in his ears, but this time he just whimpered a little and then sat very quietly in my lap while the doctor finished up. I have little doubt that it was due to the time the doctor spent talking him through the instruments and examination. So that will all be happening next week.

Keith and I both have our work Christmas parties tonight. How they ended up on the same night I'll never know, but we have to get a sitter because neither party is kid-friendly. Ours is at a club box at the Predators (hockey) game downtown, and Keith's team from work is going out for dinner and bowling. Mine sounds more fun, right? Owen's usual sitter will be watching him. I love that she is available whenever we need her. She's so good with him.

Speaking of the sitter, Owen broke two of her Christmas tree ornaments yesterday. It's just so weird; he rarely if ever goes near ours. He likes to look at it, and he points at the ornaments and says "ball" but he doesn't mess with it at all. So I don't know why he pulled her ornaments off. She said he didn't drop them or throw them, he just pulled them off the tree and carried them to her saying, "Uh oh!" I guess in the process of pulling them off the tree, he broke the tops off. Not good at all. At least he hasn't broken any of my ornaments!

Keith and I decided that we will have a family Christmas, just the three of us, this year. Because we always travel to Arkansas on Christmas, we don't really have any traditions of our own, but we want to start some for Owen. So we are having a traditional Christmas dinner on Saturday the 20th. I am going to cook all day! Then we will exchange gifts (stockings, actually, since the Titans game was our "big" gift), and let Owen open his gifts and stocking surprises. I hope as Owen gets older we can incorporate even more of our own traditions for him to remember, like decorating and shopping and baking. Keith doesn't want to introduce him to the Santa concept, so we will base our Christmas around family and religion instead. Keith mentioned getting Owen a nativity set and letting him open one figure up each day until Christmas Eve, when he would open up the baby Jesus and complete the nativity. Something like that would be nice. The menu I've planned for the Christmas dinner includes Roasted Chicken with Wild Rice Stuffing, Company Best Cauliflower, Mashed Potatos and Chicken Gravy, Skillet Candied Sweet Potatoes, Green Beans with Cashew Sauce, Whole Cranberry Sauce, Hot Rolls, Autumn Pumpkin Pie, and Eggnog Chiffon Pie (Keith loves eggnog). I am by no means a maestro in the kitchen, so I'll let you know what burns and what doesn't!

Hopefully I'll get more items crossed of that list this weekend!

365 Days Ago:

12.11.2002 When I laid him down on the dryer to set the camera, he zonked! It was running, and the humming and the warmth must have done him in.

Monday, December 08


I spent all night last night uploading pictures! I had a ton saved up. I have some from Thanksgiving, a few from yesterday's Titans game, and some from Christmas decorating. So go crazy.

Yesterday was . . . wonderful. I attended my first NFL game live and in person.

We paid so much for tickets to the Titans game, but it was worth it. They played the Colts (spit), and were defeated by two points in literally the last 20 seconds of the game. I screamed myself hoarse and loved every second of it. Although Keith wouldn't allow me the customary game time snacks, he did fork over $6 for a hot chocolate and souveneir mug. If you know Keith at all, you know he would never pay $5 for a concession stand hot dog. So the hot chocolate was a treat. We had really good seats for just buying random tickets off the street. We were on the corner, in the first section, only 19 rows off the field. I only took a couple of pictures, since I was quite engrossed with the game most of the time, but I wish I would have taken more of the city. We took the new footbridge across the Cumberland to get to the Coliseum, and were afforded some beautiful shots of downtown Nashville, right on the river's edge. But alas, I was too bummed on our way out to remember to take any pictures. I'll have to go back to another game soon. Season tickets, anyone?

The rest of the weekend was uneventful. Owen and I finished up our Christmas shopping on Saturday, except one more little thing we need to pick up, and then we're done! He was a great little helper, sleeping in his stroller for most of the time we were out. He did get a little fiesty in Lowe's, but not at all unmanageable. We were checking out at the Family Dollar store, and the cashier dropped a big pile of stuff that she was bagging up for the next customer. Owen pointed at her and screamed "Uh oh!" She said, "Yes, baby, that is an uh oh!" He proceed to yell at her in various tones of uh oh until I had his coat on and my coat on and all the bags loaded up to take to the car. I'm sure she was thinking, "Shut up you little baby!" So that's always hilarious.

Tomorrow is Owen's appointment with the ear doctor. I'm hoping he'll give us some answers to Owen's ear infection problems. Even if it's tubes, I'll take it, as long as it helps my baby.

Finally, I have a few parting shots of Owen eating his first bean and cheese burrito, which he had Saturday night while we had tacos. He loved it! I was hoping he would.

365 Days Ago:

12.08.2002 He was working on a number 2, and he wasn't exactly quiet about it.

Wednesday, December 03


I am finally ready to share the photos from Keith's birthday weekend at the park in downtown Nashville. Yes, it took me a while to get them together. But they are here.

We are back from our Thanksgiving adventure. Owen and I flew into Texas to meet up with my parents and extended family, and at the last minute Keith's work told him he wouldn't be working over the holiday. So he, being without plane ticket, drove the 9 hours to meet us in Texas. We had a full house of 12 at my parents' home in Longview, and it was great fun. We ate Alma's Thanksgiving dinner, played mucho Mario Kart, visited Canton, went Christmas shopping, saw a virtual Wonderland of lights, and made festive in general. Owen and I opted out of our crowded mid-day flight home and instead drove home with Keith late Saturday night. We made it in around 5AM Sunday morning, and even after sleeping from 7PM to 5AM in the car, our baby boy blessed us by sleeping in until after 1030AM. It was like a Festivus Miracle. Both Owen and I were a little under the weather on Sunday, but I think it is sinusy stuff, and we're both feeling better today.

I stayed up late Monday night to watch the Jets beat my Titans. I'm not sure I didn't cry just a little at the end of the game. The Colts will be in Nashville on Sunday. I told Keith if he sees Peyton Manning in the hotel next weekend, give him a little kick in the shins and run. Keith and I are thinking we might go downtown and try to scalp some tickets to The Game. I mean, the biggest game so far of this season. It will probably cost us a couple of hundred bucks to go. But I feel that I have a moral obligation to be there to support Steve. And yes, in my mind I am close friends with each and every one of them.

Over the holiday weekend Owen reached a new milestone. He figured out the great art of drinking from a straw. Something just clicked for him and he took a big drink. His face was funny because he did not expect to get a burst of water in his mouth. But he loves drinking from straws now. He also took his first wagon ride in an old Radio Flyer that my dad totally restored for him, complete with off-roading tires. He loved zooming down the big hills with Poppy. I have pictures of the holiday to share, but we all know it will probably be a few days. I have used all of my free time this week to sleep, trying to beat this sinus infection. So, pictures to follow.

365 Days Ago:

12.03.2002 So I finally moved him to our bed. As a result, we didn't get to bed until after 2AM. I can't wait until the boy starts sleeping through the night!

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