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letter to owen

owen davis

four months old

february 12, 2003

dear owen,

you are four months old. it has taken me almost as long to grasp the fact that you are ours. you belong to daddy and me. sometimes when you are chattering, or when we are snuggling in the big bed, i smell your head or kiss your rubbery little cheek, and i can't believe you are here to stay! no matter where we take you, someone always stops us to comment on how beautiful and sweet you are, and each and every time i puff up with pride over how it is just so true. every mommy knows that her baby is special, but you, well - you are amazing. each new day you surprise me by doing something new, something hilarious, or something sweet.

sometimes i think about how in a few years you and i will probably argue and fuss over things - like what you want to wear, places you want to go, friends i may not approve of. will you shout at me, and sulk around the house, and say things like, "i hate you!" like every teenager does? probably. will it break my heart? probably. but for right now, daddy and i are your best friends, your sole existence, and you are ours. right now you still light up when one of us walks into a room. you chatter at us and tell us everything you know - no secrets, nothing to hide just yet. you are relatively agreeable about the clothes we put on you, and your only complaint is needing a bottle, and needing it now! you are such a good baby. for right now, we can enjoy this easy age. i've heard it said a hundred times, labor is the easy part of having a baby. the emotional workout is way more difficult. and even now we worry about things, agonize over decisions - breastfeed? daycare? move him into his own room? too cold for a walk? naptimes? and on and on, every range imaginable. we want what is best for you.

and that's because we love you! you are ours. but more than that, we are yours. whatever you need, be it emotional, physical, spiritual - we are here to meet that need. at four months, you don't require much of us. but when you read this in a few years, and i am saving it so you can, then know it is as true at 4 years, at 14 years, at 24 years, even at 40 years, as it as now at 4 months - we are here for you, and we love you more than life.

happy four months, owen davis, our prize, our heartbeat, our breath. our baby!

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