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July 2004

Saturday, July 31


Owen and me, at 36 weeks

Have you ever tried to rationalize with a 1-year old? Impossible. Even in the little things, I find myself trying to bargain my way out of situations. For instance, eating:

Owen: I done.
Me: Okay, but you didn't eat any of your green beans. Take one bite for Mommy and you can get down.
blank stare
Me: Owen, just one bite.
Me: Okay, you can't have any yogurt if you don't eat some green beans.
Me: .....
I just get down.

Or, potty training:
Me: Owen, can you make a pee-pee in the big potty?
Yeah! Diaper off! (diaper is removed)
Me: Okay, now make a pee-pee!
I done. (no pee-pee made)
Me: Okay, but you didn't make a pee-pee. If you can make a little pee-pee in the potty, you can get a candy! Just like Elmo!
(gets up) Let's just get the candy. (proceeds to pee in floor)

Or sleeping:
Me: (at 3AM) Why are you awake? What's wrong?
Sleep on couch!
Me: What? No, we're not sleeping on the couch. Lay down and I'll cover you up.
Me: Owen, it's still night-night. Lay down.
Me: Lay down!
Me: Okay, I'll go get you a big boy pillow and you can lay down like a big boy and I'll cover you up.
No. I no like big boy pillow.
Me: We're not sleeping on the couch.
Let's just sleep on the couch.
Me: Owen, Mommy's belly is too big; I can't hold you on the couch. Lay down.
(blank stare)
Keith: (stumbling in from a sleeping stupor) Owen, lay down.

My child, the stubborn.

I finished packing our hospital bags last night. I am relieved to have that wrapped up. I only have to throw in a few last minute items and we'll be on our way. I'm hoping labor is imminent, but have no signs pointing to such. I had a follow-up appointment at the OB yesterday, and he said there was no protein in my urine and my BP was fine, so go home. My next appointment is Friday, when I'll be 37.5 weeks. That is also our 5-year wedding anniversary. No big plans for us this year, I guess. We had originally planned to take a cruise or a vacation for our 5-year anniversary, but then I ended up being, you know, 10 months pregnant on that date, so I guess it will be next year.

Yesterday while I was changing his diaper, Owen noticed a big bruise on my leg from tripping over a step stool several days ago. He looked concerned and patted my leg and said, "Poor baby Mommy! Big owie! Poor, poor baby," and looked genuinely sad for me. It was the cutest thing.

Finally, just a few random pictures are here.

Thursday, July 29


Tuesday morning was my 36-week OB checkup. I had about an hour of contractions the night before, so I was hoping for some progress. I'm not dilated at all, but the cervix is very soft, and the doctor told me that as soon as the baby drops, labor will be quick. I'm thinking that’s good and bad, because a quick labor is good, unless it's so quick that I can't have any medication, and then that would be bad. I haven't had any contractions since then, either, so no more progress. I had more signs of pre-eclampsia, so I'm checking my blood pressure every day, and I have to go back to the doctor on Friday. So far my blood pressure has been borderline (128/78), but not over the 130 mark the doctor told me to watch for. I assume if it shoots back up, they'll take the baby ASAP, but no indicators of that at this point.

My parents are here visiting, and we've had a nice time. My poor dad, every time he visits, it's like work for him. He and Keith hauled off a bunch of trash, cut down a tree, and are currently working on our ice maker, which is acting possessed. Next on their list is hauling out one of my dressers. He also smoked a chicken and a pork loin yesterday, and we ate the best food we've had in a long time! Tonight we are going to PF Chang's. I'm very happy about this. They are leaving tomorrow morning, and have requested that I have the baby before they go, but try as I might, I have yet to comply.

Owen was gifted with a golf set and a basketball goal when his grandparents arrived, and hasn't slowed down since they got here. He has been sleeping great at night, though; 12 straight hours without waking in between. He seems to have beaten his little cold/sinus infection, but I'm still suffering with mine. I figured his young healthy body would heal more quickly than my exhausted pregnant one. I am feeling better, though, and at least I've been able to sleep some at night (in between the card and domino tournaments we've been having).

In other news, my brother is having his wisdom teeth out next week. He went to the oral surgeon to have his mouth x-rayed, and it turns out that he has an extraordinary tooth! Like, one extra tooth that no one else has. Less than 1% of the population has an extra tooth. Now that truly is extraordinary.

Sunday, July 25


It's like Owen can tell when I'm at my weakest. He can smell fear. I've been ill for the past two days with a sinus infection, throbbing sinuses and headache to boot. And these are the days when he either wakes up at 6AM, refuses to nap all day long, or acts like a heathen terror. And naturally, Keith is working 6AM to 11PM, so no rest for the weary/ill/pregnant. Top that off with the fact that Owen's got the same infection, and we make quite the pair. I haven't slept in days, I tell you. I guess it's preparation for what's to come.

We've been up to nothing new, just the same old routine. Owen and I do chores in the morning (he's a great hand at making beds), and then time for our morning nap. Lunch follows, then various play activities, then afternoon nap. After nap, we start making dinner. We've had very few excursions, since I'm officially on home rest, but I did take him to the community pool again last week. This was our second visit this season, and both times we've visited, I've been horrified at the babies left unattended in the pool. The first time we went with Betsy, there was a tiny baby, no more than 6 months old, left floating in the kiddie pool while the mom visited the large pool. It was terrifying. The second time we went, a little boy around Owen's age was deposited into the pool and his mother went to lay out and read on the other side of the pool. Now, I know I am what most would call over-protective, but even the most standard mother would know that this behavior is scary. I can't imagine being that kind of mother. Poor kids!

I have my 36-week checkup on Tuesday. After that, Baby is free to join us at any time. I assume the doctor will check me that day, to see if I've progressed any. I've had some mild contractions, but I don't know if they're enough to change anything. I had my Group B strep test last week, and I assume all is well since I didn't hear anything back. Also, my parents are visiting this week, so that will be a nice distraction for Owen (and myself), as we've had 24 hours non-stop of each other for the past few weeks.

So that's why I haven't updated as much as usual - there is simply nothing happening around here, unless you count chores as something. But before signing off, please visit Betsy and Alex to see the cutest pictures of my boy from when they visited last weekend.

Monday, July 19


It's been too long since I've updated! I will try to hit the highlights of the past week, without writing the longest entry ever.

- Stayed overnight at the hospital Monday and Tuesday night, was released early Wednesday morning. My doctor admitted me on Monday because of high blood pressure and headaches, basic signs of pre-eclampsia. BP stabilized by Wednesday so I was released to full-time home rest. No more working.

- After sleeping on the hospital pull-out couch on Monday night, Owen woke up with a brown recluse bite on his leg. He went downstairs to the pediatrician on call and was put on three meds. Because we caught it so quickly, it is almost gone and he never had a fever or showed signs of pain. Major scare, and major relief. And let me just add, I never felt more love for my husband than when I looked over and saw him curled around Owen on a tiny, hard hospital twin-sized pull-out couch. He had a miserable night, but wanted to be with me in the hospital. I love that man.

- Betsy and Alex arrived Thursday night. We had a fabulous three days, doing fun things and relaxing at home. That's the cool thing about best friends, there's no pressure. We sat around in our pajamas and watched TV almost as much as we went out. I loved it, and Owen is missing them. We got in the car today and he said, "Going to see Betsy?" I told him no, and he tried again. "Alex?" Still no. But maybe in a few weeks we'll see them again.

- Got the new entertainment center finished and in the house, which means the boys' rooms are finally done. I am pleased with Owen's room, and the nursery is back to its original baby-friendly state. Drawers are filled with onesies and bibs and hats. Diaper and bath kits are made. Hospital bags are partially packed. Amazing how much less I'm packing this time. I am much smarter this time around.

- Took our breastfeeding class. We were the only couple there with a child already. I felt wise and the information was familiar. The teacher made me feel like this could totally work this time. I loved her, and I hope she's on duty when I give birth.

- Owen is still being adorable. He tells me that he's a good helper, and he's going to "help change Baby's poops!" We asked him if he would give his binkies to the baby, and he said he would only give one binky to the baby, and then he changed it to two. He loved having company (the Yus), as he always had someone to play with him while Mom was doing something boring. He wasn't sure about them sleeping in his big boy bed, though. He mentioned one night that "Betsy and Alex sleep on the couch." We didn't make them, though.

- Had a major fall in the shower on Saturday. I was showering, minding my own business, rinsing shampoo from my hair, eyes closed. Keith reached in and touched my stomach to get my attention, and said, "Hey Robyn," at which point I totally freaked out. Okay, so I startle easily, but haven't before in the shower. I slipped, pulled the shower curtain down ring by ring, and landed hard on my tailbone. Slammed my back into the faucet head and elbow into the soap ledge (commenced bleeding). But at least I didn't hit my head or my stomach. Baby moved just fine thereafter, and no bleeding or contractions, but I am bruised pretty much everywhere, and Keith has vowed never to enter the bathroom again as long as I am showering.

So in ending, I am feeling fine; home rest totally agrees with me. My swelling is all but gone, and my blood pressure is relatively stable. I still get dizzy spells every now and then, but I feel much better. I have my 35 week OB checkup tomorrow. If this baby comes around the same time Owen did (38 weeks), then we're only 3 weeks away from meeting him. On a permanent basis. I can't hardly believe it. Must finish hospital bags!

Thursday, July 08


I feel almost like a new person! I've had lots of sleep the past two days. Tuesday after a trip to the OB, I was put on home rest until next Monday, and possibly for the remainder of the pregnancy (to be determined at my appointment tomorrow). The doctor's prescription? At least 10 hours in the bed, asleep, every night, uninterrupted. I can handle that. I feel bad when Keith has to get up with Owen every morning, but he never complains, and I know I'm feeling so much better. I was seeing spots and have sweats from sheer exhaustion. It's hard to be up at 5AM every day, and not in bed until 9PM at the earliest, with those precious 8 sleeping hours interrupted at least once by a semi-concious baby calling out for his binky, or for a teddy bear, or for Wal-Mart. Sleep is a good thing. I am nervous that at my appointment tomorrow, the doctor will send me back to work. I feel so much better being home and resting, and the swelling in my legs is so much better from keeping them up large chunks of the day (as much as one can with a 1-year old). I hope he chooses to leave me at home. I can tell a total difference in myself.

Yesterday I called our neighbors again about their dog. We called them last year three times when their dog was constantly waking up Owen, and they never did anything about the situation. I also called the police, and they came over and checked it out, but the neighbors weren't home. The policeman told me to call him back when they got home and he'd come back over, but I never did. Then everything came to a head last night when she just would not stop barking. She was keeping Owen awake, and in just a few short weeks that room will be the new baby's, and she'll be keeping him up. I just go so frustrated, I called them again. They weren't home, but I left a message and basically told them that my almost-two year old has been up listening to their dog every night since he was born, and the other neighbors are complaining, as well (our neighbor said she's listened to that dog for 7 years!). I said I wanted to give them a chance to fix the situation before I involved Animal Control or the police. I hope they listen and do something. I actually hope they get rid of her. She's lived in a tiny cage for at least 7 years now, and she's a big dog. She must be miserable. She's mean, too, and snaps and jumps at us when we venture into our own backyard. I guess I figure I paid way too much for my house to be unhappy and frustrated here. I'm not afraid of involving others if I need to, to keep my babies sleeping peacefully. I'm just evil that way, I guess.

I finished a pair of shorts for Owen yesterday. Some of the seams are crooked, but they are wearable, and fit him just fine. He put them on yesterday afternoon, and even insisted on sleeping in them. After he went to bed I cut out another pair of the same pattern, in some fabric I had laying around. I want to perfect this pattern before moving on to something else. I love my new sewing machine.

I'm going to take a shower since everyone else is sleeping, and get cleaned up. We need to go to Wal-Mart for milk and eggs, and then I'm hoping to convince the husband to use our PF Chang's gift certificate that the Yus sent for my birthday. In the meantime, I have a zillion pictures to upload from our weekend home, and some of Owen's new shorts. Click here for those. They're mostly of Owen; I took loads of pictures of the other kids, but I don't want to post their pictures without their parents' permission. So you'll have to settle for Owen! 18 pictures total, so be patient!

Tuesday, July 06


We had a great holiday weekend. We decided spur of the moment Thursday night to make a weekend trip home to Arkansas. I think between the 8-hour drive, seeing all the family, staying up late to visit, and a baby who didn't care for his travel crib, I slept maybe an hour all weekend, but it was worth it. Talk about a quick trip. But it will probably be our last trip home for a while, at least until the new baby arrives and gets old enough to travel, so it was important to us that we went.

Before we left on Friday, we had our ultrasound. I was very pleased. The ultrasound technician was great. She spent about 45 minutes looking at the baby. She looked at all his organs individually, measured his arms and legs and skull, watched his heart beat and measured all the chambers. She looked at the vessels in his umbilical cord. I mean, she went the whole 9 yards. We got one really good look at his face, but he was so squished up, it was hard to see much. From what I saw, he looks a lot like Owen. Of course, who knows since he's in water and all squished, but I thought I saw a little pug nose in there. She also checked my placenta, which was the main purpose of the ultrasound, and told me that everything looks great. The placenta has totally moved off the cervix, and is on my right side now, so no worries about a previa at this point. In fact, she talked like it has probably been moved for quite some time, since it's so far over on the side. This makes me think that my old OB should have checked me several weeks ago. We'll go back to the doctor next week, and he can go over the results with us officially, but the tech assured us that everything looked good. It's a relief to me, especially now that we've seen that he's perfect in every visible way. No surprises at birth, I hope! He's healthy, head down, I think we're ready. Only 3 more weeks until we're full-term (36 weeks), and then he can be born any time.

This is a short week for me, since we were off on Monday. And then next week is also short, since I'm off on Tuesday (OB appointment, dentist appointment, BF class at the hospital) and Friday (Yus are visiting). I am very excited about their visit. And my house is relatively clean, so I don't have to stress about it, either. Just a nice visit with my best friends!

Thursday, July 01


I'm wearing my abdomen bra today! It's like my own little dirty secret. No one knows except for me, and now you, friend! We bought a maternity belt at Babies'R'Us last night, and so far, it seems to be helping. It shifts the weight of the baby and my stomach from my ribs to my back, and I seem to be holding up much better today than yesterday. It's quite a contraption, I tell you what. Three long straps of various widths, all covered in Velcro. It took me quite a while to figure out how to put it on, and then once I got to work I realized that I had put it on over my underwear (just the waistband part), and had to take it off at work to use the bathroom! But I think it's helping. It was a $30 investment into my sanity.

We also got Baby's homecoming outfit at Babies'R'Us last night. It is a short set, since he'll be born in the hot summer months, and it's light blue with a yellow duck on it. We bought a matching duck hat. Keith picked it out, actually. Owen insisted on wearing the little hat around the store until we paid for it, and it sat perched on the top of his head like a little Jewish cap, because it is so small compared to his big toddler head.

After that we went to Wal-Mart to pick up the plastic drawers for Owen's closet, and I also got a new sewing machine! I used my birthday money and got a really nice Brother sewing machine with 1-step button hole making, top-loading bobbin, and some other things that I can't remember right now. I bought a little bit of fabric and a pattern to start a pair of shorts for Owen. I've made shorts and skirts before; I can handle an elastic waist. But I want to learn more, like shirts and bags and stuff. So I'm excited to get a new project underway. Because, you know, I have all this free time on my hands.

After we left Wal-Mart, we swung through McDonald's for $1 sundaes. I sat in the backseat with Owen and we shared one. I made the mistake of mentioning ice cream to Owen as we were leaving Wal-Mart, and even though we could literally see the McDonald's from the Wal-Mart parking lot, he cried his heart out all the way there, thinking we were going home instead of getting ice cream. When we pulled into the parking lot, Keith ran inside to get the ice cream, and I told Owen, "See, Daddy's getting it! You don't have to cry, buddy!" He wiped his eyes, all brave, and he said, "Don't cry. Don't cry for ice cream, Owen." It was sad and adorable.

My day was capped off when I received my birthday gift from the Yus in the mail - my very own gift certificate to PF Chang's! Talk about making a girl happy. Love the PF Chang's.

Tomorrow is the ultrasound. Keith will be going into work late so that he can accompany me to the appointment. Naturally, the one day he's scheduled to work all week long is the only day the ultrasound clinic can fit me in.

We're thinking about going to the local 4th of July celebration on Saturday night. Live music, food, fireworks, maybe too much fun to handle. Or maybe too hot and crowded. Not sure yet.

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