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March 2004

Wednesday, March 31


The Sears link wasn't working properly, so I put the pictures here. Should be easy to view now.

Sunday, March 28



I'm sitting here at the computer, listening to my new Salvador CD. Excellent. It was in the clearance rack at the mall, and I had to have it. I also got the Newsboys' Love, Liberty, Disco CD, as I lost mine a while back. I couldn't believe it was in the clearance rack. The Newsboys should never be put on clearance. They are actually worth the money.

Owen is standing beside me with an old computer cable, trying to put the two ends together (which don't go together, of course). He keeps saying, "Oh, gosh!" over and over when he can't get it. He did not learn that one from me. It's pretty funny, though.

We took Owen this afternoon to get his Easter picture made at Sears. He wore the cutest outfit ever. He wasn't in the mood for pictures, though. He refused to stand on the sheet in front of the camera, so we put him up on this big table, which he kept crawling off of, or just diving over the edge. It took us forever to get a handful of decent shots. We finally got a cute one, though. As soon as Sears posts the proofs, I'll put them up. He definitely looked adorable.

I finally got around to taking another belly shot today. Here I am at 18.5 weeks.

And here is me at 18.5 weeks, with my Owen.

I'm not wearing any make-up, so don't look too closely. Also, Owen got up at 545AM today, so I'm about to fall over with exhaustion. Such is my life.

I spent forever uploading tons of pictures today. The first bunch is from yesterday. Keith worked all day, so Owen and I played outside. We colored with sidewalk chalk and picked flowers. Those pictures are here. I also uploaded lots of pictures from Owen's first experience with ice cream. Actually, it was fat-free, sugar-free vanilla yogurt, but he didn't know the difference. Those pictures are here. And finally, there are several from my parents' and Kyle's visit a couple of weeks ago. Those are here. They are all of Owen, though, which is weird since there were 5 adults with him all the time.

That's all for now. I'm off to change a diaper and watch Elmo. Again.

365-ish Days Ago:


Ack, it's all scattered around now. Ah well, it's Friday.

Friday, March 26


Today on our lunch break, Mary Ann (my pregnant co-worker, due on the same day as me) and I went to a huge annual consignment sale not far from work. I couldn't believe all the clothes they had. Today is the last day, so everything was half off, too. I got a couple of maternity shirts, one outfit for Owen, and several onesies and pajamas for Baby A. I know we have lots of those, but can you really ever have too many onesies? And for a quarter each? No way. So I got lots of them. Most of the clothes in Owen's size were just worn out or stained, so I wasn't as fruitful as I had planned to be. I did get him several short sets at K-Mart last night, and we're planning on going to several garage sales tomorrow morning, so maybe I can find him some summer things. I am really looking for cheap outfits that he can mess up at the sitter's. They play outside all summer long, in the sand and dirt and water. So I hate to send him in his cute clothes. Garage sale clothes would be perfect.

For today, I laid out one of his new short sets, since it's supposed to be 78 degrees this afternoon. Keith called and said he dressed Owen in his new clothes, with his new leather sandals, and he was about to faint just from the sheer cute-ness of it all. I can hardly blame him. I've seen the boy, and he is definitely cute.

I'm hoping to take Owen tomorrow to get his picture made in his Easter outfit. It has a sweater vest. Not the geeky kind, but a really cool one from Baby Gap (okay, the Baby Gap outlet). Hopefully Sears will do something very cool in the pictures, and not something stupid or too cutesy. Just something plain and springy.

I don't think we have anything exciting planned for this weekend. We are going to hunt around for a nice area rug for the living room, and Keith will probably work on finishing up the trim on the new floors. Other than that, we'll just play outside with Owen and clean house. And hopefully sleep. Owen's been getting up at 6AM this week, and today it was 540AM. This cannot be. He must comply with the house rules and sleep in until at least 7AM (is that even considered sleeping in?). What can I do to teach this child to sleep?

I ate tater tots for lunch and now I am sick. Boo. Everything makes me sick lately. The doctor gave me a prescription for Zantac yesterday, since I've been sick to my stomach. He thinks it's odd that I'm nauseated in my second trimester, as opposed to my first. I think so, too. Nothing sits in my stomach right. Not even tater tots. And not even healthy stuff, for those that think that might be the problem. I don't always eat tater tots.

I don't think I've mentioned Owen's newest phrase. Lately, he's been yelling at the dogs, "Doggies! Shuddup!" Not very nice, is it? It's only slightly garbled, too, so anytime he hollers it, everyone understands what he's saying. He also says it to the television, and he's told Keith and me to "shuddup" at least once each. I'm almost convinced that he knows what it means, although I can't be totally sure. It's funny for now, but I expect the novelty to wear off soon enough. And for the record, we never tell him to shut up. He learned it from when we holler out the window to the dogs, when they bark at the neighbors. Guess it's time to start watching what we say around the baby. Hey, it could be worse.

365-ish Days Ago:


It's so neat having our own house; we can change it and work on it and it just looks better and better.

Thursday, March 25


I've returned from my OB appointment. BP fine, weight gain okay (16 pounds total so far, almost halfway through). The doctor had blood drawn to do the Triple Screen test, results of which are due back on Monday. The ultrasound went well. Everything looked good, measured right on track. The only bump in the road was a weird growth on my placenta. He said it's definitely not normal, but he's not concerned yet. His worry would be eventually that this piece of the placenta would grow over the cervix, meaning the baby couldn't get out, and I'd be an immediate candidate for a C-section. But he told me that chances are, the placenta will correct itself. We'll schedule another ultrasound in 2 to 3 months to recheck.

Which means we'll get to check the baby's sex again. Which is good, because he only gave us 70% odds. He was fairly certain about what he was seeing, but couldn't get a totally clear shot. So our odds are 70/30 that it's a little boy. He said, "That's either a penis, or some really big labia!" Hmm, that's weird. The picture of the baby has an arrow pointing to the part and it says "Penis???" I'm fairly certain that I agree with his declaration, but I'm glad that we get to recheck in a few months. I've thought it was a boy since I found out I was pregnant, same as with Owen. That's great if it's a boy, since we are overcome with boy clothes and blankets and toys and the like. So now we know what to call him! Only you won't know for a little while.

Thursday, March 25


I had a dream last night that we found out we're having a girl. I guess we'll know shortly if this is the case. Two hours and counting.

I was so sick last night. I was having mild Braxton Hicks contractions throughout the evening, and they were upsetting my stomach in a major way. Luckily Owen has given up eating anything but cheese (his mother's boy!), so I didn't have to cook anything for dinner. I don't think I could have handled the smell. I'm feeling a little better today. I think I'll tell the doctor about the mild contractions, just in case he thinks it might be something, but I think it's just regular old pregnancy.

Last night Owen woke up twice screaming bloody murder. I thought he was hurt or had a nightmare, the screaming was so awful. Keith went running in there both times to calm him down, but the second time he would not be consoled. I brought him into our bed, and he slept fine until around 6AM. I was already up for work, and I heard him shuffling around. I peeked into our room, and he was stretching his arms, rubbing his eyes, trying to wake up. He still had his binky in. When he finally opened his eyes, he rolled over and was looking Keith right in the face (who was sound asleep, of course). He smiled really big around his binky, poked Keith in the eye and said, "Daddys! Wate up!" Owen scooted over by Keith and touched noses with Daddy, then laid his head on Keith's pillow. It was so cute. I swear, that boy could kill people with sheer adorableness.

I noticed when he woke up that at some point during the night he'd had a bloody nose. He had dried blood around his nostrils. I'm thinking maybe that was the cause of the screaming. Maybe he bumped his face on the crib rails? I brought him into our bed in the total darkness, so I wouldn't have noticed the blood even if it was there. I guess it's possible.

I suppose I'll be back in a few hours to update on our ultrasound appointment. Hopefully this baby will be brazen like Owen was, and let it all hang out!

Tuesday, March 23


The last of our visitors left this morning. Our house is going to seem empty after having Kyle and my parents around for the last week and a half! Kyle actually flew out Saturday morning, and my parents drove out today. We did all kinds of fun things with Owen, and he was showered with clothes and gifts, just as he rightfully should be for being so adorable. Keith and Dad worked on our house non-stop, and it looks so great. They laid new floors, which made a world of difference. We painted in the kitchen and they bought us a new dinette set. We rearranged the living room and Owen’s room. It’s like a whole different house! It looks really great. I love it.

Thursday is The Ultrasound. I’m getting really excited. I hope the doctor can see all the vital information. I’d love to know what we’re expecting. Strangely, I really have no preference either way. In the beginning, I thought I wanted another boy. But that’s sort of worn off, and I’m pretty easy going either way now. I’m so used to saying that I have a son, it would be strange to say that I have a daughter. But I could get used to it. It feels like Thursday is in no rush to get here!

I’ve been updating pretty randomly lately. Sorry about that. We’ve been so busy with company that I’ve had no time to sit down at the computer. And I have a 1-year old, after all. Now that life is settling back down to normal, I will do better. I really need to take another belly picture. I am failing at documenting this second pregnancy. I haven’t taken many pictures at all! I need to do better for Baby 2. Must take pictures. Must update journal. Must chronicle!

365-ish Days Ago:


There were no entries on this date.

Wednesday, March 17


What a monster of a week we've had. I can finally say that Owen is on the mend, although we spent Friday night in the ER with him. He had a bloody diaper, so I rang the pediatrician on call, and he referred us directly to the ER. Keith came home from work and we went to the hospital. The doctor there was immediately concerned about dehydration, because his lips were so dry, and started an IV. He looked so tiny and helpless in the big hospital bed, with the big IV running into his arm! They took x-rays of his chest and stomach, and did blood and urine tests. They also took a look at the rash that's all over his arms and back. Their conclusion is that he has a very bad viral infection in his GI track, which is causing the throwing up and diarrhea, and also causing the rash. We got home around 2AM, and Owen was up at 8AM because he had been sick in the crib. I heard him on the monitor – "Mess! Mess! Wet! Help!" He didn't eat a bite from Tuesday at lunch until Sunday morning at breakfast. He ate very little Sunday, and threw up after both lunch and dinner, but he did eat, so that was a step in the right direction. He had one bad diaper on Monday, and threw up once at the sitter's on Tuesday, but he is obviously feeling much better. I'm so glad. He was so very sick.

We met Kyle at the airport Sunday morning, and we've been busy ever since. We went out on Sunday, and since we waited forever with a fussy baby, they gave us our meal for free. Very nice! Both Monday and Tuesday night Kyle and I went shopping while Keith was at work. We bought Mom's birthday gift last night. Mom and Dad will be getting into Nashville today, and we are celebrating her birthday tomorrow night. We are also going to Chuck E. Cheese's and to the zoo while they are here, and it seems that the weather is going to cooperate beautifully.

Keith and I are going today to hopefully finalize our floor purchase, so that he and Dad can install it this weekend. We've decided on a wood laminate throughout the entire house, except for the bedrooms. We wanted to do real wood at first, but everyone warned us against it because we have inside dogs. So a nice laminate it is. I'm so excited about getting the nasty carpet out of the house, especially before the new baby comes. It's the original carpet, so it's 11 years old now, and the people who lived there before us had a cat, so double yuck. It has a cat stain in the living room. I hate it. So new floors are a great thing.

We are now officially 17 weeks pregnant. The big ultrasound is one week from tomorrow. I can't believe it's so quickly approaching. We're almost halfway there. Keith asked me a couple of days ago, "Our ultrasound is in two weeks?" Affirmative. He looked confused for a minute, and then he said, "We're that far along? Really?" I think it's starting to sink in for both of us. It really hits home at certain times, like when Owen screams on and off all night long, like last night, for no apparent reason whatsoever. Very pleasant, and even better with two babies, I'm sure. I'm a touch terrified. Less than last time, though, strangely. I'm not anxious about taking care of the baby, which I was before I had Owen, being a new mom and all. I'm just nervous about making sure both babies get adequate attention and care. And I don't see sleep in my future anywhere at all. Ah well, such is the life of a mommy. And really, it doesn’t get any better than my babies. I'm very happy.

Happy St. Patrick's Day! I believe I've mentioned before that RD is incredibly Irish, from his red hair to his mustache to his name, all Irish, all the time. I think I'll give him hell today.

365-ish Days Ago:


My parents and grandparents arrived Saturday evening.

Thursday, March 11


I stayed home again today with Owen. He hasn't thrown up in 24 hours, thank goodness. But he's filling lots and lots of diapers, so I'm assuming he's still feeling a little shaky. He ate a little today, about a quarter of a banana, a handful of crackers, and a piece of cheese. So that's a good sign. He's running a mild fever, but I think he'll be well enough to go to the sitter's tomorrow, especially since it's a home environment and she gives him one-on-one care. I'm glad he's feeling better, finally.

I had my 16-week OB checkup today. Keith and Owen joined me, since Owen was home. Everything looks great. BP is 116/60. I've gained 16 pounds so far, which is actually more than I'd gained with Owen at this point, so I'm a little worried about that. It's weird because I've been going to the gym, which I never did while pregnant with Owen, and I'm still packing on the pounds. Sucks. I'm not worried yet, but if I keep gaining, I'll get worried really fast. I guess that's one of the downsides of not being sick during the first trimester - most people lose weight the first trimester from being sick and throwing up. Not me! I'm a gainer. We heard the baby's heartbeat, which was at 155. Faster than Owen's ever was. The doctor talked to us about the bloodwork for the defects test, which is where they draw my blood and test for problems with the baby, such as Down's syndrom, MS, etc. The test is optional. I had it with Owen, and we've elected to have it again. The results wouldn't change our mind on having the baby, but if there were an issue, I'd like to throw myself into becoming emotionally prepared, learning all I could, finding specialist doctors, etc. So I'll be having that bloodwork drawn in two weeks. The big bomb the doctor dropped was that two weeks from today, we're having our ultrasound to determine the sex of the baby. He said he prefers to do them at 18 weeks, so that the determing parts are visible, but not cramped. I thought it would be mid- to late April before the ultrasound, so I was shocked when he said 2 weeks. But excited. I'm definitely excited.

Kyle arrives Saturday! That is so soon. We haven't had visitors in ages, so I'm ready for people to come. Owen's at the perfect age for visitors, and I know he's going to have a blast. I have a little more cleaning to do before the house is ready.

Speaking of which, I should probably be doing that cleaning right now, since Owen is busy watching his "moo-gie" (movie). He loves the Baby Newton video, which teaches shapes, and now he knows what a circle is. We're working on square.

Wednesday, March 10


*Edited to add: I just finished watching the American Idol wildcard results show, and needless to say, much toe dragging and finger waggling was done in our living room when Jon Peter's win was announced. A little more bite, indeed.*

I never knew I could endure so much vomiting and bodily fluids. Owen's, I mean. My poor little boy is so sick. But let me start at the beginning.

Last night after work my boss held a wedding shower for one of the girls I work with at the Sheraton hotel downtown. Mary Ann and I rode together, and we got there around 6PM. The hotel parking garage had a "Full" sign up, so we parked two blocks over in a public parking garage. We walked the two blocks to the hotel and drank fruity non-alcoholic drinks and ate hot wings and veggies with dip, typical shower fare. We watched the bride-to-be open her gifts, and around 8PM, we headed to the car to get home. We walked back to the garage, and it was complete locked up. No way in, no way out, at least not until the next morning. I was so mad at the greasy attendant guy, who failed to mention that although this was a public lot, it closed at night! So we walked back to the hotel, and by this time, not a single one of our co-workers remained. I called Keith to come get us, and he got Owen out of bed and was on his way. Or so I thought.

What actually happened was this. When Keith went in to get Owen up, he found him happily sleeping in his crib, which was full of vomit. Apparently he had thrown up, then went right back to sleep. Keith got him up, cleaned him off, changed his clothes, and Owen proceeded to throw up again. And again. Keith cleaned him up again, changed him again, and put him in the car to come get us. On the way downtown, Owen threw up twice more in the backseat. Keith pulled over both times, but there wasn't much he could do. So when they finally reached us, it was after 9PM. The car was rank, to say the least, and Owen was sitting very quietly in the backseat. Strangely enough, he didn't cry throughout the entire ordeal. Keith filled me in on what happened, and about half way home, Owen started to throw up again. I was in the backseat with him, and was able to at least hold his head and put a towel under him, but it was rough. It was almost too much to ask of a pregnant lady, but I held it together. We got Mary Ann to her car, which was parked at our house, and got Owen inside without further incident. Keith put both him and the carseat in the bathtub, and gave them both a bath. I was in charge of "shaking the chunks" out of the towels and blankets that were used to sop up the... well, you know.

After a thorough cleaning, Owen was in a much better mood and wide awake. We set up his Pack-n-Play in our room, so I could hear him if he needed help during the night. He would have no part of the Pack-n-Play and ended up in our bed. He finally fell asleep around 11PM. He slept very fitfully, and was hot with fever. Around 230AM he was up again, throwing up. He woke up around 630AM, and refused any food other than milk. He drank three glasses of milk immediately (I'm sure he was feeling dehydrated by now), and took a 2 hour nap. He made it through most of the day without being sick, but never ate a bite. Keith bought him some Pedialyte, which he would drink, but that's it. Finally around 1PM he started throwing up again, accompanied by lovely diarrhea. He laid down at 230PM and slept for over three hours, waking only because FedEx rang our doorbell to deliver a package. The good news is that he just ate a saltine cracker, which he's been refusing to do all day. The bad news is, I hear the lovely symphony of him filling diaper after diaper. I don't think he's feeling much better.

We did go back this afternoon to pick up my car, since both my and Mary Ann's purse were locked in there. Owen was cooperative, only throwing up once in the car.

Much sickness at this house. I haven't been able to eat much all day. I worried at first that I was getting sick, but I think it has more to do with what I've been cleaning up all day. Doesn't leave much of an appetite.

I've uploaded just a few pictures to share. They are here. I have more to write, and I owe some of you emails, but I need some time to catch up. I have a lot of laundry to do, and a very ill little boy. Will catch up soon.

365-ish Days Ago:


At this point I am laughing at Keith's dryer sheet, so we give up on cleaning up the puke and just left. Our apologies to the gap.

Friday, March 05


There's not much to report. We've had a pretty normal week, aside from Keith getting home at 330AM from his job at the hotel. Lucky for me, I'm so exhausted nowadays that I can fall asleep easily on my own. Normally I don't sleep well, or at all, until he gets home. Not a problem anymore. Owen's been readjusting his sleep schedule, and is starting to wake up earlier and earlier. He used to sleep until 8AM, or even 830AM. But all of a sudden he's up at 7AM, or like last Saturday, 615AM! I think it has to do with the days getting lighter earlier. As soon as the first crack of sunshine is showing, he's ready to rise and shine. We've blacked out his window to see if that helps, but it doesn't appear to have an effect on him. It's like he has a sixth sense. Needless to say, let's "spring forward" already.

I'm hungry. Again. I am hungry almost all of the time. Lunch was chicken, peas, mashed potatoes. That was 4 hours ago. I could eat another meal, I'm so hungry. I have a baggie of animal crackers in my purse that I brought for Owen's snack while we're at the gym, but I'm fixing to eat them. If he asks, I'll blame it on the baby. "Cackies," he tells me, which means cracker but is an interesting mix of the words 'crackers' and 'cookies,' something he came up with on his own. Tuesday's gym snack consisted of three animal crackers and a pickle, which is his new favorite thing. He loves baby dills, truly his mother's child! "Gickles!" he yells, and pounds on the fridge door. My number one craving while pregnant with him was dill pickles. I ate them constantly. I wonder if it affected him? Mmm. These animal crackers are great.

I have two very hilarious pictures of Owen wearing his 'beads' (not Haiti beads). Each of the children at his sitter's strung together a necklace of little beads, and he loves to wear it. He calls it 'beads' instead of necklace, and often brings it to me, insisting that I put it on him. He looks farcical in it, being a boy and all, and I've never been a fan of man-jewelry. But for now, I put it on him and laugh and take pictures. He's my greatest source of entertainment, after all. I'll post pictures of it soon.

Two nights ago I was attempting to change his diaper and put his pajamas on, when he crawled under his crib. There he stayed, giggling and out of reach, for quite some time. He now knows that's the place to go where Mommy can't reach. We'll be playing in his room, and then all of a sudden he disappears. I hear little muffled giggles coming from under his crib, and I know it'll be a while before I see him again! The funny thing is that he inevitably comes out with a binky or two, and sometimes a sock. At least he keeps it clean under there.

Brother arrives a week from Sunday, on March 14, via Air Canada. This date is also a big day for my mom, who will be turning another year older. Mom and Dad will arrive shortly after Kyle, so we have a big couple of weeks coming up. There will be much pampering and havoc-wreaking for Owen, as I'm sure he will be allowed to do whatever he pleases as soon as my back is turned, and if my dad holds true to form, he'll be sneaking Owen all kinds of evil things to eat. We'll also take Owen to the zoo, and probably to Chuck E. Cheese at least once, and I definitely see a trip to Donalds in our future. All of these things make Owen very happy.

Next Thursday is my monthly OB appointment. We will be hearing the heartbeat for the first time, as we didn't officially hear it during the ultrasound, we only saw it beating. I like these appointments, except for the weigh-in part. I don't know if I'm gaining weight any more quickly than I did with Owen, but I'm definitely showing faster. A little frightening for me.

I am working on the Yus to get them to Tennessee for a visit in April. Alex has a break in semesters, so it's the perfect time. The weather will be nice, we can go to the Farmer's Market, the outdoor flea market, all kinds of interesting things (convinced yet?). Although, by her recent post, Betsy may be too stressed by the baby name game to enjoy the trip! Yes, we've decided to keep the new baby's name a secret until s/he is born. After all, if we are revealing the sex, we should leave something a surprise! Sorry, Boodles.

And now the animal crackers are gone, and so am I.

365-ish Days Ago:


But with her beautiful smile, she smiles at me and says, "Yes, he was no problem at all." Oh happy dagger.

Monday, March 01


Two updates in a single day! It's pouring rain here, and Everwood isn't on tonight (Seventh Heaven, bah), so what else do I have to do, right?

I've uploaded a few pictures. The first picture is from Owen's first birthday party at his Nini's. Keith's grandpa sent us an entire disk of pictures from the party back in October, and this one is my favorite. Owen is sitting on the pool table (and note the birthday mohawk!). I can't believe how little he looked four months ago!

And the tale of a boy and his binkies. Oh, how Owen loves his binkies!

Finally, here is Owen asking for me to open his "rickies" which is what he calls raisins. I have no idea why, but rickies it is. We've been working on saying please, which is what he's doing here, but it's been my downfall. How can I say no to him when he's asking me for something with those big eyes, saying, "Peeeeeees?"

Sure Owen, here's a cookie. Sure, you can have a drink of Daddy's Cherry Coke. Sure, you can eat off Mommy's plate. Sure, whatever you want, Little Master! I never should have taught the blue-eyed baby to say please. And P.S., he looks so much like my baby pictures here! Freaky.

Monday, March 01


My left blinker has been burned out for weeks now. Yesterday Keith fixed it. I've been turning left all day, just to show off.

We had a great weekend. It was 65 degrees and gorgeous both days, so we were outside as much as possible. Saturday we visited the Tennessee State Fairgrounds, which hosts a huge outdoor flea market every fourth weekend of the month. Owen rode calmly in his stroller, enjoying the sunshine and looking at all the people, for several hours. We ate some cinnamon kettle corn and perused all sorts of booths with old and new merchandise. Owen was an angel, until the very end of the day, when he was ready to get out of his stroller. "Help," he cried out to passers-by. "Help!" I kept telling him that he didn't need help, and that people were going to get the wrong idea if he kept yelling that he needed help, but he couldn't be convinced. So we took him out of the stroller and let him walk to the car, which was parked so, so far away. And he walks pretty slowly. But it was great fun.

Sunday we took Owen to the park and went grocery shopping, then we played outside in the yard while Keith replaced the blinker in my car and the headlight in his. Owen played basketball and rode his little car around and generally had fun. We ate dinner and watched part of the Oscars, and were in bed by 9PM. A really great weekend.

Last night around 3AM I heard Owen over the monitor. He often wakes up at night, briefly, talks for a minute, then dozes back off. So at first I didn't pay much attention. But he kept talking, so I shook myself awake and listened. "Help!" he was calling. "Help! Help!" So I went into his room, thinking he must have misplaced his binky. I found it, tried to give it to him, and he pushed it away. So I reached out for him, and immediately the problem was clear. His pajamas were soaking wet. He sleeps in special overnight diapers because of his ability to pee through any standard diaper on the market. He has yet to pee through an overnight! But last night he finally did it. I pulled his wet pajamas off, and he fell forward and was back asleep almost immediately. I had to roll him over to change the offending diaper, but I never heard another peep from him all night. I thought it was just hilarious to hear him yelling 'help' from his bedroom. At least the boy knows what he wants/needs.

It would seem that the dreaded pregnancy dreams have started back up. Something about pregnancy hormones just cause me to dream like crazy. Last time when I was pregnant with Owen, all my dreams included me losing the baby, dropping the baby, keeping him inside a backpack for several days, weird and frightening things of that nature. This time they are less scary. In the first dream, I had given birth to the baby without Keith there. I put the baby to bed, and when Keith came home, I went with him back to the bedroom to see the new baby. When we got there, the baby was walking around, and it had long greasy black hair. I was sad. In the second dream, I was at the doctor's and there were two other couples there (both were Keith's cousins). They kept telling the doctor that I had agreed to have their baby for them, and that I had to give them the baby, but I kept insisting that it was my baby! Very strange. Who knows where all this comes from?

Everything is going quite well pregnancy-wise. My morning sickness (or evening sickness, as it were) has subsided entirely. I am tired, exhausted really, but at least I'm not sick. I've also started to bond with the new baby. It gives me a sense of camaraderie to take the baby with me everywhere, as in, it's us against the world. I've also felt a few tiny flutterings, which I believe are the baby. This helps me connect a little more. I'm starting to come to grips with having another little one. We've also decided on names for either sex. This helps me feel more settled. We'll be having our ultrasound to determine the sex of the baby within the next two months, so I'm really looking forward to that. We can then start on a nursery and the real preparations will be under way. Seems to be moving so quickly!

365-ish Days Ago:


There were no entries on this date.
