Monday, May 24
Like any good patient, I spent some time this weekend on the Internet, doing some research on what I now know is called Partial Placenta Previa. Medical journals and pregnancy websites ran the gamut, with some brushing it off as non-issue until at least 30 weeks, while others were listing such worse case scenarios as a hysterectomy after c-section. I tried to take the facts for what they are, and avoid either end of the spectrum. I'm neither indifferent nor hysterical (I tell myself). I called my doctor first thing this morning, and left him a voicemail in my most professional-yet-concerned voice, that I am leaving the state for 8 days, and I need some further guidance from him before I travel. He returned my call around lunchtime, and calmly walked me through all of my questions. Yes, it is Partial Placenta Previa, he tells me. I'm still unclear as to why he didn't tell me this last week, and outline all of the symptoms and preventative measures that I found online. Yes, I am cleared to travel, since I am not yet 32 weeks, at which point he prefers I not travel. Yes, if there is bleeding, proceed immediately to the nearest hospital, be it in Texas or Tennessee. Yes, I can lift my 30+ pound baby without concern, at least for a few more weeks. Yes, I can still work out, although the Internet advises against any aerobic exercise. My next appointment at 30 weeks will be a standard check-up, and then at 34 weeks we will do the Group B strep test and an ultrasound to check on the placenta. If it hasn't moved by then, we're off to our c-section within the next week or two. Looks like we could very well have a July baby! Talking to him has calmed me, although I feel a little bit of irritability underneath all that calm, like, why the heck didn't we go over all this at my appointment last week? I know he doesn't want to worry me unnecessarily, but at least he could have prevented the images of a hysterectomy from floating around in my head all weekend! I ended my questions with, "So essentially I am way more concerned than you are?" He said yes, but that was to be expected, as this was my first time dealing with the issue, and not his. He gave me the okay to call him at any time, even from Texas, if I needed him. He is a very nice man after all. I hate to drill him to death with my questions, but this is a life we're talking about, a life I am very much invested in, a life that is depending on me to make the right decisions for him, and a life that I love very much. It also slightly involves my own life, as hemorrhaging from this condition can lead to maternal death. So you can understand why I ask my questions.
On a more convenient note, if the baby is taken by c-section on week 36, my parents will already be in town, so that will be handy, right? I guess we'll aim for the last week in July, short of a miraculous moving placenta (which occurs very rarely after the start of the third trimester, which is next week for me).
My birthday is 4 weeks from today. Is 25 really a celebration year? It's not really 21 or 30, but it's not quite as mundane as, say, 23 or 27. Unless I'm pregnant on my 27th birthday, which will be interesting, because I was also pregnant on my 23rd and 25th. Maybe I will be pregnant every other year until I'm 30. Wait, how many kids is that?
Sunday, May 23
I am picture happy today. Here are several more pictures, and of course, they all feature Owen. Some family shots are here and some attempts at artsier shots of Owen are here.
Owen has been acting like a kitty today. He's done this a time or two before, where he crawls around and meows. I find it pretty entertaining, especially when Keith plays the dog and chases him around. He makes a pretty good kitty.
Last week Owen got in trouble at the sitter's for the first time. She hadn't previously been disciplining him at all, thinking he was too young or that we didn't want her to. We discussed it a few weeks ago, and I told her I thought he was old enough for a brief time-out if he was being a terror. He absolutely knows better now, and knows when he's doing something he shouldn't, so I think he's at a good age to begin some appropriate discipline. Last week he was hurting one of the girls at the sitter's, leaning on her and pushing her over. After repeated warnings, the sitter finally put him in the corner for 1 minute. She said it worked so well, and he understood exactly what was going on. We've only used it once here at home, but it worked just as well then, too. He sat down in the corner, facing the wall, with his little shoulders down and his head hung low for 60 seconds, and then it was over and done, and now he doesn't jump on the couch. I think it's a great tool for every now and then when he is really being deliberate in his misbehavings. Normally, though, a good warning is all he requires.
I am so excited to be leaving on our trip this week. We are leaving straight from my work on Thursday afternoon, and won't be back for a full week. I purchased a new maternity swimsuit, and Owen got two new suits since he outgrew his a long time ago. I am ready to sweat in the Texas heat! Bring on the vacation.
Saturday, May 22
The garage sale is over! We spent around 4 hours out in the sun this morning, peddling our junk. We sold all the big things, and lots of little items and clothes. I think we made around $150, which is a decent amount. We pretty much gave everything away if poeple would haul it off! We sold the futon for $7 and our entertainment center for $5. It was worth it to get it out of our garage!
I am finally posting the long-awaited belly shot! 25 weeks and growing.
I think this picture looks bigger than I am; maybe the shirt? More belly shots and family shots here.
Friday, May 21
An interesting past few days. I did not go to work on Wednesday, as I was feeling really weird and tired, and instead stayed home and rested. Owen stepped on my stomach Tuesday night, and the resulting nausea didn't pass until the next day. Later in the day I priced a few things for the garage sale and Keith and I watched Mean Girls which was super funny, and even Keith laughed out loud a little.
Thursday was our 26-week OB appointment and ultrasound. We arrived early and I drank the dreaded orange liquid for my gestational diabetes test. Then the doctor performed the ultrasound. He confirmed immediately that he is now 100% certain that Baby is a boy, so that's good to know. He also checked my placenta, and the news isn't great (warning, medical and female terms to follow). Apparently my placenta, which performed fabulously with my first pregnancy, is attached very low, underneath the baby, and is growing over my cervix. My first question was, what does this mean for me? It means that, with the cervix entirely blocked, it will not dilate or efface, meaning a regular delivery is out of the question. We will be scheduled for a c-section. This also means that I should not go into labor on my own under any circumstances, since the pressure on the cervix could rupture the placenta, which could be harmful or perhaps fatal to the baby. So the doctor has planned to do a c-section in 8 to 9 weeks, which will put the baby at approximately 35 weeks. He didn't give me great details regarding why the baby needs to be delivered early, other than the weight of the baby on the cervix and placenta could be harmful. Now that it's all sinking in, I have about a zillion more questions that I need to ask at my next appointment in 4 weeks. I'm a little disturbed about bringing the baby out so early. Babies born even a week or two early can exhibit signs of prematurity, such as weak suckling, which could lead to problems nursing. This concerns me. I need to do some internet research of my own, and jot down some questions for my next appointment, for sure. I'm nervous about the c-section, which is major surgery after all. I'm nervous about the recovery period. My work pays for an additional two weeks of leave with a c-section, so that's a bright side, if I have to find one. Also, the convenience factor of knowing when the Wee One arrives is nice, so support can be in place via family and hopefully Betsy. Of course, I absolutely feel that a natural birth and full-term baby are the best, but since I can't have that, I need to find the silver lining. A healthy baby is the best silver lining.
Owen has stopped sleeping. I cannot determine why. He is getting up approximately 8 times per night. Why yes, it is miserable. I have three theories. One, it's his teeth. They are all coming in right now, and he's drooling everywhere. Two, it's his sinuses and/or allergies. His nose is snotty, and I wouldn't be surprised if he has sinus pressure in his head. Snotty nose means he can't keep a binky in, which means he wakes up. Or three, he senses something is in the air. He wakes up to be held or rocked or soothed, and I wonder if it's not simply that he smells change coming, and is concerned. Either way, it's pretty hard on me. Keith is really good about getting up with him or laying on the couch with him if he needs to, allowing me to sleep some.
What's amazing is that he should be so exhausted. I can't believe he doesn't just drop into his crib and sleep all night without a peep. He is spending his afternoons swimming and playing outside at the sitter's, and then when he comes home, I take him for a walk after dinner. It's not that long of a walk, except for tiny little baby legs. It takes us a good 45 minutes on a walk that normally takes Keith and I about 15 minutes. Every few minutes Owen needs to sit down to rest, so I know he's getting tired. He stops to collect rocks and flowers and sticks along the way. After all this activity, he's still having trouble sleeping. Poor boy, I know he's tired. He's napping more than usual. I wish we could get him back into his routine at night.
On a funny note, Owen found my contact case the other day, and he immediately started calling it "boobies." I have no idea where that came from, or how he knows that word, but everytime he runs across the case, either in my purse or on the nightstand or wherever, he starts shouting about boobies, like he's struck gold or something. Awkward and slightly disturbing, but funny still the same.
To those of you who were promised pictures (Betsy again) I'm sorry, I didn't upload them! I will soon, I promise. Right after the garage sale and a nap.
Tuesday, May 18
My son is confused. My mother, his grandmother, is known to him as Meme. My dad is Poppy, and my brother is his Uncle Kyle. He is really good at recognizing Poppy and Uncle Kyle, although he occasionally gets the two of them confused. He has yet to call some random person Poppy or Kyle (although he does call our local Wal-Mart manager Daddy, which is pretty awkward for me at the register). But he's not as good at picking his Meme out of a crowd. Here is a recent list of people he has called Meme:
Anytime I hear him shouting "Meme! Meme!" I know something funny is going to happen.
Speaking of my little Owen, I cut his hair last night. It was so out of control. He sat relatively patiently in his high chair while I used the clippers, and it looks really cute. I put some gel in it and spiked up the front. He's gorgeous. Having the shorter hair makes his eyes look even bigger, and more blue. How did we have this beautiful child? Neither of his parents are even half as beautiful as he is. He's like a genetic miracle.
Keith is off today and tomorrow (speaking of miracles). He is going to finish painting the shutters and front door, put in our new thresholds, and mow the lawn. Then we have to get everything ready for our garage sale on Saturday. I'm hoping the weather will be nice, no rain. And hopefully not too hot, either, since I'll be sitting out in the sun all day long!
I'm off Thursday, since I have my gestational diabetes test and ultrasound that morning. I also have a hair appointment that afternoon. I've scheduled a nap in there somewhere, too. Although now that all the big season finales have happened on all my favorite shows, I've been able to go to bed between 8 and 830PM. I love it. Sleep is my favorite thing right now.
We are gearing up for our big vacation coming up next week! It will be a lot of driving, though. My friend is lending us her portable DVD player, so I'm crossing my fingers that Owen will watch Elmo and Baby Beethoven in the car when he's not asleep. And then hopefully once he does fall asleep, I can watch a movie of my own. I think it will really help the time pass by. Not that we're in any hurry – I have to get out and walk every hour to two hours, and I have to eat/bathroom break almost as often. Traveling while 7 months pregnant = slow going.
Keith took a belly shot this past weekend (less than 100 days left?!), and I have it uploaded and ready to post. I just need to get a second to myself, and I'm all over that.
Friday, May 14
Last night I took Owen grocery shopping. He is so good in the cart; he very rarely causes any trouble while shopping. My theory on this is that our grocery store constantly has samples of everything scattered randomly throughout their store, and I will usually let him sample anything and everything we come across, providing it doesn't contain nuts and is baby-friendly. For instance, he had his first potato chip at the grocery store several weeks ago, when they had a little sampling of organic original-flavored potato chips. Last night they had enormous, gooey chocolate chip cookies out for samples. I broke one in half, and then in half again, and he got the small piece (I of course forced myself to eat the remainder of the cookie so as not to further tempt him). Several minutes later, with sticky hands and chocolate cookie mouth (him, not me), we stumbled upon sugar-free lemon cake samples. Should I let him try it? It is sugar-free. But he just had a cookie. But he never gets any sweets, and it’s just a tiny piece. I let him have a piece of the cake. He mashed it into his mouth, crumbs flying everywhere, then tried to mash some into my mouth (no drool-drenched, chocolate and lemon cake for me, thanks). After he finished the cake, he asked for another cookie. I told him we weren't having any more cookies or cake. He looked at me, very sadly, shook his head, held his little sticky hands palm-up, and said, "Cookie, all gone. Cake, all gone." And that was that. No tantrums or fits or crying, no demands for more. Very pleasant, actually. Hopefully this is the result of forcing a virtually sugar-free lifestyle on him (at least, refined sugar) – he doesn't have a sweet tooth like his mom. He can have a little piece of dessert and move on, as opposed to eating the entire pan of brownies in two days, like his father and I did this week. He also requested apples and oranges while we were shopping, so I know he likes fruit as well as any sugar-laden dessert. I guess it's true, you don't need desserts to be happy in life. Man, you learn something new every day.
Thursday, May 13
If only it were this easy!
Stolen from Liz. Make your own here.
I am leaving work 1 hour early today to get my annual eye exam. Amazing how losing one hour of work time makes the time fly by. Hopefully I will be able to get contacts this time. I'm trying a new doctor, who will hopefully be able to fit my deteriorating eyeballs with decent cataract contacts.
We've officially set our garage sale day for Saturday May 22. I've put the ad in the paper and everything. Tuesday night we cleaned out the garage and got everything that we want to sell into one big pile. We have quite a bit more than I thought, so it should be a decent garage sale. If we can just get rid of the big pieces, I'll be happy, since we don't have any way to haul them to the dump or to charity.
I've been looking everywhere for a maternity bathing suit, and I can't find a single one that isn't hideous. Wal-Mart has a whole two to choose from, and Old Navy had one in stock. Motherhood had several to choose from, but they were all basically the same suit with different colors. Hated them all. You know, buying a new swimsuit is never that easy or fun, but doing it while 7 months pregnant sucks royal.
Tuesday, May 11
Boss-related entry deleted. Note to self: redirect rage into a less public forum. Just because.
Tuesday, May 11
Officially 25 weeks pregnant! Just over three months left. I can't believe how close we are getting to meeting this new baby. I'm starting to get nervous over not having Owen's new room completed. I want him to be able to move into his big-boy room before the new baby is born, so he can start adjusting to the big change. I don't think full-on nesting has kicked in, but I'm definitely getting itchy to finish up some things for the new baby, which I can't do until Owen is out of the nursery. I need to sort through all of our boxes of baby clothes (seriously, we have probably 10 boxes or more) and pull out all the newborn and 0-3 months clothes. Then I need to wash them and get them organized in the nursery. I also need to go through Owen's closet, which is full of winter clothes and things that are too small for him. Next on the list is power washing the house, staining the deck, and painting the front door. Ack, maybe I am nesting.
Speaking of the new baby, I think that he knows Owen's voice. I'm sure he knows mine, but he definitely doesn't react in the same way he does to Owen. Whenever Owen is screeching or being loud, the baby just kicks and moves like crazy. We were driving in the car this weekend, and every time Owen would say something, the baby would move around, reacting to him. It was amazing. I'm kind of thinking ahead to the next few years when they are best friends and playmates, and it is so hard to imagine them as two little boys playing together, instead of two little babies. I'm guessing by the time they are two little boys, there will be a third baby around. Oh yes, I foresee my future as the baby factory. Why not, really?
Last night when I put Owen to bed, he started crying so hard. I have no idea why; he's been going to bed wonderfully for several months now. I tucked him in with the ABC song and counting to 10, as usual, with his blanket and new bear. He laid quietly for a second, and then starting crying. I went right in there, and he was sitting in his bed just crying his little heart out. I picked him up and he laid his head on my shoulder and stopped crying, then he said, "Daddy working?" I said yes, he was working, but Owen would see him tomorrow. He started crying again, and he said in the most pitiful voice, through his tears, "Daddy tomorrow." It was the saddest thing ever. I had almost decided to call Keith at work, since he calls most nights and says goodnight to Owen, but he didn't last night. But before I could walk to the phone, Owen was sound asleep on my shoulder. So I held him on the couch for a while (more for my own benefit than his, not often he cuddles anymore), and then he went easily into his own bed. I don't know what brought that on, but it was sure sad.
I was looking online at San Antonio attractions yesterday, and I've decided that we should take Owen to Sea World. They have a water park geared for little ones under age 5, and I know he would love that. There is also a large Mexican marketplace that I have to visit while we're there. I'm really excited; it'll be like a real live vacation! Seems that our vacations over the last few years have consisted of trips home to Arkansas, which is always fun, but lacks the sun and surf of a real live vacation. Plus, Keith and I honeymooned in San Antonio, so it will be fun to take Owen back there.
Monday, May 10
My second Mother's Day as a real live mother was yesterday. Keith bought me flowers, and he and Owen made a card with both of their handprints in it. Yesterday morning Keith brought Owen in the bedroom and said, "Say it, Owen." Owen looked at me for a minute, trying to remember, and then he said, "Puzzle Day!" which wasn't exactly Happy Mother's Day, but was better and adorable in so many ways. As my Mother's Day gift, Keith booked a hotel in San Antonio, right on the river, and we are going to spend a couple of days there at the end of the month. I am so excited! It will coincide with our trip to visit my parents, so I will get a nice little break from work, and get to enjoy a vacation. They are just the best boys a girl could hope for.
Keith's family left early this morning for the drive home. We had a fun weekend. We weren't really in a rush, which worked well for Owen. We came and went as we wanted, and had plenty of time to watch Owen and just visit in general. We went downtown several times, and went to the Farmer's Market. Laura always spoils us rotten, taking us out to eat at nice places and stocking our cabinets with peanut butter M&Ms and Vanilla Cokes (yes, my two favorite things). We also went to several garage sales in the neighborhood on Saturday morning, and Owen made out like a bandit! He got a real live Dirt Devil vacuum at the first stop, which he adores. Then later on in the day he got a Mongoose tricycle, which is super nice and has a bell that rings, for $5. It is in perfect shape. He also got a kitchen, with a stove, microwave, washer/dryer, ironing board, the whole deal, for $10. It's not dirty or broken, no stickers are peeling, nothing. Perfect condition. He loves it. Of all the things he got, though, his favorite has to be the bear. He picked out this little teddy bear, not a super cool one, just a little brown bear, which he calls Pooh Bear. It actually isn't a Pooh bear, but he doesn't know that. We actually got it for free, since the lady thought he was cute and saw that he liked it. So it has been the biggest hit. He sleeps with it and carries it around, puts it down for naps, wants to hold it in the car. I have no idea why he loves it so, but he sure does.
As as aside, Owen noticed my fish tattoo this weekend. He hasn't mentioned it before, even though I'm sure he's seen it. He was standing in the bathroom while I fixed my hair, and I was wearing a tank top, and he started saying, "Fish! See it!" Once I figured out what he meant, I leaned down so he could get a good look at my shoulder. He poked it for a while, declared it "pretty" and asked "Daddy have fish?" I assured him that his dad did not have one, but he had to go ask him anyway. Now he randomly demands, "Fish! See it!" and I'm left trying to shimmy into some uncanny position so that he can see it.
On another Owen note, last night we were all in Owen's room, changing his diaper before bed. Keith went running out of the room to get the dogs, who had suddenly started barking like crazy very late at night. Owen laughed and said, "Daddy silly!" Then he looked at me and said, "Daddy's boy! Daddy crazy!" It was funny and sad all at once, because it was Mother's Day, after all, and couldn't he have given me a mommy's boy, just this once? But the 'Daddy crazy' part, well, that was just classic, because he is a little crazy, and I like that Owen observed that on his own.
There's more, and I'm forgetting it. Plus I have pictures to upload. I'll try to get to all of that tonight.
Thursday, May 06
It's official, American Idol is dead to me. No more Tuesday night excitement; it's lost its luster. I'll be a Gilmore Girls viewer from now on. Without George Huff, the remaining contestants are bland. I would never in a million years buy an album by any of the girls left. So I won't be watching anymore.
Wednesday, May 05
She thinks:
$160 per ticket to fly to visit parents. Easier on Owen, easier on pregnant wife. Cheap ticket price, let's do it.
He thinks:
$320 to fly to visit parents minus $100 to drive equals $220 additional to fly. 20 hours of driving time divided by $220 additional cost of flying equals $11 per hour to drive. Essentially we are paid $11 per hour to drive as opposed to the cost of flying.
She thinks:
Tuesday, May 04
Keith doesn't believe me, but today is a very special day. Today is our 7-year anniversary dating anniversary. He says that once you get married, your dating anniversary doesn't count anymore. I don't totally disagree. I mean, I'm not expecting dinner or a gift, I'm just saying. Seven years is a long time. Almost a third of my life I've been with Keith. That's something. He just doesn't get into the spirit of the dating anniversary. Kind of like he doesn't celebrate the dogs' birthdays. Not very festive, is he?
Yesterday when I got home from work, we went on a long walk around the neighborhood. Keith walked the dogs and I pushed Owen in his stroller. Owen loved it. He loves to be outside. He cries anytime he has to come in; yesterday was no exception. He stood at the front door crying big tears and saying "tide!" which means outside to a sad and crying baby. On the walk he pointed out everything he knew. Dogs, balls, birds, trees, flowers, cars, Dante' and Gabe, etc. He routinely hollered "pull it," meaning he had spotted a flower and wanted me to pick it for him. He collected a handful of dandelions in this manner, and then called Keith over and gave him the flowers.
I've been having mild contractions all day long. They aren't painful, but they are squeezing my bladder and my stomach, so I feel kind of weird. The baby has been moving more, too - maybe the Braxton-Hicks are irritating him. I certainly could do without them. Mild nuisance, that's all.
Keith went to Lowe's yesterday and bought me some wood and a staple gun. I am making a French message board for Owen's room with a vintage Hawaiian fabric. This will be my first attempt at upholstering. I'm excited. I have lots of ideas for Owen's new room, and they all involve Keith, wood, and powertools. Hopefully he's up for the challenge. I'm feeling so crafty lately.
Monday, May 03
Firstly, from yesterday - a very happy birthday to Betsy!
I'm shocked to say it, but I actually am starting off this week feeling rested! How did that happen? I'm sure by tonight I'll be exhausted again, but for right now, I'm feeling fine! Keith was home the majority of this weekend, so he let me sleep in Sunday morning. I went to bed at 9PM and got up around 930AM. It was so wonderful to wake up leisurely. I ate a bowl of cereal, cleaned house, watched decorating shows, and then we went to Target and ate at a wonderful Mexican restaurant. Owen was an absolute angel all of Sunday, rode happily in the car, chatted and played in the cart at Target (although he insisted on carrying my new undergarments that I was purchasing all through the store, much to Keith's chagrin), and ate a monstrous amount at the restaurant. Days like yesterday are my favorite days, family days. We came home and watched Extreme Home Makeover, Owen went to bed easily and happily after tucking in his baby, and then I was in bed again by 9PM. Couldn't ask for a better weekend than that!
It is raining buckets here today, and the sky is black and gloomy. Keith is off today, so I'm guessing my boys are sleeping in, as Owen tends to do when it stays dark in the mornings. I believe they have a trip to Lowe's planned, and then the rest of the day is free time. Hopefully they will put their heads together and think of a good Mother's Day gift for me, the mother. Perhaps a double gift this year since I am also pregnant? Just an idea.
Speaking of Mother's Day, we will have company next weekend, as Laura and her parents will be visiting. I anticipate a fun weekend. Keith's grandparents are hilarious, and we always enjoy having them and Laura. Plus, visitors make the time pass more quickly, and I am highly anticipating May 20, which is my next (and probably final) ultrasound. I'm actually having the ultrasound for a legit reason, since the doctor saw something funny with my placenta at my first ultrasound. But secretly down deep inside, I'm hoping he will be able to confirm the baby's gender, at least give us something greater than 70/30.
We've made our plans to drive to Texas for the Memorial Day holiday at the end of this month. It will be a long trip, since I'm supposed to get out and walk around every 1 to 2 hours. Hopefully Owen will snooze most of the way there. We're going to go to Canton, and drive into Louisiana for the Mudbug Festival, which is a jazz and Cajun music festival. Keith will adore that. Hopefully we can score some serious Mexican food while we're there, too. Kyle will be home, since he is currently finishing up his last week as a college freshman (already?). Much fun and merriment will ensue, I predict.
Finally, a funny Owen-ism from this weekend. I was cleaning the bathroom sink, and it had this weird little stain in it. I said, "There's something funky in here." Owen said, "Monkey in here!" I tried to explain to him that funky was different than monkey, but he didn't believe me. Later, I was changing his diaper, and he said, "Smells monkey!" Not exactly what I would have said, but he's probably right.