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letter to owen

owen davis

six months old

april 12, 2003

dear owen,

wow, a whole half a year old! where did the time go? can you believe that you went from this:

to this:

in just six short months? it astounds me. you are learning to crawl! and just weeks ago you couldn't even roll over. we're learning the meaning of "into everything" as you make your way - either by rolling or scooting - into everything you're not supposed to have. you are still in a size 3 diaper, but wearing almost entirely 6-9 month clothes, with a few 12 months that are cut smaller fitting you, as well. you are doing wonderfully in day care, and you are such a delight when we get home. i have never met a happier or more smiley baby. everyone everywhere comments on your beautiful eyes and on your smile. you are generous with that grin, that's for sure.

you are such a good baby that we take you everywhere with us. some would call it attachment parenting, or at least in the same line of thought, but daddy and i just know that you are our best little friend, and fun to be around. you love flea markets, wal-mart, church, concerts, walks, just about anything and everything we expose you to. you love solid food, and we have yet to come across anything you don't like. i can tell, though, that one of your favorites is mango. you're a good eater.

as much as i want you to sleep through the night, i'm not yet ready to subject you to the "cry it out" method. i know you need to learn to put yourself to sleep at night, but i just am not mentally prepared for hearing you cry for extended periods of time. maybe as you get older, and i know for sure that you are just being rotten when you scream, then maybe i will think about it. but not just yet. for now, we still get up with you at least once, sometimes twice or even three times per night.

what else can i say but that we love you so very much? we are working hard to make happy memories for you so that you will treasure your childhood. you are a smart, healthy, happy, and adored little boy. happy six months, owen baby!

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