The idea behind these: these were part of a contest. Write a compelling story in 55 words or less, and the winners will be published in a book. I did get around to mailing mine in but, no, nothing ever came of it. Here they are anyway:


WHAT IF . . .

"Please," he begged
"Yes, the marriage will be an unhappy one," the famed psychic sighed, "but otherwise her gruesome suicide will make the national papers."

Ten years later . . . .

Lisa sobbed into the phone. "Marrying Tom was a waste of my life. I could have really made a name for myself."


Hidden by the theatre, Cory watched her and her manly escort drive up. She smiled affectionately.
'She's cheating' Cory thought as he cocked his hidden hand gun. He was prepared to kill. READY.
Before opening the door, "Thanks for the ride," Jenny breathed.
"No problem." Jenny pecked his cheek. AIM. "Have fun, sis."


"Will mommy mind if I play with her lipstick!"
Poor girl. "Do you remember what I told you about Mommy going away. . . ?"
Tears. "No! Mommy's coming back!" Denial. She fell onto the pavement. More tears. I held her.
Sobbing, she innocently asked, "Daddy, how long does it take to get to Heaven?"


I was hoping I'd see you
glad you're here
"What's up?"
I wanna talk to you
"Umm, are you free tomorrow night?"
do you love me?
busy . . .
she doesn't love me
"I'm sorry"
I love you
"Well, see ya."
this is goodbye
"Yeah, see ya."
I'll miss you


"Best friends, right?"
"I want him."
"He was mine first."
"He wants to be mine now."
"You took him away."
"Let him choose."
"He'll pick you." And me.
"Best friends right?"
"Right . . . . "
"I can't." He loves me too. "Come back when it's over."
"We're getting married." -click-
Unlike the friendship, the affair continued.