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US1995 "QL meets atomic town" - pictures by Urs König

In spring 1995 (June 10th) an international QL show did happen in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.

US2004 group photo
This is the first QL community group photo I've ever made. All the shows before I was busy as a trader which doesn't give you a lot of spare time to take pictures, etc.

Here's my journey report:
This was my very first US QL-show. It was also my first trip to the States. I drove all the way up from my hometown Sursee to Duisburg (620 km) to Jochens home. The next day (Wednesday June 7th) we went to Düsseldorf international airport and had a flight to Chicago. From Chicago we had a flight to Knoxville (or was it Nashville), Tennessee. There we got picked up by a QLer who took us to Oak Ridge. We stayed in the Super 8 Motel where we did enjoy the open air pool. The show was on Saturday June 10th in one of the many churches in Oak Ridge. Business at the show was quite good for me and the other trades. Miracle showed their Graphics Card prototype which never made it to market. It was my very last show as a trader (COWO Electronic). QL trading was part of my life for a decade and with the end of the show became history (which does not mean that I don’t wanted to trade QL-stuff anymore, but my life got and still has different priorities). We did stay some days at Oak Ridge, did intensive shopping and visited a local museum (Oak Ridge National Laboratory). Oak Ridge is history loaded. On Monday June 12th we flew back to Germany. As Duisburg was half way Switzerland-Denmark I decided to add another trip and visit a good friend in Denmark. On Sunday June 18th (after almost two weeks of travelling all over the world) I drove back home 1’300km in one shot from Denmark to Switzerland with my Alfa 75 3.0 QV. On Monday morning 8:15am I was back at work. You can imagine how hard this was...
Urs König, October 2nd 2006

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