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I feel I should make this clear about the graphics found on R3k Graphic Collections and the midi's found at Fancymidi. None of them are my personal creations. I also wish to state that I have the greatest respect for the creators of the graphics and midi's.

If you should find your graphic on the following pages and you do not see an accreditation and link to your personal site please E-mail me using the link below. I want your links and my main goal is to help you share your gifts with others and to bring the best of the web here to Rapidfire3k.

Also, I would like to address the issue of whether or not my site is suitable for all ages. Well, I think not... However my site is not a porn or erotica site in any way. I started my HTML knowledge on WebTV and if you are familiar with it one of the greatest forms of self expression on WebTV is your signature.. When I was on I had a very herd time finding graphics of high quality. So when the opportunity presented it's self to help other newbie's to webpage design and WebTV signatures I took it. If you see something on the following pages that you consider vulgar right next to the prettiest gif you have ever seen of a ferry or unicorn, please just remember I didn't build this for just you I built it for all of you and all the many ways you would all like to express yourselves.

Thank you,

And I hope you all enjoy....

E-mail Me Here...