This portion of the site is here to keep you Updated on the progress and growth of the site.
. Here is a shocker for you.. I am sitting on over 450 NEW graphics. My problem is I do not have enough room to host them here at Angelfire. I could move the entire site to Bravenet but that of course entails yet another leader page and move.. Which I would really rather not do... plus Bravenet has those awful pop-ups all over it. So keep your eyes open hopefully I will solve this problem soon and you guys will have well over 1,000 graphics at your disposal.... 06/02/022. Well I guess you can tell by now I found bravenet. And they are just what I was looking for. This addition is the "R3k WebRing" it kind of eliminates the need for the add your link addition I made but what the hell we will leave them both up.. 05/13/02
3. I redesigned the Graphics portion of the website to allow the search engine to better find the graphics you want. Please let me know via e-mail, The Web In Review, or my guestbook if the load times on the new graphic pages get to be too horrible. 05/07/02
4. I found a new server for the message board "The Web In Review" in hopes to help my visitors find what they are looking for without having to search for it endlessly on the Net. 05/05/02
5. I have added "Cast Your Vote" in an attempt to get a little more interaction going on with the visitors. 05/05/02
6. I have added an "Add A Link" option to my links page so that we may benefit from everyone's different sites and so that I can see what you guys have been up too... 05/05/02
7. I have switched over from the Pop-ups to the on page adds this should make R3k much easier to navigate as you do not have windows popping up every 2 seconds. 03/30/02
would like really like to see you guys and girls get involved and join in the
groups in some of the different ways I have made available to you. i.e.:
Guestbook, Cast Your Vote, Add A Link, R3k WebRing, and The Web In Review.. Get involved and
enjoy the time you spend on the net that's what it is all about..