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History Of  R3k

In  the beginning your webmaster created Angelis' Links at angelfire on his little Webtv it was very cheesy in appearance but had the same link it does now just not as many. Then one day he decided that to many of his friends thought Angelis was a chicks name so he needed to think of a more manly nickname. But, wait why name the site after himself or his nick as the case maybe. Why not come up with a catchy  business name type name something people could remember. So then Rapidfire3k Internet Resources was created at geocities. what happened next is had acquired a computer went a little crazy trying to add content.  In the links pages at Rapidfire3k Internet Resources I had truly excellent links to great graphics sites but those sites were not getting any hits because my sites was simply a link site and not very popular. So figured I would create a sampler page where viewers could go to view some of the graphics that they would find on the pages in my links section. Well talking about getting out of hand I had so much fun doing this that I changed the name of the site to R3k Graphic Collections and in no time I had my own graphics site. Little known fact: When creating the thumbnails for the sampler page I named them "S and then the number of the graphic" for Sampler 1 thru whatever and "ST and then the number of the image" for Sampler Thumb 1 thru whatever.. This is still apparent today if you notice the names of the images this is how they got those names... While the site was still R3k Graphic Collections I submitted it to search engines left and right. This is how most of find my site these days. But of course you have the leader page from the old address.. I would really like to fix that problem but I am not quite sure ho too. If I re-submit my site with the new URL to the same search engines I am afraid they will take it out of their directories for submitting the same site twice...  Finally, I figured it was time now that I actually knew HTML to try using an Editor and Front Page was right there close at hand. Plus Geocities was becoming a real pain in the ass about Bandwidth and disk size so I re-evaluated Angelfire and decided to return the site to them. Back to the original name with a new and more professional look thanks to Front Page and a few corrections to my early and horrible design ethics. Now ladies and gentlemen that is how the R3k of today was BORN!