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As the millennium approached in the year nineteen hundred and ninety nine. I began to realize subtle changes in the earths force. So my wife and I started to prepare. For what? We did not know, but little did we know that we would soon find out. And that our daughter would play such a key role in what would come to be known as the Ring Of Fire. Our daughter was born in Autumn breeze of November nineteen hundred and ninety nine. She begot her mothers beauty and, immediately comprised her father’s strong will and devotion to all things of the earth. And now as our daughter Reya matured foul deeds transpired underfoot.

A rogue force of evil descended upon our beloved Gai. The creatures name was Dragones and he is an ancient red dragon. Who was exiled along with the rest of his kind eons before man ever roamed mother earth. Now he and his kinsmen have returned to reclaim what they believe to be their’s, and to enslave humanity while destroying that which expelled them, Gai! Now, Gai was no fool, she had known of Dragones’ plans. So, no doubt she secretly contrived one of her own. You see she had been watching several of us humans for quite awhile. Some of us with unique ancestry and others of strong will and good character. That is when she called upon me Raith Davenport and that is also when I had the opportunity to meet the earths seven greatest warriors, mages, sages, and mystics. And then all at once Gai looked back at me and the winds started to howl with anger, the rain came, thunder and lighting filled the skies.

I awoke the next day I had no clue as to what had happened. I lay there upon a pillowy bed of grass next to a beautiful brook. When shortly there after Gai approached me, now mind you even though I speak of her as an old school buddy now, before this day I had never met her or any other god for that matter. Never the less when she began to speak time, my heart, and the earth stood still. Her beauty was matched by none other. She said, “Long ago when magic was alive on earth mankind could not handle the power of being quite that close to the cosmos. So I severed humanities bond to the mystic power. But, now the time has come to allow you and the others your birthrights. So that you may lead the others into warfare with the evil dragon king Dragones. Your ancestry Raith had dark power it was very intense I am risking everything just bringing back such magic. This is also why it must be you who is to lead you are the only one who may have the strength to contain the dark power”. Then I asked, “What is this dark power”? She replied, “It is every horror movie you every watched as a child, and every nightmare you ever had. Be careful my mighty warrior Draven”. And on that day the warrior Draven was born.

I decided to call the group the Eighth Power. I was the leader Draven, then there is Specter. He was given the ability to speak with the dead and to employ their assistance when the time should prove necessary. His necromantic abilities are astonishing. Luna, is the beauty in the group she is able to control the tides and waves of the ocean all water creatures are her friends even the sharks. She also is capable of breathing water and drawing water straight from the moisture in the air. Zephyr, controls the winds of fate. He is capable of flight and will blow your house down in one mighty gust.

Rock, is physically very strong and can control the shifts in earths tectonic plates. He can form canyons and mountains in a matter of seconds. And he can at his command form an impregnable titanium exoskeleton. Tempest, his powers are matched only by my own and Gai’s are the only to supercede ours. He has total command over the forces of the storm. He can summon typhoons at a whim. And can strike you as though you had been hit with the mighty force of a hurricane. Pyro, controls the awesome power of the eternal flame. It can truly be said he has a fire that burns deep within. He is capable of thrusting balls of fire the size of houses at his enemy. Morph, is a shape changing entity. Who has the ability to become any creature that he knows of. He is also capable to do anything that creature can do as long as he understands how the creature is able to perform the task.

Now the time has come the Eighth Power is trained and ready. And the first wave of attacks from Dragones is on it’s way! This may truly be earths darkest day. I now turn and look down at my wife and growing child and say one last prayer for Gai to look after them until my return. Once again Gai appeared and spoke!“Well my warriors looks like you need some transportation. Draven you will ride the nightmare, a ebony winged steed with eyes a blaze. Rock a titanium steed that breathes razor sharp titanium shards. Specter will have the last remaining skeletal steed that once belonged to one of the four horsemen. Luna you will ride an ivory winged steed the one and only Pegasus”. Alright, warriors mount up we’ll meet them amongst the stars of the astral plane and keep the battle as far away from earth as possible. Ride!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, as the Eighth Power journeys into their first conflict. The whole of earth stands in awe as they watch Gai’s mightiest warriors mount their fierce steeds and then dematerialize before their very eyes. And for the first time in any of their natural lives they were on the astral plane and endless sea of stars and planets, it was the most breathtaking sight any of us had ever seen. Then all of the sudden a shriek coming from what seemed to be all directions? And from distances that were not fathomable? It was the war cry of a thousand dragons stampeding our direction. Well, no rest for the wicked divide and conquer. And be mindful their magic is strong. With a wave of my hand the group enlarged to be twice the size of our sun. That should even the playing field. The dragons charged from every flank sending in the young. These were the dragons with less experience with magic but were physically a formidable foe. Meanwhile, the elder dragons were their own battalion. As they now began to chant wondrous magical words. Rock, Morph, and Luna immediately sprung to action against the brigade of charging youth. Rock ragged through their front line of defense almost as if it wasn’t even there. Morph, became an awesome battleship with Luna in the pilot seat. She then began to lay down firepower of the likes these primitive creatures had never seen. And now with the first onslaught dealt with. Tempest conjured a meteor shower to distract the elders while, Specter, Zephyr, Pyro and myself cast a bit of our own mystic arts. Specter was bringing to life the fallen dragons from the first wave and turning them against the elders.

Then suddenly the first of the elder dragons spell was cast. The elder dragon had summoned the hand of fate it took hold of Zephyr and was dragging to meet his fate. In the midst of all that was happening Pyro was first to hear Zephyr’s screams. Pyro then blazed upon the hand burning at an intensity that was so strong he almost destroyed Zephyr himself, and had to withdraw. That is when I made good use of one of my ancestor’s gift and used my catalytic powers to drain the very energy from the hand and then, focused the amplified power on the elder dragons. The shock wave of force stunned the battalion. And Zephyr, Pyro, Specter, and Tempest then made short work of them. As the group finished off the army there was only one thing left to deal with, Dragones general Kabal. He and I stood alone on the battle field. “So you are Gai’s special little pet now! You impudent mortal. She has trained you well but you are no match for my superior experience and mystic ability. I have existed eons before you and will continue do so long after I’ve vanquished you. But, don’t worry to much after we have taken over earth I will be sure to spare your wife and child. They would make excellent slaves!” said Kabal. Then in enraged, I simply replied “Kabal you know not who I am. I’ll share a small secret with you though I have endured since time began I am the oldest creature you will ever meet.”

Without thinking I struck Kabal knocking him into a planet. He then shook it off and was amazed at the power of blow and attacked, he ripped my flesh with his razor sharp talons as he began to chant. Foreseeing his plan I then conjured a black whole and set my body a blaze till it burned at a temperature that he could not with stand. And the whole began to draw him and all the other dragon corpses in, along with the group. I screamed mount up and ride! Before it takes us all. Everyone of us riding as hard as we could barely pulling away. But Kabal did not have the strength left to fight it and was pulled in. Now, that the whole had what it come for it closed and the rest of us were able to break free.

Meanwhile, Dragones had been watching the battle. He and the rest of his generals were completely amazed at the power of the group. They realized that it would be nearly impossible to beat us merely with brut strength or numbers. They began to develop a very intricate plan to defeat me, conquer the Eighth Power and earth.

Now, back on earth I rush quickly home to see my wife and daughter Reya. When to my surprise Reya had grown to be about ten years old. I didn’t realize that time would slow down for us once we were on the astral plane. On top of that a few dragons made it through Dragones sent forth ten generals to earth while we dealt with the main army. My wife went on to tell me with earth left unguarded the dragons took over most major cities and that the only reason she had been able to avoid capture is because of our cabin in the woods. This is where she and Reya had been hiding out between raids on the towns, and dragon sympathizers.

While I spent a little time with Reya the others picked off the generals one at a time. But, not a year or so later Gai called once again. Dragones had obviously put his plan into effect. Once I reached Gai’s fortress the others were already there. Gai seemed very troubled. She said “That another attack was almost here and that this time there was no way to keep the battle off earth. Dragones himself was leading the rest of his army”. Then all of the sudden a loud thunderous crash. Well they didn’t waste anytime. Warriors mount up! We will meet them over the sea away from the populated areas. Ride!!!!

0n our home turf we will show these fools what the Eighth Power is made of. Rock raised a barren continent from beneath the sea. As Luna rose an oceanic wall encompassing the shores from all sides. Now there is only one way in and one way out. And once again we hear the very same shriek we had heard on the astral plane. The dragons swarmed around us. And I stood face to face with Dragones himself. All out war erupted around Dragones and myself. I swept back to the top of a mountain and Dragones charged and as he did so. I felt something from within change, my skin grew pail, the sun eclipsed, my hands became claw like, fangs developed, and my eyes became blood red. Everyone of my senses became more acute by ten fold as did my physical strength and my mind now fully understood the power of my ancestors I am Vampire! The oldest living creature, the most well endowed mystic ever to walk the earth. I then raged towards the stunned Dragones with an unquenchable bloodlust. I bit and clawed at him summoned magic faster than he could even comprehend.

Dragones was going down. When all of the sudden a lighting bolt hit me in my back dazing me. The entire battle came to a screeching halt. As the Eighth Power and the dragon army looked on at Tempest’s betrayal. At that moment Dragones did not waste his opportunity he pounced as did Tempest. The generals also withdrew from the main battle and aided Tempest and Dragones while the Eighth Power was busy with the rest of the army and elders and they were powerless to help me. Dragones, Tempest, and the generals began to cast an ancient spell only spoke of in myth until this day. It was the chant that banished vampires from earth in the beginning. With what felt to be my dying breath I called out my last order to my friends “ Withdraw and await my sign”!

Now I am standing in the midst of a circlet bastille of sable flame. Each attempt to withdraw constricts the bastille even firmer. The heat grows stronger with each expiring day. In the twilight you can see the radiating plain, as the fire continues to rage. How long would you ask me to endure this agonizing torture. My soul has been overpowered and bound never again to see the mortal realm.


Ten years have past since Draven’s demise. Dragones has taken command of the earth and enslaved all humanity. He has rebuilt his army and grown very powerful almost as powerful as a god. Soon he will have the strength to destroy Gai in completion of his evil plan. The earth is in turmoil and destroying itself beneath Dragones’ very eyes but blind with power he focuses on Gai and torturing mankind.

The Eighth Power did as Draven asked and disbanded. Rock, Zephyr, and Luna created a underground stronghold to hide the survivors. Rock created a huge cavern with no way in or out unless he let back the earth to open a passage. Zephyr filled the cavern with oxygen to breath, and Luna provided the life giving water to drink, bathe, and grow plants then she withdrew to the sea. But, Rock and Zephyr stayed behind to protect the colony. Over the years Draven’s child grew close to Rock and Zephyr they were like fathers to her. Yet still from the stories her mother and Rock told her as she grew she longed to be with her father once again. Soon after Reya’s sixteenth birthday, Rock and Zephyr began to notice subtle changes in the child. They discussed the possibility that she may be the sign their fallen leader had spoke of. Now, on Reya’s twenty first birthday they were positive the sign had come Reya is to lead. Zephyr said, “We must take her to Gai at once.” Rock quickly agreed.

Rock lay back the earth and Reya saw sunlight for the first time in years. She did not like it but was awe struck with its beauty. Zephyr gave Draven’s trusted steed and said, “Nightmare will lead you to meet Gai and she will know what to do”. Reya rode in amazement upon the winged steed to Gai’s hidden fortress. Once there she met Gai for the first time. Gai said, “My sweet child you have grown into a beautiful woman. I have watched you since your birth. Your father and I have given you the strength to save him and destroy Dragones once and for all. But the choice is yours it is a long and dangerous quest throat with danger”. “I will save my father! Nothing will stand in my way! Dragones and especially Tempest will die screaming” Reya said.

Gai then said, “You must then find each member of the Eighth Power and re-compose the group. You will need them to save your father and you will all need him to destroy Dragones and Tempest”. “Where do I start” said Reya. “ Specter awaits you at the ruins of Stonehenge, Luna resides in the demolished castle of Neptune. Pyro lives amongst the living fire beneath the earth, and Morph when needed will be closer than you realize.” said Gai. But. Trust in yourself and let your fathers strength guide you. He is always with you and has never left.

So Reya set out to find Specter she mounted Nightmare and rode hard to London or at least what was London. There she approached the ruins and cried out Specter!!! It is I Reya Draven’s daughter. It is time, Gai has sent me to retrieve you and the others so that we may save my father and vindicate his banishment. When arose from behind her a skeletal figure cloaked in a shadowy robe resembling the Grim Reaper. She heard these words uttered from behind her “Who dare disturb my crypt”. When she turned to see him and he almost immediately took human form. “Reya is that you”? Yes, Specter it is. The sign has come now is the time to free my father and put an end to the evil tyrant Dragones. I need your help specter can I count on you? Yes, my beautiful leader my life is yours. Now let us find our kinsmen.

Having enlisted the aide of Specter she set out to find Luna. When they had reached the seashore Reya asked Specter to wait there. She then dove into the sea and into what seemed to be an endless journey for Neptune’s Palace. Finally, she found it, but a great beast blocked her path and would not allow entry. So Reya offered a wager if the creature could best her at any game of combat that he chooses she would leave. However if he failed to do so she would then be allowed to pass. Laughingly the creature accepted, and being that the creature had eight arms he choose hand to hand combat. The creature moved with elegant grace and speed. But, was no match at all for Reya and so she was allowed to pass. Reya said Luna! It is ti----. When she was then interrupted I know come we must hurry your father’s life flame grows dim.

And so with Specter and Luna at her side they all set forte to find Pyro. They traveled deep into the boules of the earth. Deeper than any mortal has ever has ever traveled before. When they made it to the center of the earth. They came upon a wall of fire it seemed at first impregnable. This time Luna would have to wait, as she would evaporate upon approach of the wall. Reya and Specter passed, however and once they had they saw a blazing fortress. At the gate stood Pyro the most handsome man Reya had ever seen. Specter immediately noticed Reya’s interest and could see the feeling was mutual. Never the less with a quick explanation the four were off to meet up with Rock and Zephyr at Gai’s fortress.

When they all met up again for the first time in ten years. Luna asked Gai “Where is Morph”? Just then Nightmare became Morph in human form and said ‘ Right here”. They all quickly caught up on old times. While Reya and Pyro had a very flirtatious conversation. Then Gai interrupted and said “Now that all of you are here. We must collect your father Reya. He is trapped in a distant galaxy. Held in a prison known as the Ring of Fire. How do we get there? Well with our combined strength we may be able to send one of you to retrieve him. Once we have sent Reya I will be able to open the gate myself, but be aware child I will only be able to keep it open for a matter of seconds. Alright then lets do it! Wait! Screams Pyro, “Why must she go if we loose her too who will lead? We cannot afford to take that risk.”. Gai says, “Pyro makes a good point”. Reya then hesitantly agreed even though she felt cheated. In that case Rock, Zephyr, Luna, Morph, Specter, and myself will go pick a fight. Join us as soon as you return.

The eight including Gai joined hands and following Gai’s lead in an ancient incantation when all of the sudden the entire group became an icy ring, then fiery, next a dark empty ring, finally a radiant ring of light that imploded and Pyro was gone.

Pyro then saw flashes of light and dark, a darkness like that of which no other living being has ever seen. He then crash landed on a planet far from home. he got up brushed himself off and looked around. Almost immediately he saw the light from my prison blazing in the distance. Realizing he didn’t have much time he raced to my aide. When he arrived I was overjoyed to see him, to me it had been centuries since I had been banished here. Pyro then taking his life at risk embraced the flames of my prison. He battled them for hours they almost destroyed him but finally I was free. I picked up my fallen comrade and was instantaneously transported back to my mother earth.

While all this was going on, Reya lead the remaining five straight through and into the middle of Draco City. It was an awesome sight to behold. Dragons fell to their death left and right. Any dragon that even advanced to attack the six of them dropped to their death. When they made it to the castle Rock sunk it into the earth. Luna then flooded the area to cleanse the earth of the dragons. And Zephyr summoned a mighty gust to dry the earth beneath them. But, the gust did not halt. Then all of the sudden thunder and lighting struck the earth before Reya. Tempest, Dragones, and all one-hundred of his generals surrounded.

Reya spoke, “ So you are Tempest my father’s best friend turned betrayer”! Tempest replied, “ And so you are my old friends little bitch. Careful sweetheart if you don’t behave I may have to take you over my knee”. Reya then rose her hand clinched and Tempest fell to his knees. You underestimated me and it will mean your death. Then out of nowhere Dragones grabbed Luna and held his razor sharp talon up to her throat. Dragones said, “ Release Tempest or she dies. Do it now”! And so Reya did. When she did the generals had cast the Power Word Kill upon Reya and she fell dead. And from the distance you heard a piercing cry.

They all looked up and in fear Dragones cried it can’t be it is Draven! And I ragged upon Dragones and Tempest with Pyro at my side who was equally enraged at the loss of his one true love, while the others took on the generals. Pyro and myself began to rip Tempest and Dragones to shreds they were beat. When twenty generals were able to break free of the battle and help their leader. Pyro was blown clear of the fight by the first hit from the generals. But, I went down, I failed my beloved Gai. With only the six remaining Dragones knew victory was his and called out to Gai. You have lost old woman your precious humans failed you! No, not yet they haven’t. You know you can’t interfere you are a god! Yes, I know but I have a surprise for you. Then Gai became Draven’s wife. Yes, Reya is my daughter a demigod. And at that moment Draven’s and Reya’s limp bodies rose high into the air and began to spin. The two became a ring of ice, then of fire, next of darkness, and finally a radiant light that exploded with unimaginable force.

And when the dust did clear the six saw Dragones, Tempest, and the remaining dragon generals lay dead at our feet. In the distance the six could also see three glowing figures reunited and floating to their destiny.
