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"He who wishes to one day have it all, must today be willing to risk it all...."

Hello All.....

I will be your Local Webmaster, for the duration of your stay with us here at Rapidfire3k Internet Resources. I do hope you enjoy your stay. If I am making you a tad thirsty I apologize the bar is not yet open but we I am working on it..

My name is: Vincent Knight

I am 24 yrs. old and for some odd reason enjoy playing with this website more than most things, but not everything..

I have been working on this website now for a little over a year. I wish there was more I could offer you but I really can't think of anything else at the moment. Of course I am constantly adding new things. One of my biggest priorities is to get you guys more involved. If there is anything I can offer you I am not not currently please let me know. Unfortunately, I am but one man and we are limited on one level only I will not put any of my own money into this. Because, I do not charge you for anything. I have seen to many great sites go down simply because the webmaster decided one day that he didn't want to pay for the web hosting and domain name any longer. I think this route is safer for you. My site will always be here or maybe somewhere new but there will be a link to it here.

As for personal information about myself, well I really don't like giving to much out. But, I can tell you that I am living in Minnesota at the moment. That this site was created in Oregon and it has also been worked on from Texas. I move around allot. I like seeing new places and meeting new people.. So feel free to e-mail me, post on the web board, or even just sign the guestbook I am not complainant.