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Anthony..I Love You!
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Wednesday 24th: Ant arrives at 6:30pm at the apparent "axe murders house" tho we arent axe murderers ...well umm..nevermind..not much new this day..Shannon ACTUALLY called me, Ant pretended to be some primemate by pickin at my hair so i ended up hidin in the bathroom wit the door locked lol, OH BUT I GOT THE FIRST KISS!! MWUHAHA AND THE FIRST LICK AND BITE!! not much other than that, cept we didnt sleep (adjusting to time diff and getting over shock)

Thursday 25th: Stayed home most the morning and early afternoon, then proceded to visit friends of the family: Chris and Wendy, there we went swimming(where my mother accused ant of taking his swim suit off in the water, which we didn't), after a nice swim..came DINNER!, and omg...boy oh boy lets not go there..clue: 20 questions on ant( poor him ), after we picked up 6 movies and went home

Friday 26th: Errrr, Ant woke me up at 6:30am with music, BLAH!!!,then were greeted in the morning by Kathy, there we went for ice cream at Mc Donalds, hung out in the park where I suffered probably my 8th cuncushion, also Kathy started her own version of 20 questions on Ant (POOR POOOOOR POOOOOOOOR ANT!), went to Safeway, got chocolate, and a Sobe and split up wit Kat and went to Jennifers house, she wasnt home so I showed Ant my shool (London Secondary), after that tour, we ended up back at Jenns where we met up wit the gang (Tessa, Sarah and Jenn), basically hung out till we went to Starbucks where we caused havoc and loopieness,sat on the floor and got told off, made a mess there and left to Safeway and caused more havoc which we all enjoyed :D, returned home at 11pm and watched a movie (Shrek) in which we fell asleep doing so...

Saturday 27th: ANT FINALLY COMES OUT OF HIS SHELL(long enough eh?), THIS WAS ONE HELLA MENTAL DAY, after wakin up, we went on a bike ride out to Richmond center for brekfast, lmao Ant had POUTINE!!(which he didnt like the goat cheese), after that we toured the mall for several hours(at least), looked in almost all the stores, Jess showed Ant all the ropes of being in Canada, got back on our bikes and made a detour at Minoru Park (which is Ants current new favourite place), basically hung around a fountain, Ant drops his hat in the water and from there a water fight in the fountain, got drenched and laughed at by alot of ppl, laughed our asses off while makin absolute fools of ourselves, of course we didnt care at all :), dried off on the pavement, Jess ends up back in the fountain after drying off lol, talk about wierdos, lured away from the fountain and sat on the park bench for several hours talking, realizing it was already around 5pm we packed and went home, rang Jenn up and went for din wit the gang (Jenn,Tess and Sarah), of course this is mental when they get to the house(cuz they dont trust our timing) we go mental and drove my mothers car to Broadmore mall..arrived at Banners ,tripped out over chicken (dont even ask) me and Jenn have our ways, the mental waiter (Ant seems to think Jenn has a crush on him :S!!(scary Reechmond China boy)), basically got kicked out as we had the manager glaring and warning us to shut up basically and leave..after leaving there, we saw ANNA (Ants first time seeing her, lil bit of a shock there), we all returned back to my house, Shannon stopped by (another first for Ant) listend to music and hung out till my mother came home and spoiled the party(kinda), Jenn Tess and Sarah split and we all got time to chat, my parents throughly embarrased Jess when they showed Ant and Shannon vids of Jess as a baby!(omg *RED*), the grin on Ants face went on for miles!, by that time Anna had been gone and Shan left before the vids were done, we then relaxed and watched another movie (Chicken Run)(and yet again we fell asleep during).

Sunday 28th: BUSY BUSY DAY HERE, were up mother made a nice brekfast ( pancakes and eggs :) and which she made 5 servings : father, mother, Ant, Jess and ugg ...MESA *screwed up Jessie nose* we all sat round the table making plans for the day, decided to visit both sides of Jess's family, we took forever to get ready (cough cough well Jess did...Ant too I guess), finally got on the road and visited the grandparents on Daddys side, pulled up in the driveway and were surprised by all the ppl there including : Jessie's : grandmother,grandfather, 2 aunts, uncle, 2...oh 3! seeing as I met my third cousin for the first time today :D, and me and Ant embarked on adventures wit Jess in the yard as we hunted for frogs lol, course couldnt catch one tho, Ant apparently saw a snake tho hehe, and we pissed off a tiger wolf Jess scared her mother half to death wit it too!, interrupted and told we had to take part in family photo shots where the only 2 ones who hid from the cam were Ant and Jessie's mum..ya I did too.. I guess..turned out to be okay tho, packed up and went home to go out once again, got into my mothers convertable! and went into Burnaby to my Grandmothers on my mothers side excluding my father in which on the way made fools of ourselves singing and smiling at ppl on the highway lol, was a really nice ride as we showed Ant some of the sights on the way, finally got there and had a lil visit before embarking on a new adventure to the store, in which we got lost and never made it...out of 3 choices, we choose the 2 wrong oh well it was fun overall, grandfather picked us up at the park in his 66 ford mustang convertable! *drools* and took us back to the place , had a chat wit the family and went home..but on the way my mother took us to the store we got lost looking for lol, got home, had dinner (yummy rice and stir fry..Jess was a good girl and ate it and Ant actually had a full meal! *claps*), after din..played a few comp games and went outside to water the garden, which turned out to be a water fight(round 2) gettin drenched and playing in the sprinkler returned to the house dripping wet where the excuses for being wet were to test the sprinkler and to clean the house..of course they just laughed at us, dried off..watched Ant fuss wit his hair for 45 whole minutes, and from there here we are...smiles and all :D

Monday 29th: Anna Day, the day for Anna Jones..basically we were up early..had a descent brekfast, and Anna was over reasonably early, we all hung out for a bit..Anna played some of her music..causing me and Ant to go into the backyard where we both started splashing each other wit the hottub water..he ran inside and attempted to jump the couch and coffee table..complely messed up and fell on his side, causing a massive bruise and cits on both elbows(smart Ant), even after that..we went for a bike ride into Steveston and spent alot of the day there, at the park(where me and Ant played on the kiddie playground equipement thourghly embarrasing Anna, looking in stores and shops (including the British Home lol), Ant bought me Lizzie the beanie baby lizard from Johns collectables *kiss kiss..he's still on my shelf*, we had a snack at Mc Donalds *ahem thats where Ant put a Wolf Spider on Anna..TSK TSK TSK* hehe..from Steveston, we went on Railway to see Anna's future place (she's moving soon), checked it all out and biked home..tho i fell off my bike at London School so that basically ended the day cuz Ant took me home worried bout me *hkclb soo caring*

Tuesday 30th: Today was a more laid back day for the 2 of us, we hung around the house in the morning till my mother arrived home at 3:30 there she took me and Ant to Watermania, I dunno why but Ant took several pics in the car (lol one ofmy hair, shoulder, face, dog, tree, cars, and mother LOL)..finally got there, Ant took another pic of me outside of me, we went in and spent a heap of time in the hot tub till we got the guts to swim in the pool, Ant was sooo worried he would loose his Brazil jersey so he carried it around till I convinced him it would be FINE!, we basically waded around in the pool, watched the polo game and had a few lil races in the lanes, by the time it was pretty late so we got out of the pool, organized ( I took forever as usual ), we decided we didnt wana go home just yet so we rang my mother up wit change of plans and went to see a movie at Silver City ( we saw Reign Of Fire ) which wasnt a bad movie at all...infact, I rather enjoyed it :), I think Ant did too, the movie lasted for ahwile..and hung around the theater, got a picture made of us in sketch format (a very nice pic indeed :D) took a pic outside the theater and walked over to Richmond Ice Center wit intentions to get a skate pass for another time, hehe Ant never skates so I wanted to show him, he chickend out, i'll show ya next time ;), my mother eventually arrived and took us home, relaxed for the rest of the evening and thats the end of that day

Wednesday 31st: This was another busy day for us, my mother took the day off and we were up early, once we had our butts organized we headed out, my mother took me and Ant into Vancouver (first for Ant) we drove through showing several sites and got some pics on the way, after that we parked the car at my fathers office, visited wit my father for ahwile, got some great pics from his office of the harbour and cruise ships, met some of my fathers co-workers got some info on stuff to do in Van and headed off for our big adventure, headed to the station , had starbucks (mmmm frapuchino), finished it and caught the Sky Train out to The Old Spagetti Factory for lunch, yummy pasta place :), I made faces at passing ppl while we were there hehe, afta eating we caught the Sky Train back to Van, from there we went to catch the Sea Buss across to North Van. before boarding I started complaining about a plugged ear and sore throat, thought of nothing, got on the Buss and arrived in Norht Van. walked outside, got a nice painting done on my arm then visited the market and looked at all the lil knick-knacks, I bought a Aussie designed necklace, tho while there my ear and throat got ALOT worse and was starting to really hurt, so we had ice cream, Ant bought me flowers *KISS KISS KISS* and departed, tears flowed while waiting as the pain got almost unbearable, rushed to the car and drove home for a very painful trip home (crying the whole way), got home and wit very little haste took me to the clinic, diagnosed wit a SEVERE OUTER EAR INFECTION, owwie so we got a prescription and went home and I rested for several hours, woke up and ainticipated the arrival of my sister, her husband and 4 kids.. they soon arrived, chicken boy Ant hid behind me on the couch for the first while (how cute), I still kept reasonably calm cuz of the extreme pain I was going through so watched some movies wit Ant in my room till we both fell asleep :).. end of day

Thursday 1st: Basically a stay at home and rest day, untill about 5, my mother took me and Anthony to a Football game: BC Lions vs. Calgary Stampeders, prior to the game we hung out outside the stadium waiting for my grandfather, we had a chat wit the fox crew (99.3 the fox radio station), there were some scary ppl walking around in huge fat ppl suits and Ant just HAD to talk to them and fool around lol , also while there a very kewl local band was playin on stage..dam I wish I knew wot they were called, heard them on the radio!*sighs* , well the game soon got underway after my grandfather arrived, me and Ant had our own seperate seats from my mum and grandpa..hehe our seats were betta ;), our team played well at first, then completely BUMMED OUT!, and during the game my ear got pretty bad and headache started up :( half time the medical crew had to attend to me, give me some pills and left, poor lil Ant worried to death, and bought me a frozen malt hehe YUM!, i started to feel a lil better but still suffered, oh well, for the seconds half of the game we sat wit my grandpa and mum, and watched our team lose :( awww, oh well thats life, we complained bout the game for a bit while walkin to our car, drove home to a house of asleep children and father so we snuck upstairs and went sleepies

Friday 2nd: Today was a lil hecktic day, Heather and Tom departed to Las Vegas, We were up early as usual, me and Ant had some talkie time (which we needed since we had been so busy for a few days there wit the kids around), afta that we came into the dining room to see Ben(my 2 year old nephiew) sittin at the window asking for his mother and "e-es" i dunno lol, I watched Ant go and sit wit him for a long time talking to him, this was sooo cute, and just as when Riley(my 5 year old nephiew came in and told Ant about "e-es" and tryed to convince Ben that their mommy would be back in a few days..omg I thought this was soo cute I even got a few pics :) ;) Ben soon lost attention in the window and tackled Riley to the a pic there too (Awwww how cute) hehe got fun when the girls( Taylor:9 and Cassidy: 7) came in and proceded to tackle and tickle Ant..hehe more pics!!!!! soon we ended up in a pile and my mother took a pic of that too!, mother then came in a rushed us to get ready, got in the car and headed off to the minature railway(that was closed :( ) so we headed off to my grandparents house, there the kids went for a swim and me and Ant went to the store for a snack and spent time outside having Ant Jess time :) * I LOVE ANT JESS TIME * returned back to the grandparents place and I spent a lil time inside watchin tv while everyone had hotdogs ( I wasnt hungry), Ant then came inside and joined me, then the kids did and watched kiddie shows *UGG* after that tourment we spent a lil more time outside and packed up and went home, got bored during that time and convinced my mother in takin me and Ant into Granville island, thats a neat lil place, had ice cream and Ant bought a bunch of goodies to take back to nz looked in the market for ahwile, I got a kewl necklace, tho I started to feel a lil under the wweather so we went on home since Granville was almost closed anyways, I got really sick again that evening so me and Ant spent the rest of that evening in my room watchin many my fever rose to 104.5F, Ant stayed wit me all night taking care of me, keepin me warm, checkin my temp, staying close and bringing drinks..thanx sweetie

Saturday 3rd: Boring snoring day.. Since I was soo sick the day before I was confined to the house..cept I was taken back to the clinic where they told me I had a Inner and Outer ear infection now and a posibility of Mono so i got ear drops and had to go get a blood test *TRAUMATIZING*..went to Safeway and I assured to Ant everything was okay while in the car waiting for my mum from there we went basically Ant took care of me rest of the day..

Sunday 4th: A complete home day..wot a waste..I was too sick to go out :(, tho in the evening we went out for dinn dinn at Banners, hehe atfa eatin we lied in the field and drew all over each other lol, Ant drew seaworld on my tummy lol,Riley got mad at Anthony cuz he took me for dinner and dissapeared for most the evening ..we really did and didnt return till 10 hehe ;)

Monday 5th: Today I was healthy enough to go out and since it was a holiday (BC day) my mother was home to take us she took me and Anthony to Stanley Park and the Aquarium, this was soo fun, we saw lotsa fishies, frogs, snakes, butterflys, a dolphin, belugas and otters :D, we even saw the new born baby's soo cute, I got heaps of pics taken there was soo fun in the butterfly habitat wit em landing on ya and the cute otters playing wit the ball and holding hands *how sweet*, after spending many hours at the Aquarium we headed off and back home, from there my mother took us out to silvercity to hang around and check things out, we saw a movie : Master Of Disguise, ate poutine while watchin it, the movie was okay , sooo stupid it was funny I guess, home late and just had Ant Jess time together, ALONE..

Tuesday 6th:This wasnt the most wonderful of days, wit all the stress of our remaining days , Ant went out in the morning and kinda dissapeared till the afternoon, god i was lonely and woried as hell, tried to go find him but got stopped by a lady up the street tellin me bout ppl who like to kill rabits *shivers*, It was hard havin Ant missin, he did finally return, we spent most the rest of the day in the house hehe shampoo(inside joke)...

Wednesday 7th: Anna Banana day Again hehe, Anna was LATE! :P like 30 min late and we no hear phone cuz we were outside in the grass ;), I kinda attacked Ant in the lawn ther with lickie and kissies infront of Anna, vacated from there, went out for snackies, hung out in the park, ant embarrased me on the phone wit steve, i also licked and kisses ant to death to prevent him from yellin at ppl as they walk by, everytime I moved off him he screamed so I then climbed on top of him and covered his mouth, with my mouth lol, so basically I had a grip of his face for ahwile there, Anna got a good laugh out of it all lol, we from there went to my place , played n64 for a bit, hehe snowboarding game, Anna went home for din, we had din wit my family for like the first time lol, we got bored being indoors so we took the ball out and Ant kinda showed me some rugby stuffs, we wanted a soccer ball so we went to Anna's , waited for her to have her din, we played on her piano for a bit lol, entertaining her family lol, we got 2 soccer balls and played around for a bit, Anna went hard on Ant, basically killin his side...gee u guys, I just walked around the power box watchin them, played till dark, we returned home and spent the evening together talkin till i fell asleep..

Thursday 8th: I think my mother took us for a drive, dun remember this day at all..if anyone knows, lemme know please

Friday 9th: Indoors for most the day, till Kathy convinced us to go to the mall, before the mall , Ant made a smart ass remark about trailor park trash (gee Ant ur lucky u didnt get a smack or sumthin from that), from there we waited for a buss, had some talkie time before the buss FINALLY ARRIVED, fancy buss hehehe me and Ant sat in the back while Kathy flirted wit some dude, hehe Ant and Jess in the back alone, u can assume all ya want ;), we spent some time in the Mall, had din din, heh POUTINE lol as usual, lol scary New Yorke Fries lady that looked like a dog, or a man lol, hehe more mallie time, looked in a few stores before we had to catch our buss to save payin for a transfer, tho we missed our buss so we had to wait and end up payin again, Kathy proceded to write in her journal that she got at Claires, me and Ant sat on the other side of the glass, apparently she saw us kissin and so on lol DAM!, bussie back, finally home, kinda had a stressed time for a bit, made a tape, we packed for our big day tomorrow, afta packin we lied on my floor, then my bed, just talkin and talkin and talkin..

Saturday 10th: My mother had us up supa early, got our butts all organized and were out of the house at like..8, drove a hour and a bit out to Lions Bay and picked up my cousin Kirsten, whom gave Ant a bad time the whole way, still had an enjoyable trip, seeing all the sites along the way, the Cheif, Shannon Falls, Squamish etc before reachin Whistler! hehe, drove through Whistler to Pemberton to visit my aunt, we stuck around there for a bit, went through the lil town for a tour, visited grocery and liquor store, visited my cousin for a bit, orgganized our plans and headed off to Whistler, got detoured tho and visited Narin Falls, a wicked waterfall!, we walked on rail tracks to get there in the freakin heat!, back to the car and to Whistler, checked into our hotell and settled in, got all organized and headed into Whistler lookin into shops for the remainder of the day ( me and Ant got matchin shorts and each got a shirt), I rang up Jenn whom was also in Whistler, but never got around to seeing her, had dinner at some pub wit my cousin and his gf, it was funny(specially when the weightor was kinda flirtin wit my aunt) tho I wasnt pleased wit the drinking and so on in there, so me and Ant got a pizza to go and took it back to our hotell room, lol yes we did get lost on the way to our hotell lol, it was fun, the piza was great, we watched telly and played wit all the stuffs in the room, went down to the exercise room, pool/hot tub and sauna before my mother and aunt retrned to the hotell room, my aunt stunk up the room lol!, watched more telly, my aunt departed, and kirsten arrived back hour later and sleepy time, tho my mother and Kirsten wouldnt stop laughin so I left the room for a bit till Ant came after me and brought me back and we finally went to SLEEP! like 2am!!

Sunday 11th: Up reasonably early, all took our showers etc, went into the village to have brekkie, picked up Starbucks(mmmm frapachino) while my mother got a table, we still had to wait even afta that, get our table FINALLY hehe mmm i had steak and eggs, Ant had blueberry pancakes, which he COMEPLETELY finished cuz of Kirsten makin threats lol, poor Ant, returned back to the hotell and packed up and so on, my aunt arrives and from there we venture back to the Village and decide to take the gondola up Whistler mountain, that alone was a 20 min trip in a gondola (my aunt, Kirsten, mother, Ant, and myself all in a gondola) LMAO, the view on the way up was spectacular tho :) and the view at the top was even betta, hehe there we hiked up a hill and played in the snow there, YA SNOW IN AUGUST HEHE!, me and Ant sat on a rock for a hour or soo just takin in it all and talkin, on the way to the dinner we stopped to play with the Snowmobile which im sure we could have started lol and drove away wit lol, too chicken to try tho, hehe afta playin we joined everyone at the diner where the food was sooo pricey we passed on that, got some pics there and took the gondola back down, (Ant almost fell out on the way down),finally back on the ground we looked in a few more stores , gettin back to our hotell were we had this idea to go kayaking OH LA LA hehe, so we packed the car and went out to Green lake and rented a double kayak, hehe this was soo fun we had a hour, and we got SOAKED!, not by fallin out or tippin, but we were splashing each other, basically for every one splash Ant did on me I gave 5 back so our boat was soooo full of water! hehe but hey we had fun :), man the day had gone by soo fast and my mother rushed us back to the car, quickly changed and were outa there and headed home, dropped Kirsten off where she got her car and we all went on home from there :)

Monday 12th: As is recall, this was another indoor day till my mother came home, we all decided cuz the weather was great we got our bathing suits and hit Splashdown Park the remainder of the day, Splashdown is a huge water park filled wit slides, we hit all the slides several times and were there before the park closed, before hand we tried racing on the slides: kamakazi, whipper etc..Ant beat me on all but 1 ( I suck at slides and speed, went airborn a few times lol )spent a lil time in the hottub, had ice cream, my mother picked us up at 8 and we were soo worn out we rested for the rest of the night

Tuesday 13th: With it being our last day together, tried to make it the best, we had Sarah and Jenn over, biked half way to the mall, I had Jenn on the back of my bike and of course we laughed to hard so she scooted back to her house wit Sarah, me and Ant went ahead to the mall, had poutine lolz, Jenn and Sarah finally arrived , Sarah had a healthy meal and Jenn also had poutine(lol poutine party), from there, we went around the mall in the shops, me and Jenn mental as usual lol, started at starbucks talkin to ppl, then Electronic Boutic collaspin on the floor at a toy that looked like our parents LMAO! OMB, then talkin to some kid and yellin out the window at him as he pointed at us talkin to some lady, tryin to get Ant to come see the boy who was our friend, then on we coverered ourselved wit body buter at the Body Shop, and perfume lol, played in many stores, Ant bought a backpack at Roots, a very kewl one btw, I want!!!, oh and we made fools in HMV, i plastered myself against the glass and Jenn attacked it to scare some ppl, then we went around playin wit stupid cds lol till Sarah and Ant ran time was over and me and Ant biked home , leavin Sarah and Jenn, spent a lil time in my house there, startin to get really upset by the time so lied in bed for a long time, till we decided to go downstairs, my mother and Ant went and got dinner, Ant cooked Lasagne (which was delicious!!), and went out when din was finished, Ant wrote a post card to his friend (lil late there) we sat on a park bench slurpin a cream soda slurpee and eatin ketchup chips, then mixin em lol, yum, we stayed out late, saw Jenn and Sarah at Banners, we hung out for ahwile and played in Safeway hehe, home late, spent the rest of the night in Ants room, I fell asleep on his bed, so he slept in my bed that night lol

Wednesday 14th :(: OMG LAST DAY :( , I was up early along with my mother, Let Ant sleep but woke him up eventually, this was one sad day, my mother took us into Steveston and Ant finished his shoppin for stuff to take back to nz. my mother also treated us to a nice brekfast where we looked at all our pictures, god time flew, it eventually was 2:00 as I watched Ant pack up his stuff, I got very emotional in the car as time was almost up, the airport was soo depressing, soo many tears flowed, standing in line waitin for Ant to depart, I saw my life go, collasping on the floor holding the black bear stuffed animal Ant had just bought me, I watched as the love of my life dissapeared around the corner to not see again for a long time, I cried for the rest of that day and still cry ever so often, now he's been gone for a week and a half and it still hurts not having him around, Anthony: I love you soo much hun and it hurts to not have you around, I guess i'll see you soon?, well i hope, I cant bear to live without your presence within arms reach... this concludes our 3 weeks, and I know we'll have many more memories, but these 3 weeke are 3 weeks to remember for ever and ever where I met the love of my life and prooved we were ment to be, the same habbits and attitude, who knew that an online romance could grow to such an undieing passion...

More Pics Of Us And Our 3 Weeks