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this is tough love ~ a zac fanfiction

**this is tough love**

This was my first story to post on I was a little nervous at first, because it was actually my first fiction in quite a while, and I was laying it all on the line to be reviewed. I didn't expect all the nice reviews I got. I can take criticism, as long as it's consctructive criticism, but everyone seemed to like it.
So, about the story. It deals with anorexia. I was wanting to send a message out, and I figured if I wrote it about Zac, that would get more people's attention than some no-name. I do not think Zac is fat. Ha, he's far from it. (But, Daniel Johns wasn't fat either when he was diagnosed with it.) I think Zac is just fine the way he is right now. ;) People that have eating disorders sadden me. Especially now how "thin is in" in Hollywood. I wanted people to see the effects this disorder has on a person and the people around them.
Also, I am not claiming that Zac has this disease. I don't know him personally, but I hope none of the Hanson brothers have an eating disorder. Just remember this is just fiction.

Little Facts From the Story
**Part One**
+I just roughly guessed at the boys' weights. I really don't think Zac weighs that much more than his brothers. If he does, it's all muscle. ;-) He is the more muscular one in the group. I noticed in one of the recent pictures his arm (bicep) was 2x the size of Taylor's.
**Part Two**
+ Bunbury is a real place, for those of you who don't know! I used to live there for a year! I'm back in the states now, but I still love Bunbury. The places mentioned were real too. (GWN Station Building, Hot FM, Fast Eddie's, even the tower Taylor talks about in the center of town.)
+Emma, the girl Taylor said informed him about the tower, is a real girl. Well, I named her after this girl I met in Bunbury. We became good friends, and she stayed at my flat one night, and we went out at 3AM and climbed the tower mentioned in the story. It was awesome!
+ I am a big fan of Paul Frank clothes, so of course I put our little hero wearing a Paul Frank T-shirt! :)

+on to chapter 1!+