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The old cottage in the back of the woods had been abandoned for over 15 years. It was the perfect place to live. Hidden in the woods, in the heart of Bakersfield, OK. Fifteen minutes away from town.

Haley Webb opened a closet door. She coughed from the dust that swirled in the air. The house was cute, but very dusty. The closet was empty all except for a faded yellow-handeled broom.

"The house is quite cozy." The real estates representative said. "Two bedrooms, one bath; that's plenty of room for a girl that's just moving out on her own. All you have to do is clean it up a little."

Haley smiled and nodded her head and shut the closet door. She couldn't wait to get out of her parents' house. They let her stay with them until she completed college and got her degree in teaching. Now daddy's-little-girl was ready to venture out on her own. Haley's mother, Teresa wanted to come house-shopping with her daughter but Haley knew she wouldn't like the idea of the cottage. Especially with the history behind it. But Haley wasn't at all superstitious.

Hayley walked back through the back bedroom. This was the room she liked best. She already had ideas running through her head of how she was going to fix it up. It was a spacious room. On the side it had a huge bay window with a window seat.

"I want it." Hayley told the woman in her mid-40s. "I want to buy this cottage."

"Oh, that's great!" The woman smiled.

Haley busied herself with cleaning some windows until her parents got there. She was cooking them a dinner in her first home. She heard a car pulling up in the driveway and tossed the clear container of blue liquid and rag in the cabinet under the sink. She washed her hands and dried them on the towel set. The auroma of dinner that she prepared by herself, filled the air.

Her mother knocked once on the door and then let herself in. Her father, Jim, followed close behind. He was wearing the same Atlanta Braves baseball cap that he always wears.

"Welcome to my humble home." Haley smiled.

"Well, isn't this just the cutest place?" Teresa cooed. Haley beamed. It was a good thing, getting a compliment from her mom.

"I love what you've done with the place, Hal. It looks so," Teresa breathed in the auroma of dinner, "homey."

"Well, tonight I have prepared a lovely dinner for you. Pot roast, rolls, corn, mashed potatoes, and beans." Haley said.

Jim licked his lips, "Let's eat."

Teresa smacked Jim on the arm. "Not until we look at the rest of the house." She scolded.

The corners of his lips formed a smile. "Yes, Ma'am." He said.

"Well, if you'll just follow me, I'll give you the grand tour." Haley said. She showed them down the hall, lined with pictures of family and her childhood. She pushed open the first door which was the guest room. The queen size bed was adorned with a quilt that her grandmother made the Spring before she died. An old nightstand covered with a white dolly accompanied the bed. A long chain hung down from the ceiling connected to the light in the middle of the room. A closet was on the far end and an antique lamp was on the wall over the bed.

"What a nice room." Teresa commented, walking across the newly carpeted room.

"Yes, yes. Very lovely. Next room." Jim said hurriedly.

"Oh, hush up Jim. You'll get your food when you get it." Teresa said.

Haley stifled a laugh. Her parents had been like that ever since she could remember. Her mother had always been the dominant figure of the household.

"Next, is my bathroom." Haley said, leading them further down the hall.

Her bathroom, she had decorated with a "deep sea" theme. The wallpaper was a seagreen color with gold and light pink sponge-painted seahorses and starfish. She pinned a large fishnet over the ceiling, and got an ocean-themed shower curtain. She painted the counters under the sink, which had originally been puke-green, a lovely sea-green that matched the wallpaper brilliantly. Even her bathmat, which had fish on it went with the whole theme.

"Well, it's not my particular taste, but it's cute." Teresa said. She twisted the knob on the sink.

"Yes, mother. I have running water." Haley laughed.

Her mother looked at her disapprovingly.

The end of the hallway brought them to Haley's room.

She hung thick, dark maroon curtains over the bay window and patched up the window seat to match. Her king-size waterbed was in the middle of the room, decorated with her wild animal print sheets and cover.

"Definately not my taste." Teresa said looking at the black and white zebra stripes. Well, Haley knew she must of done something right if it didn't fit her mother's tastes.

"I kinda like it." Jim said, siding with his daughter, as usual. Haley smiled at him, appreciating his comment.

Boxes were still scattered in her room because she had only been here a week.

"Well, Dad, I know you're hungry, so let's go eat now."

"Thank goodness." Jim sighed. "I can smell that food all the way in here."

"Well, alright then." Teresa granted her permission.

They sat in silence for a few minutes, savouring the meal before them.

"So, Haley. Have you decided what to do for a job?" Teresa asked, sliding her fork across her plate and scooping up some homemade mashed potatoes.

"I'm going to teach third grade." She said.

"Third grade? Why third grade?" Teresa asked.

"Why not?" Haley asked back.

"You need to think about settling down." Teresa advised.

"That was the whole point of moving out." Haley replied.

"No, I mean, you can live alone your whole life, Hal." She explained and sipped on her tea.

"Well, I'll get a cat."

Jim chuckled at his daughter's wit. She got it from him.

Teresa rolled her eyes. Like father, like daughter.

