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"I'm feeling like a Monday, but someday I'll be Saturday night."- Bon Jovi

"I passed go. Give me 200 dollars, lady." Katie held out her hand.

"Geez, girl. You're racking up on this money business." Haley handed her niece two 100 dollar Monopoly bills.

Katie beamed, greedily and put the money with the rest of her stash. "Pocket change." She said.

All Haley had left was a measly 100 dollar bill. If she landed on one more of Katie's properties, she'd be bankrupt.

"I quit." Haley announced, throwing the boot and money in the bank.

"Aw, but it was just getting fun." Katie whined.

"Yeah, because you were winning everything." Haley teased.

"Yeah, so?" Katie cleared the board, helping her aunt put all the pieces up. "Tell me more about this John Bates guy."

Haley rolled her eyes. She was trying not to think of him. "It's just some guy that works with Grandma."

"At the bank?"

"Yeah, he's new there. As usual, Grandma decides to set him up with me. All the guys she picks out for me are workaholics who probably never have any fun." Haley sighed. It was true. The past guys, Douglas, Matthew, Edward, etc, had all been workaholics. They would get mad if Haley tried something fun or spontaneous. The only one that was halfway decent was Edward. The last she heard from him, he was engaged.

"Hey, that Isaac guy at Pizza Hut was cool." Katie said, interrupting her thoughts.

"Yeah, he was. Too bad Grandma can't find guys like that to set me up with."

"Well, he seemed pretty interested in you, Hal." Katie smiled.

"Nah, he was just being polite."

"Oh, puh-lease. When is 'just being polite' giving you his phone number." Katie smirked.

"He didn't give me his..." Haley paused and looked at her grinning niece. "Katie, what did you do?"

Katie opened her purse and pulled out a Pizza Hut napkin. "Isaac Hanson, 250-34-"

Haley snatched the napkin from Katie before she could get the last two digits out.

"You really did get it. You little sneak." Haley smiled.

"Why, you're so welcome Aunt Haley." Katie said. Then pointing at the napkin, "Look, he even drew a smiley face."

"That's cute." Haley said, putting the napkin next to the phone.

"Well are you going to call it?" Katie asked.

"What? No. I mean, not right now." Haley said. "You call it."

"Must I do everything for you?" She asked.

"Hey, who's my favorite niece?" Haley reminded her.

"Hey, who's you're only niece?"

"Okay, point taken. Just call it. I want to see if he's there." Haley handed Katie the phone.

Katie dialed the number, relunctantly.

Haley listened to the one-sided conversation.

"Is this Isaac?....Hi, this is Katie from Pizza Hut. I got your number for my aunt, Haley.....she's right here...No, she's too shy. She made me call....What is she doing tomorrow night? Well I think she has plans to go out with-"

Haley snatched the phone. "Isaac? It's Haley."

"Hi Haley." He said. "So, I was just asking Katie if you had anything planned for tomorrow night?"

"As a matter of fact, I don't really have anything planned." She said.

"Oh, cool. So, uh, would you be interested in a movie or dinner or something? I mean, I know this seems a little forward so if you say no I'll understand." He said.

"Yeah, a movie sounds fine." She said.

"Okay, awesome. So, should I pick you up?"

"Yeah, if you want. I live at the cottage at the end of Dalton Drive. Do you know where that's at?"

"Yeah. So, what time should I be there tomorrow night?"

I dunno. How about seven?"

"Okay, I'll be there 5 'til. I just have to drop Mikey off at my mom's house."

"Okay then. So, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Tomorrow." He said, hanging up the phone.

Haley couldn't stop smiling. "I don't know if I should kill you or thank you."

"Well, a nice 'Thank you, Katie for getting my dream guy's phone number for me.' would be suffient." Katie said.

"Crap, I have to call John."

"Oh, yeah. That would have been interesting tomorrow night. Both guys showing up and duking it out over you."

"Yeah, very interesting." Haley said sarcastically. She picked up the phone once again, calling the number her mother gave her.

"Hello. You have reached the answering machine for John Bates. I can't be here right now, so leave a message after the beep. I'll get back to you as soon as I can."

"Hi, John, it's Haley. I've made other plans for tomorrow night, so I'm going to have to cancel our date. And I don't want to re-schedule either."

Katie gave Haley a high-five after she hanged the phone up.

"Way to go Aunt Hal. Tell those boring workaholics who's boss."
