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Chapter 8

Haley stood in front of the classroom. It's was buzzing with the sounds of third-graders catching up with friends they haven't seen since before the summer.
Haley cleared her throat loudly.
"Would everyone find their desks, please?" She said over the noise.
The students turned their attention to their new teacher and obeyed her. Mrs.Braden, the para-pro helped some students find their desks with their names labeled on them.
"I am Ms.Webb, and this is my helper Mrs.Braden." She pointed to Jean. "We're gonna start class off today by playing a name game. This will help us all learn each other's names. When I point to you, stand up, say your name and tell us a little bit about yourself."
The kids began to get excited. Only a few shyed away, and when called on blushed profusely and stuttered through their answer.
Haley began matching faces with names. By lunch time, her and Jean had just about all of the kids' names memorized.
After a long day of fun and games, and chasing down third graders, Haley went straight home. She was competely tired, but she'd never felt better.
She took her shoes off first thing, then noticing the light on her answering machine blinking, she pressed play.
"Haley-" It was her mom."Whatever happened with you and John, I hope you can work through this-"
Haley hit fastforward.
"Hey Haley, it's Katie. Can you come pick me up this weekend if you're not too busy? How did everything go on your first day of teaching? Call me whenever you get home!"
"Hal, it's John. Please call me. I'm sorry I overreacted last week. I miss you so much. I was wrong and I realize that now. Please give me another chance."
Haley paused. He sounded like a small child. She was touched by his sincerity. What's a girl to do?
Before Isaac had left for L.A., they promised to just be friends, and whenever he got back, they'd see how things went.
Haley called Katie back.
"Hey, Kates. I can come and pick you up for this weekend if your dad OK's it."
Katie covered the phone with her hand. Seconds later, Brad picked up the extension.
"It's okay, Hal, I give you my blessings."
"So, how were the third graders?" Katie asked as soon as her dad dropped his phone back into the cradle.
"Oh, they were great. There was this one, Ben, that was just absolutely adorable. He had blond hair, the bluest eyes, and cute freckles. He was the class clown. How did your first day go?"
"I thought you'd never ask!" Katie gushed. "I think I'm in love."
Haley chuckled, "Who is it this time?"
"Derick Simon!" She shrieked. "He sat next to me at lunch, and SHARED HIS OREOS WITH ME!!"
Haley laughed out loud. "It must be love if he shared his Oreos with you."
"Also, he drinks Dr.Pepper. Is that a sign or what?"
"I'd say it's a sign." Haley said. "A sign that you're insane."
Katie laughed. "I get my insanity from you. It runs in the family."
"Now that much is true."
"Well, Aunt Hal, I've gotta go do homework." Katie said.
"Homework on the first day? Now that's rough."

The next morning, Haley's alarm went off at 5:30 AM. She groaned, rolled over and pressed the snooze button.
"Five more minutes." She muttered.
Tuesday morning had come too early for Haley's liking. She pulled herself out of bed when the second alarm went off. She took a quick, cold shower to wake her up. She grabbed another one of her "teacher outfits"; black dress pants, and a white button-up 3-quarter length sleeved shirt.
Haley breezed through the kitchen, grabbing a banana to eat on the way to school. She grabbed her leather briefcase and black purse that sat next to the front door, and stepped out onto the porch, and locked up her house. It was then that the phone chirped wildly. Hallie dropped her briefcase, and fished her keys back out of her purse and pushed the door open after unlocking it.
"I'm coming, I'm coming!" She yelled at the phone as she raced to her desk in the living room, picking up the phone.
"Hello?" She said.
She heard the dialtone in response.
"Dang." She said and put the phone back down.
Across the country, Isaac sadly hung up the phone.
"She must be at school already." Isaac said to himself.
He was in a hotel room, paid for by the record label, that he shared with Mikey. Mikey was spread out on the second bed, deep into his sleep.
John Bates sat in his teller position, and called the next customer.
"I'd like to close my account." The lady said, and handed him her account info.
John did all of the necesary steps to close her account, and counted her money back to her.
"$578. 56 is your total closing balance." He said.
He glanced at the line. It wasn't too busy.
"I'll be right back." He said to the teller next to him. He closed his window, and disappeared into the back room. He entered the staff room and picked up the phone.
He dialed Haley's house. He left another message on her answering machine.
"Hal, it's me again. Please call me."
