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~the taylor files~

Chapter Two

Kelsie called Lance early the next morning after she apologetically called Candice.
"I won't be able to make it to the last week of summer camp." She said.
"What? Kelsie, why?" He asked.
"My best friend died and I'm helping his mom with the funeral and such." She said. Her voice held strong for her.
"I'm sorry, Kelsie." He said. "I'll just ask Chuck to double up. He'll understand."
"Thank you." Kelsie said good-bye and hung up the phone.
Jo-Ann knocked on her daughter's bedroom door.
"Candice is here." She said.
"Okay. Send her to my room." She replied. Candice appeared a few seconds later.
"Hi." She said. Her eyes were red and puffy.
They hugged.
"I'm sorry I was such an idiot yesterday." She said.
"Don't worry about it." Candice said with a wave of her hand. "You were in shock, I'm sure."
"Yeah. It's all too weird." She said. "The bad thing is I took a detour around his wreck on my way home from camp, and didn't even know it was him."
"That's horrible." Candice said. "Can I tell you something?"
"Sure." Kelsie said, and shut the door.
"For the past 3 months, Evan and I have been having a secret relationship. We didn't want to tell you because we didn't want it to mess up our friendship with you. We were even thinking about getting engaged. This hurts me so much."
"I'm so sorry." She said to Candice and gave her a big hug.
"Lauren, his mom, was the only one who knew. She of course was all for our relationship." Candice said.
"I'm sorry Candice. I don't know what to say." Kelsie said. The fact that Candice and Evan had had a relationship didn't surprise Kelsie much. She knew that they had been really close.
Candice wiped at tears in her eyes.
"We better get going." She said.

Taylor smacked at his alarm clock that was buzzing loudly beside his bed. He sat up in bed and stretched out. He got up, changed into the first thing he pulled out of his closet and slipped some shoes on. Isaac was downstairs in the kitchen, drinking coffee.
"I was about to come and wake you." He said.
Taylor looked through the freezer and pulled out a frozen bagel. He cut it in half and put each half in the toaster oven.
"Do we have cream cheese?" Taylor asked Isaac.
"Yeah. I'll get it for you." Isaac said. He got the cream cheese from the fridge.
"Catch." He said and tossed it at Taylor.
"Thanks." He replied.
"No problem." Isaac picked up the newspaper and turned it to the comics.
"Can I see the paper after you?" Taylor asked.
"No." Isaac said quickly.
"And why not?" He asked.
"Because I said and I'm older." Isaac said.
"Ike, quit being a dork." Taylor said.
Taylor put his toasted bagel on a saucer and spread cream cheese over the top. He walked past Isaac into the living room and when he did he snatched the newspaper.
"Taylor!" Isaac yelled angrily.
Taylor sat on the comfortable black leather couch, balanced his saucer on his knees, and held the frontpage of the newspaper up. And there it was; the reason Isaac did not want him seeing the newspaper. Right on the front page was Evan's crushed car.


Mrs.Johnson was on the phone when the girls let themselves in her front door. She held up a finger to them implying that she'd be off the phone in a minute.She talked into the phone for a few more minutes then hung up.
"I was, uh, planning the funeral." She said sadly.
Each girl hugged Mrs.Johnson.
"Do you girl's have anything you want to add at the funeral? A speech? A song?"
Both girls looked at each other.
"Can we think it over?" Kelsie asked.
"Yes." Mrs. Johnson. "If you can tell me tonight or early in the morning. The funeral is on Tuesday."
Tuesday. thought Kelsie The day after tomorrow Evan will be gone and buried. Forever.
Tears sprung up to Kelsie's eyes and she quickly wiped them away.
There was a knock at the door and Mrs.Johnson got up to answer it.
"Hello, Taylor." She said.
Kelsie's eyes got huge. She jerked her head around to the front door. She couldn't see him because he was still standing on the doorstep.
"Kels there's something I have to tell you-" Candice said. Kelsie wasn't paying attention.
"Won't you come in, Taylor?" Mrs. Johnson said. "Kels!" Candice said.
Taylor walked through the front door and it took Kelsie's breath away. He was wearing a black button-up short sleeved shirt and black jeans. Kelsie was frozen.
"Candice!" He said, running up to Candice and giving her a hug.
Kelsie was puzzled. "Y-You know Taylor?" She stampered.
"That's what I was trying to tell you." She said.
"You've betrayed me." Kelsie said. How could she meet Taylor and not tell her and not introduce her.
"I'm sorry but Evan asked me not to say anything." Candice said.
"You must be Kelsie." Taylor said and stuck his hand out to her.
He knows my name!!
"Yeah." Kelsie said. She shook his hand. "How'd you know?"
"Lucky guess." He said.
"I can't believe you know my name. Wow. Omigosh. Omigosh. Omigosh."
"Kels, " Candice said. "Do you need to sit down?"
"Sit down? Yes. I need to sit down." Kelsie sat down on Mrs.Johnson's dark purple couch. "I can't believe I just met THE Taylor Hanson."
Taylor raised an eyebrow at Candice. She shrugged and whispered, "I told you."
He nodded knowingly. Evan and Candice warned him about Kelsie's obsession with him and that she'd been wanting to meet him. Taylor had asked them to please not set them up for a meeting after he found out about her "Taylor file" she keeps in her desk.
"Taylor?" Mrs.Johnson asked, "Would you like to add anything to the funeral? A speech? Song?"
"I think I want to give a speech." He said.
Mrs. Johnson nodded, "I had you in mind for the eulogy."
"I'll do it." He said.
"Well, girls, would you like to come with me into town?" Taylor asked. "I have a few things to do."
"Yes." Kelsie and Candice said in unison.
"Mrs. Johnson?"
"No thanks sweetie, but thanks for asking. I must stay here and take phone calls." She said. They each gave her another hug.
"We'll be back later this evening if that's okay." Taylor said.
"You're always welcome." She replied. "Even after the funeral, you guys can come and visit me sometime."
When they left, Lauren Johnson broke down in tears that she'd been holding back since the girls first got there.
