Butterflies - Beautiful photographs of Butterflies

Welcome to KingSeany's pages on Butterflies. I'm not an expert on butterflies, so don't expect all the names here, I do however love to get a photo of different ones if I can, so here are a few of them. Move the mouse over each one for any information available on them.

Spotted in cottage garden at Lisö, Sorunda (Sweden). Photograph by Sean Creech, 2002 Spotted in cottage garden at Lisö, Sorunda (Sweden). Photograph by Sean Creech, 2002 Queen of Spain fritillary - Issoria lathonia, common all over Europe, except the UK. Photographed in cottage garden at Lisö, Sorunda (Sweden). Photograph by Sean Creech, 2002 The Apollo Butterfly, now an endangered species. This one was photographed at the roadside in Lisö, Sorunda (Sweden). Photograph by Sean Creech, 2002. Click for more information and photos on this one! Nymphalis Antiopa (Mourning Cloak). Spotted in Lindholmen Sorunda (Sweden). Photograph by Sean Creech (c) 2002 Spotted in cottage garden at Lisö, Sorunda (Sweden). Photograph by Sean Creech, 2002 Spotted in cottage garden at Lisö, Sorunda (Sweden). Photograph by Sean Creech, 2002 Common Blue Butterfly. Spotted in cottage garden at Lisö, Sorunda (Sweden). Photograph by Sean Creech, 2002 'Peacock Butterfly  (Inachis io, Nymphalidae family). Spotted in wasteland in Ösmo (Sweden). Photograph (c) Sean Creech, 2002
Large Tortoiseshell butterfly. Spotted in cottage garden at Lisö, Sorunda (Sweden). Photograph by Sean Creech, 2002 This is a male 'orange tip' butterfly. It is a member of the white family, fairly common all over europe in the spring time.  Females dont have orange tips like the males.Taken in May by Muskan Lake, Ösmo (Sweden). Photograph by Sean Creech, 2003 Taken in woods just outside Ösmo (Sweden). Photograph by Sean Creech, July 2003 Taken by the roadside of Körunda Golf Club, just outside Ösmo (Sweden). Photograph by Sean Creech, July 2003 Ringlet Butterfly (Aphantopus hyperantus) Taken in tall grasses, by woods, Ösmo (Sweden). Photograph by Sean Creech, July 2003. Click for more information and photographs. (Cynthia cardui) Painted Lady Butterfly - Lakeside in Ösmo, August, photograph (c) Sean Creech 2003 Photographed at Ösmo, July, (c) Sean Creech 2003

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