The Queen of Hearts

It was quite hard to start writing this poem
To describe someone like you, who was always so glowing
But you were my gran, and I loved you so much
So I'll continue this rhyme, with it's personal touch


I'll always remember those times as a child
When I came to your house, and, oh how I smiled
Inside it was always so warm and inviting
I must admit, that I found it exciting


Rooms upon rooms all blooming with flowers
Because you were there, to tend them for hours
And out in the garden, twas always so green
Even the spider webs were sparkling and clean


The kettle always boiling, to make more hot tea
Perhaps just for a pot, or as many as three
But not just tea, there was always a spread
There was never a time, when we weren't all well fed


Your pantry always full, of biscuits and buns
In all those years, you must have made tons!
And who could forget drinking, your wonderful wine
But one glass too many, twas hard to walk a straight line!


You were always so busy, a bit like a bee
But always so happy, which was easy to see
You taught me well, to play Newmarket and Whist
I really don't think, there was one trick you missed


I'm so glad I knew you, you were simply the best
I was never unhappy, nor sad, or depressed
All in all gran, you were a master of arts
And you'll always remain the queen of our hearts

Olive Luxton. Photo by Rosina Redwood (c) 2003. Click for larger photo.
Olive Luxton

This is a poem which I wrote for my gran, shortly after she died in May 2003. I read this in Chilla Chapel, which was full of friends and family. I think it sums up her life, a total of 96 years on this earth.

The Queen of Hearts is to appear in print in a book called "Look Back in Life" by Forward Press / Anchor Books. It will be available mid 2004 on ISBN 1844183173, priced £13.99.

I also wrote her a poem, while she was in hospital, and it was simply titled 'Gran'

I know you've not been well - for a while
So I'm writing this poem,
which I hope makes you smile!
You are always so happy, so cheerful and bright
I just wish that you get better,
so put up a fight!

You're always so busy, with bingo and whist
Always so handy, and truly an artist
Your cooking is just great
Really, there's nothing I hate
In fact it's something I've really missed

I remember your custard, all yellow and thick
And your wine of course, which has such a kick!
Your biscuits are faultless
And made with such briskness
Just hard to know which one to pick!

I've always wondered,
if you'll live to a hundred
or maybe a hundred and four
just a few years, there'll be plenty of cheers
when that telegram pops through your door

Although I'm not there, I really do care,
So I'm sending my love to you, Gran
From over the sea
I hope you can see
That I really am a big fan!

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