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undefined Sailor Archangel

Sailor Archangel


Civilian Name: Junryou Hahaoya

Meaning: Mother of Purity
Age: In general, Junryou's age is over 5 billion years old. In present time, she grows up from a child to a teenager of sixteen. Currently, Junryou's 17.
B-Day: Before the world was created. In her reincarnated life, she was born on December 9th.
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Fav. Food: Anything spicy and anything sweet (like buffalo wings and bakery goods)
Least Fav. Food: none
Fav. Color: any color that's found on precious stones (rubies, emeralds, diamonds, sapphires, etc.)
Fav. Animal: Wolf
Fav. Fantasy Animal: Dragons, because of their resemblance to demons in Hell.



Height: 5 feet, 6 inches
Hair: VERY curly brown hair that reaches to her waist, and reaches to her knees when wet. Junryou usually gets frustrated with the mass, and ties it in a bun or braid.....which usually falls out because there's so much of it. ^^
Eyes: Emerald. Can hold mortals entranced if they glance at her. Greedy men sometimes want to pluck them out because they look like gems.
Skin: Tan
Build: At a glance, she looks very fragile. But she has above average muscles when she flexes them for a fight. They're not bulging like a body builder's, but are big enough to show opponents she can do some pretty decent damage.
Usual Clothing: In the Biblical time of her life, she usually wore the ordinary robes they had back then. On occasion, she wore REALLY short mini skirts and barely anything on her top. She did this just to tick off the Beings of Heaven. When she was in her "angelic" form, she wore a long, white flowing gown, with no sleeves, and a golden belt around her waist.
Present Time: Before her Reawakening, she only wore "casual wear." Typical t-shirts, heel-length jeans, and tennis shoes. After dying from the Stigmata, she's back to her old self. Which means she wears her school uniform in a way that's DEFINITELY against school rules. And having skimpy clothing out in public.


Hobbies: Training in Martial Arts, teasing others, collecting precious gems, making jewelry, planning her revenge against Heaven (this was in the past) Art & writing

Talents: very skilled with a sword. Can make jewelry and other accessories with gems she buys, finds, or even steals. She's a wonderful artist and writer, even though she doesn't think so. Is always coming up with new ideas, which she can never keep up with.
Inabilities: Cannot control her temper somtimes. (not like she really wants too) Doesn't make first good impressions on some. Isn't able to "completely" rebel against God, since He has more control over her than she thinks. (this was in the past) Can be easily distracted Can't do one thing for a long period of time. So, she gets bored fast.
Future Dream: Before her Reawakening, she wished to be a martial arts expert and a famous jeweler. (in the past)
Present:(in FSRPG) Wishes to be a professional artist and writer, preferably a manga-ka.
Goals/Purpose: Tries to convince the mortals that Jesus' cruxifiction and Resurrection were all a hoax. (succeeds in doing this, convincing much of the world) To become the mother of Antichrist. Prove to the human race there are other gods (all that was in the past)
Present: (FSRPG) Hopes to get back to Heaven and reunited with everyone there. Hopes to find her lost guardian and father figure, Asmodeus, whom she believes is dead. But she won't give up looking for him, until she finds out for sure. Protect the other senshi from the demons of Hell, so they don't become candidates to be the mother of Anti-Christ.


*In the Past*: Not what you'd expect from a being that comes from Heaven. Sailor Angel's very violent, which may be the result of what the angels used her for.

Due to her abusive life, she goes on numerous killing sprees, taking the lives of both immortal beings and humans. She's very stubborn, not listening to her "guardian," Asmodeus or God Himself.
But because the Lord is so merciful, He lets Sailor Angel slide on occasion. Which makes her very cocky, thinking she can get away with anything. Typical spoiled brat.
In her "reincarnated" life on Earth,(notice I used that term loosely) she's an innocent 7 year old child.(who's deaf and dumb, BTW) She's not AS evil like the time she was in Heaven, due to Asmodeus' "fatherly" attentions. Yet she still has her mean streak, because of her connection to God's female equivalent, Pistis-Sophia. (which I am NOT going into right now. >_>)

NOW: (FSRPG) After recent events dealing with a struggle between Heaven, Assiah, and Hell, Junryou's very skittish. She acts like a small puppy who's been kicked around too much. She still maintains her evil steak, but her pain overshadows it most of the time.

Nowadays, it takes alot of effort for people to gain her trust. In hopes of getting back to Heaven, she tries her best to help others and actually "be nice" to them. Not an easy thing for Junryou.



*Normal senshi fuku*

Tiara Gem: Diamond
Earrings: A gold cross in each ear
Choker: Gold with a silver cross in the middle of it
Collar: Gold with no stripes
Bows' color: Silver
Skirt: Gold
Gloves: Motorbike gloves. They start at her wrists with a gold band. The rest is white. Her fingers protrude out of the gloves.
Brooch: A golden crucifix. It changed from a regular cross to a crucifix in order to symbolize Junryou's rough life.
Shoes: Gold and reach her knees. The tops' edges are white and has a single silver cross.
Her sleeves are fluffy silver feathers that stick out.
Two large white wings come from her back. She doesn't have to be in senshi form to have the wings. She's able to summon them whenever there's a emergency, whether it be in senshi or civilian form.
ELEMENT: Heaven & Hell, Light & Dark, Good & Evil, Life & Death (they're all related, more than you think. Believe me ^_~)
TALISMAN/WEAPON: A silver sword, with a golden hilt. The hilt is decorated with precious gems. (diamonds, rubies, emeralds. saphires, amythests, etc.) Archangel never carries this weapon around with her. God took it from after He returned to this Dimension. Archangel only recieves the sword from time to time when God feels that it's necessary.
She always carries a long golden cross in her senshi form. Even though it may look thin and very fragile, Archangel is still able to crush her opponents bones with it. So, it's sturdier than it looks.
Transformation Phrase: Celestial Heaven Power!


*No Name*: A Death-based attack. Because Archangel is still part cyborg, she has leftover machine parts and acids. For this attack, the Angel Choir(inside her brain) chip plays a significant role. Using mind power, she summons the acids from the chip, and extracts them from it. She then directs the acid's course through her head until it reaches her mouth. Seizing her opponent's head, Archangel presses her lips to their's forcing their mouth open. She then lets the acid flow from her mouth to her opponent's. The victim then starts to cough up blood and their body spasms. It doesn't take long for the victim's skin to start deteriorating, the acid eating at its flesh as it enters the bloodstream. It's a quick death, but truly agonizing.

*Stigmata*: After Archangel calls this out, her opponent is flung to the ground by an unseen force, onto their stomach. 39 bloody whip lash marks appear on their bare flesh, and they are flipped onto their back. They then start to hallucinate, seeing nails being pounded into their wrists and feet. Blood pours from their forehead from their vision of a crown of thorns. An "illusion" of a cross on fire is then seen above them. The victim is then jerked up by the unseen force, and slammed against the cross, being held there. The flames lick at them, making them cry out in terror and pain. After that, the victim sees a long spear, and it's thrusted into their side. They stay there, being burned alive, until they meet Death.
*Holy Cross Laser*: Golden light forms at the very top tip of Archangel's Cross staff. The light's energy builds up, then shoots out toward her opponent, seriously injuring or killing them. Depends on how strong the adversary is.
*Destruction Angels' Curse*: (a "gift" from the Pistis-Sophia) Not exactly an attack, more like a power-up. Archangel calls upon the Angels of Destruction from both Heaven and Hell to lend their power to her. White light comes from Heaven and black light comes from Hell, and the beams surround Archangel completely. When they disappear, an apparition/illusion of a pair of angel wings and demon wings form on Archangel's back. The four wings then disappear, and are absorbed into her body. This power-up enables Archangel's attacks with MUCH more brute force for battle. She must be careful after she does this, because if she's in a rage and using another attack, it can take a chunk out of the land surrounding her. So she must control herself when using it.
It's rumored that Archangel's guardian, Asmodeus, was killed when she first used this, so she's only done it once, not wanting to lose anyone else close to her. She swears she'll never summon the attack unless in very dire emergencies.

Extra Details: For a thorough explanation about what happened with the Pistis-Sophia, go here: (WARNING:It's pretty long. And believe it or not, that's not even the WHOLE story. ^^)